
Monday, June 27, 2016

Muhammad Anas - Running - Olympian

 Muhammad Anas  will represent India in Rio 2016 Olympics in 400 m running.


Ankit Sharma - Long Jumper

Ankit Sharma will represent India in Rio 2016 Olympics



Sunday, June 26, 2016

India National Manufacturing Policy - CLUSTERING AND AGGREGATION Policy and Programmes

The National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs) will be developed as
integrated industrial townships with state-of-the art infrastructure and land use on the
basis of zoning; clean and energy efficient technology; necessary social
infrastructure; skill development facilities, etc., to provide a productive environment
to persons transitioning from the primary sector to the secondary and tertiary
sectors. These NIMZs would be managed by SPVs which would ensure master
planning of the Zone; pre-clearances for setting up the industrial units to be located
within the zone and undertake such other functions as specified in the various
sections of this policy. To enable the NIMZ to function as a self governing and
autonomous body, it will be declared by the State Government as an Industrial
Township under Art 243 Q(c) of the Constitution. In sum, the NIMZs would be large
areas of developed land, with the requisite eco-system for promoting world class
manufacturing activity. They would be different from SEZs in terms of size, level of
infrastructure planning, and governance structures related to regulatory procedures
and exit policies.
9.1 Land for NIMZs
(a) Size of land for NIMZ – An NIMZ would have an area of at least 5000
hectares in size.
(b) Availability of land
i. Government owned land;
- The State Government will be responsible for selection
of land suitable for development of the NIMZ including land acquisition if
necessary. The land may constitute:
ii. Private lands falling within the proposed NIMZ, to be acquired by the State
iii. Land under existing industrial areas/estates/sick and defunct units including
Guiding principles
i. Preferably in waste lands; infertile and dry lands not suitable for cultivation;
- Following guiding principles will be applied by the State
Government for the purpose:
ii. Use of agricultural land to the minimum;
iii. All acquisition proceedings to specify a viable resettlement and rehabilitation
iv. Reasonable access to basic resources like water;
v. It should not be within any ecologically sensitive area or closer than the
minimum distance specified for such an area.
(c) Ownership
i) Keep the ownership with state government itself;
– It is left to the State Government to adopt a model that it
considers most workable. It may:
ii) transfer the ownership to a state government undertaking;
iii) Have joint ownership with a private partner;
iv) Adopt any other appropriate model.
(d) Irrespective of the model adopted, the state government will ensure that the
land can be mortgaged by the prospective allottees for securing financial
assistance from banks/FIs.
(e) After identification of the land, it will be the responsibility of the state
government to get the environmental impact study conducted for a
prospective NIMZ. DIPP in consultation with Ministry of Environment &
Forests will notify designated agencies for conducting the study.
(f) At least 30% of the total land area proposed for the NIMZ will be utilized for
location of manufacturing units. The states may reserve a certain
percentage of the land as appropriate, in a zone, for MSMEs.
(g) The State Government will bear the cost of the resettlement & rehabilitation
package for the owners of acquired lands, if any. An arrangement to recover
the costs could be put in place in collaboration with the SPV.
9.2 Administrative Structure for NIMZs
The administrative structure of NIMZ will comprise of a Special Purpose Vehicle, a
developer, State Government and the Central Government.
9.2.1Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV):
The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, notify an NIMZ.
An SPV will be constituted to exercise the powers conferred on, and discharge the
functions assigned to it under this Policy to manage the affairs of the NIMZ. Every
SPV shall be a legal entity by the name of the NIMZ. This SPV can be a company,
including a Section 25 company depending upon the MOU between stakeholders.
9.2.2Constitution of SPV
Keeping in view the financial participation of different stakeholders (govt., public
sector or private participants), an appropriate financial and administrative structure of
the SPV will be agreed to among different stakeholders giving due representation to
nominees of different stakeholders on the Board of SPV. The CEO of the SPV will
be a senior Central/State government official. The SPV will include an official/expert
conversant with the work relating to pollution control/environmental protection.
There shall be a provision to have a suitable representation of the allottees and
subsequently the industrial units.
1. Master planning of the Zone.
Functions of SPV
Each SPV will undertake such tasks/measures as it thinks fit for the development,
growth, operation and management of the NIMZ. These tasks/measures will include:
2. Preparation of a strategy for development of the Zone and an action plan for
self regulation to serve the purpose of the policy. These shall be submitted to
the Board of Approval.
3. Selection of Developer/Co-developers for the development and maintenance
of infrastructure internal to the NIMZ;
4. Formulation of rules and procedures for development, operation, regulation
and management of the NIMZ;
5. Enforcement of the above rules and Master Plan;
6. Obtaining prior environmental clearance under the provisions of EIA
Notification 2006, if the area is more than 500 ha and the clearances under
the Air and Water Act as applicable to an individual unit, which clearances
would be expedited/facilitated by SPV.
7. Working out an arrangement with the State Government regarding revenue
streams including levy of user or service charges or fees or rent for the use of
infrastructure/properties in the NIMZ and creation of specific mechanisms for
specialized services. As far as possible, land to manufacturing industry will
be provided on land cost plus development charge basis with the option of
payment in installments. Workers’ housing will be provided at reasonable
rates with cross subsidization from high end residential/commercial areas, if
8. Promotion of investment, both foreign and domestic, into the NIMZ;
9. Implementation of Resettlement & Rehabilitation package;
 10. Any other function as may be decided mutually between state government
and other stakeholders.
9.3. Developer
SPV can take up the work of development on its own through various
agencies/contractors or take up the development in partnership with a developer
who shall be selected through a transparent process. Development can be in
9.4. State Government:
9.4.1 Water Requirement
In keeping with the overall master plan, the SPV will work out the requirement of
water both for industrial and housing activities. The state government, as far as
possible, will allocate surface water from sources from which it would be viable to
draw water for the NIMZ. The NIMZ would be enabled to have/own facilities for
tapping/extraction, treatment and distribution of water. There should be a long term
agreement with SPV on water rate payable on raw water linked to WPI or any other
suitable index.
9.4.2 Power connectivity
i. State Government will facilitate the creation of captive power plants by Private
Players (including the SPV of the NIMZ) with full authority for generation,
transmission and distribution. The units will also be allowed to seek open access
as per the regulations of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission;
- The generation, transmission and distribution of
electricity in NIMZ will be facilitated as follows:
ii. The SPV or its agent, for the NIMZ shall be deemed to have license to supply
electricity and develop the distribution network for the same and shall be
deemed to be a licensee under section 14 of Electricity Act, 2003;
iii. The SPV or its agent will have an option to purchase electricity for NIMZ from
any State Electricity Company/Corporation or any other generator of electricity
including Central PSU.

9.4.3 Infrastructure linkages -
The State Government, applying for NIMZ, will ensure that after notifying the area, all
physical infrastructure and utilities linkages under its jurisdiction are provided within
one year from the date of notification failing which the NIMZ may be denotified.
9.4.4 Any other functions as mentioned in specific sections of this policy.
9.5. Central Government: The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion will
act as the nodal agency for the central government in matters pertaining to the
The application for setting-up of NIMZ will be forwarded by the state to the DIPP for
approval. DIPP will constitute a Board of Approval, which will consider all
applications for establishment of NIMZs and approve such proposals as are found
feasible. Each NIMZ will be notified separately by DIPP.
In case an amendment is required to the concept and design of the project, as
encapsulated in the preliminary project report submitted by the State Government,
the same will be considered by the Board of Approval.
i. The Central Government will bear the cost of master planning for the NIMZ;
ii. The Central Government will improve/provide external physical infrastructure
linkages to the NIMZs including Rail, Road (National Highways), Ports, Airports,
and Telecom, in a time bound manner. This infrastructure will be
created/upgraded through Public Private Partnerships to the extent possible.
Viability Gap Funding through existing schemes will be provided. Wherever
necessary, requisite budgetary provisions for creation of these linkages will also
be made;
iii. The Central Government through its institutions and schemes will provide
institutional infrastructure for productivity, quality (testing facilities etc.) and
design capabilities, encouraging innovation and skill development within the
iv. The Central Government will undertake, along with the State Government
concerned, the promotion of domestic as well as global investments in NIMZs;
v. Any other role as mentioned in specific sections of this policy.
Infrastructure development in an NIMZ would require large investments which cannot
be drawn solely from public financing. Such projects have long gestation periods and
substantial lead time before income streams commence. While latent demand may
exist for the zone, its actual materialization will take place only when the
infrastructure projects have been implemented and technical tie-ups have been
made. It is envisaged that the infrastructure development of the zone will in a large
number of cases be undertaken by private developers. Given the afore-stated nature
of this activity, there is a need to provide appropriate financial support/incentives to
the developers.
Funding of internal infrastructure in an NIMZ
9.6.1 For this purpose:

i) Viability Gap Funding (VGF): Under the Ministry of Finance ‘Scheme for Support to
Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure’ in the form of capital grant at the
stage of project construction will be given as per the VGF guidelines. The total
Viability Gap Funding under this scheme shall not exceed twenty percent of the
total project cost. Additionally, the State Government or its agencies may also
provide funding out of their budget as may be feasible.
ii) Long term soft loans from multilateral financial institutions: Soft loans from
multilateral institutions will be explored for funding infrastructure development in
NIMZ. Assistance would be provided for negotiating non-sovereign multilateral
loans by providing back-to-back support, if necessary.
iii) External Commercial Borrowings: The developers of NIMZs will be allowed to
raise ECBs for developing the internal infrastructure of the NIMZs.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Digital India in Hindi - डिजिटल इण्डिया

डिजिटल इण्डिया

डिजिटल इंडिया कार्यक्रम भारत को डिजिटली सशक्त समाज और ज्ञान अर्थव्यवस्था में बदलने की दृष्टि से भारत सरकार द्वारा कार्यान्वित एक प्रमुख कार्यक्रम है।

1 June 2016


Digital India

Digital India

भारत सरकार - डिजिटल इण्डिया - वेब सैट


Digit Hindi  - 1 Oct 2015

1 July 2015

Text of PM's remarks at the launch of Digital India week

Picture Source:
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing at the launching ceremony of Digital India Week, in New Delhi on July 01, 2015.
CNR :69797 Photo ID :67126

भाषण का वीडियो


मंच पर विराजमान मंत्रि परिषद के मेरे सभी साथी, उद्योग जगत के सभी मित्र भिन्‍न भिन्‍न देशों के सभी राजदूत और बहुत बड़ी संख्‍या में पधारे हुए नौजवान दोस्‍तों,

मैं श्रीमान रविशंकर प्रसाद और उनकी टीम को ह्दय से बहुत बहुत अभिनंदन करता हूं बधाई देता हूं कि उन्‍होंने comprehensive integrated approach के साथ भारत के भविष्‍य को बदलने का एक खाका खींचा है और जिस बारीकी से सारी योजनाओं की रचना की है, मुझे विश्‍वास है कि करोड़ों देशवासी जिन सपनो को संजो रहे हैं वे सपने साकार हो कर रहेंगे।

उद्योग जगत के कुछ मित्रों को यहां मंच पर, डिजिटल इंडिया के संदर्भ में वे क्‍या सोचते हैं वे क्‍या कर सकते हैं के विचार हमे सुनने को मिले। हमारे रविशंकरप्रसाद जी हिसाब लगा रहे थे बैठे बैठे, कि वो क्‍या बोल रहे हैं और उन्‍होंने मुझे बताया है कि करीब करीब साढे चार लाख करोड़ रूपये का investment.. और करीब करीब 18 लाख लोगों को रोजगार.. और यह तो जो ऊपर बैठे हैं उन्‍होंने बताया हैं और नीचे बहु‍त बड़ी मात्रा में बैठे हैं.. उनका अभी सुनना बाकी है। यहां बहुत बड़ी मात्रा में इस क्षेत्र में पहले से ही काम करने वाले उद्योग जगत के मित्र बैठे हैं।

वक्‍त बहुत तेजी से बदल चुका है। पहले हम लोग कभी किसी परिवार में जाते थे और छोटे बच्‍चे से बात करते थे तो बच्‍चा क्‍या करता था? अगर आपका चश्‍मा है तो खींच के ले जाता था या आपकी जेब में पेन है तो उसको उठाता था। लेकिन आज आप मार्क करना कि वह न चश्‍मे को हाथ लगाता है न पेन को हाथ लगाता है वह आपका मोबाइल फोन छीनता है। मोबाईल फोन हाथ में आते ही ठीक से पकड़ता है, आप मार्क करना.. और अपना शुरू कर देता है और अगर, जैसा चाहे वैसा आपरेशन नहीं होता तो रोने लगता है यानी बाकी वह कुछ समझे या ना समझे डिजिटल ताकत को समझता है। समय की मांग है कि हम इस बदलाव को समझें और अगर हम इस बदलाव को नहीं समझेंगे तो हम कहीं पड़ रहेंगे कोने में दुनिया दूर चली जाएगी और हम देखते ही रह जायेंगे एक समय था कि सदियों पहले लोग बसते थे, नदी के तट पर। गांव बसते थे, शहर बसते थे नदी के तट पर या समुंदर के किनारे पर।

वक्‍त बदल गया बाद में जहां जहां से हाइवे गुजरते थे, शहर वहां बसना शुरू हुए लेकिन अब मानव जा‍ति वहीं पर बसेगी जहां से ऑप्टिकल फाइबर गुजरता होगा। ये बहुत बड़ा बदलाव आया है और इसलिए अगर विश्‍व के अंदर सवा सौ करोड़ का देश, अपनी ताकत का अहसास कराना चाहता है तो जो हजारो साल पुरानी महान संस्‍कति है.. हम सवा सौ करोड़ देश वासी हैं, हम 65 प्रतिशत 35 साल से कम उम्र के हैं, ये गीत गाने से बात बनने वाली नहीं है। ये जो भी विरासत है, जो सामर्थ्‍य है, उसके साथ आधुनिक विज्ञान को, आधुनिक टेक्‍नॉलॉजी को जोड़ना अनिवार्य है। अगर demographic dividend.. इसको अगर digital strength नहीं मिलेगी तो ये demographic dividend ..हम global level पर जितनी मात्रा में फायदा उठाना चाहिए नहीं उठा पायेंगे। इसलिए देश को तैयार करने की आवश्‍यकता है। आज हमारे देश में करीब करीब 25 करोड़-तीस करोड़ internet users हैं। users की संख्‍या में तो दुनिया में ये संख्‍या बहुत बड़ी है लेकिन जो इससे वंचित है वो संख्‍या भी दुनिया के हिसाब से बड़ी है। जिनकी अपनी पहुंच थी जिनकी अपनी ताकत थी जो खुद कर सकता था, जिसको ज़रूरत थी, उन्‍होंने तो अपना कर लिया। लेकिन जो खुद नहीं कर सकता है, उसको उसके नसीब पर छोड़ देना चाहिए क्‍या? देश का एक तबका.. वो तो Digital world के साथ बहुत तेज गति से आगे बढ़ता हो और देश का बहुत बड़ा तबका उससे वंचित रह जाए तो जो अमीर और गरीब की खाई के कारण समस्‍याएं पैदा होती हैं, शहर और गांव में सुविधा के कारण जो खाई पैदा होती है, उससे भंयकर स्थिति Digital Divide के कारण पैदा हो सकती है।

इसलिए यह हमारा दायितव बनता है, हमारी जिम्‍मेवारी बनती है कि हम इस आधुनिक विज्ञान, जो कि मानव की आवश्‍यकताओं की पूर्ति का एक बहुत बड़ा catalyst agent बना हुआ है, उससे गरीब से गरीब भी वंचित नहीं रहना चाहिए। यह सुविधा जब तक हम गांव, गरीब, किसान तक नहीं पहुंचाएंगे तो यह विकास की जो बातें हैं, न वो उसका लाभ उठा पाएगा, न हम उसको सेवा दे पाएंगे। इसलिए इस चुनौती को हमने स्‍वीकार किया है कि आने वाले वर्षों में, दूर-सुदूर गांव में भी गरीब से गरीब व्‍यक्ति को भी इस platform को उपलब्‍ध कराना चाहिए, जिस platform से वो अपनी आवश्‍यकताओं की पूर्ति का माध्‍यम..आवश्‍यकता के अनुसार उपयोग करता रहे। दुनिया जिस प्रकार से बदल रही है, आपने देखा होगा आपको घर में.. मान लीजिए कभी तय करें कि चलो भई किसी restaurant में आज अच्‍छा खाने जाना है, परिवार के चार लोग बैठकर के चर्चा करें कि कहां जाएंगे और आपका 15-16 साल का बच्‍चा है, वो सुनता है, तो वो क्‍या करता है.. तुरंत वो Google गुरू के पास जाता है। Google गुरू से पूछता है कि नजदीक में अच्‍छे से अच्‍छा restaurant कौन सा है, अच्‍छे से अच्‍छा menu कौन सा है? और वो table पर वहां बैठे बैठे बुक करा देता है। यह इतना बड़ा बदलाव है, इस बदलाव को समझते हुए हमने भी अपनी व्‍यवस्‍थाओं को विकसित करना चाहिए। minimum government maximum governance, इस सपने को साकार करने में technology बहुत बड़ा रोल प्‍ले करती है। e-governance, सामान्‍य मानव की.. जो शासकीय सेवाओं में उसका हक है, उसको प्राप्‍त करने के लिए उत्‍तम से उत्‍तम मार्ग है। e-governance बहुत ही तेजी से m-governanceमें बदलने वाला है। ‘m’ does not mean Modi Governance, it is mobile governance. सारा कारोबार, सारी आवश्‍यकतांए, सारी व्‍यवस्‍थाएं मोबाइल फोन के ईद-गिर्द.. पूरी सरकार आपके मोबाइल फोन में मौजूद होने वाली है, वो दिन दूर नहीं है।

लेकिन इसके लिए हमें अपने आप को सजग करना होगा, व्‍यवस्‍थाएं विकसित करनी होगी। e-governance easy governance, is economical governance.. आर्थिक रूप से अनुकुल यह governance.. और उसको हम जितना बल दे सकें, हमें उसको बल देना है। उसी प्रकार से हमारे सामने समस्‍या रहती है, सरकार में, एक ही काम के लिए इतनी multiple activity करनी पड़ती है, इतना समय बर्बाद होता है। आधुनिक विज्ञान के माध्‍यम से conversion इतना सरल होता है.. और जैसा अभी आपको presentation में बताया कि आज सरकार में 10 जगह पर 10 काम हैं तो सारे certificate दस जगह पर देने पड़ते हैं। अब वो सारी मुसीबत चली जाएगी। जब व्‍यवस्‍थाएं खड़ी हो जाएंगी तो आपके एक Digital number से उसको सारी चीजें उपलब्‍ध हो जाएंगी और कारोबार आगे चलता चला जाएगा। आने वाले दिनों में.. आज हम चर्चा करते हैं कि बच्‍चों को इतना बोझ उठाकर के स्‍कूल जाना पड़ता है। उनके बक्‍से में उनके वजन से ज्‍यादा किताबों का वजन होता है। इन बालकों की समस्‍या का समाधान भी Digital India में है। सारा syllabus एक छोटे से equipment में वो अपने साथ लेकर के घूम सकता है। इसलिए कुछ लोग, ऐसी जब बात होती है तो उनको लगता है कि यह तो बड़ा elite class के लिए काम है, बड़े लोगों के लिए काम है.. हकीकत नहीं है।

जब satellite छोड़े जाते थे, आज से कुछ वर्षों पहले, तो कुछ लोग डिबेट करते थे कि भारत जैसा गरीब देश! यह satellite किस के लिए छोड़े जा रहे हैं! क्‍या उपयोग है! लेकिन आज वही satellite, weather forecast अगर सही ढंग से करता है तो सीधा-सीधा फायदा गरीब किसान को होता है। जब खर्चा करते हैं तो आलोचना होती है लेकिन वही बाद में मानव की आवश्‍यकताओं की पूर्ति करता है। यह सारी योजनाएं जो आपने देखीं.. अब देखिए आज, तो बैंक में जाना वगैरह सब है लेकिन वो दिन अब दूर नहीं है कि बैंक पेपर लेस होने वाला है, बैंक premises less होने वाला है। पूरा बैंकिंग कारोबार आपके मोबाइल फोन से चलने वाला है।

यह जो बदलाव आ रहा है, इस बदलाव के लिए हमें अपने आप को सजग करना चाहिए कि नहीं करना चाहिए। अगर हम देखें तो हम 19वीं शताब्‍दी से.. तब से इन कामों को तेज गति से आगे बढ़ाने की आवश्‍यकता थी। जब दुनिया ने Industrial revolution देखा, हम पिछड़ गए, क्‍यों? क्‍योंकि हम गुलाम थे। औद्योगिक क्रांति का हमें लाभ नहीं मिला। लेकिन आज जब IT revolution आया, हम आजाद हैं, हम youthful nation हैं और हमारे पास talent है। जहां तक IT की बात होगी, दुनिया हिंदुस्‍तान का लोहा मानती है। हमें यह मौका गंवाना नहीं है। गुलामी के कालखंड में हमने जो मौका गंवाया, यह मौका हमें IT revolution में गंवाना नहीं है। इसके सामने कुछ और चीजों पर भी बल देने की आवश्‍यकता है। Petroleum Import की हमारी मजबूरी है, ऊर्जा की आवश्‍कयता है, जरूरत पड़ती है, हमारे पास source कम है, लाना पड़ता है। लेकिन यह बात गले नहीं उतरती है कि हिंदुस्‍तान का second highest import electronic goods हैं। क्‍या यह देश, जहां पर इतने IT Professionals हो, जहां इतनी बड़ी मात्रा में उद्योगकार हों.. और कोई इतनी बड़ी technology भी नहीं है। क्‍या हम हमारे देश में electronic goods इतनी बड़ी मात्रा में न बना पाएं कि जो qualitatively globally competitive हों, और भारत का बना हुआ हो ताकि भारत को कभी बाहर से import न करना पड़े।

Digital India के माध्‍यम से हम electronic good को हिंदुस्‍तान में manufacture करने की दिशा में आगे बढ़ सकते हैं। हम देश के उद्योग जगत को निमंत्रित करना चाहते हैं। मैं नौजवानों को भी, start-up के लिए जो मदद चाहिए, सरकार देने के लिए तैयार है। और आज दुनिया में start-up की दिशा में हिंदुस्‍तान के नौजवानों की संख्‍या बहुत बड़ी मात्रा में है। आने वाले दिनों में शायद अमेरिका के बाद हम नंबर दो पर आ जाएंगे, start-up के लिए। लेकिन इसे और बढ़ाना है। मैं देश के नौजवानों को भी चुनौती देता हूं, अगर IT Professional हमारे हैं, दुनिया के IT कंपनियों में ढेर सारी मात्रा में भारतीय मूल के लोग नजर आते हैं, लेकिन क्‍या कारण है कि Google का innovation हमारे यहां नहीं होता है। क्‍या कारण है कि innovation बाहर होते हैं। Digital India के माध्‍यम से हम देश के नौजवानों कोinnovations के लिए आह्वान कर रहे हैं, कि आप आइए, इस चुनौती को स्‍वीकार कीजिए।

भारत जैसे देश को सबसे पहली आवश्‍यकता है.. जैसे Make in India का महत्‍व है, वैसे ही Design in India भी उतना ही महत्‍वपूर्ण है। हमारे देश के नागरिकों की रूचि, प्रकृति, प्रवृति के अनुसार हमारा प्रोडक्‍ट तैयार हो। वो जिस भाषा में समझता है, उस भाषा में प्रोडक्‍ट तैयार है। जिस age group को address करना है, उसकी आवश्‍यकता है के अनुसार प्रोडक्‍ट तैयार हो। सवा सौ करोड़ देशवासियों का बाजार है। हमारे देश के नौजवान अपने talent का उपयोग करते हुए, innovations को ध्‍यान में रखते हुए Design in India.. इस concept को पकड़ते हुए Digital India के अंदर नई ताकत, नए प्राण भर सकते हैं.. और उसको बल देने के लिए मैं देश के नौजवानों का आह्वान करता हूं। विश्‍व की ओर नजर करें, मैं मानता हूं कि भारत को एक बहुत बड़ी जिम्‍मेवारी अदा करने का समय आ गया है। हम देख सकते हैं कि दुनिया में रक्‍तविहीन युद्ध.. और मैं बहुत जिम्‍मेवारी के साथ बोल रहा हूं, रक्‍तविहीन युद्ध के बादल मंडरा रहे हैं। इस रक्‍तविहीन युद्ध के जब बादल मंडरा रहे हैं तो ऐसे में सुख-चैन की जिंदगी जी सके, क्‍या भारत इसका नेतृत्‍व कर सकता है कि नहीं कर सकता है?विश्‍व को सुख-चैन की जिंदगी जीने के लिए रक्‍तहीन युद्ध से सुरक्षा देने के लिए क्‍या भारत का talent काम आ सकता है कि नहीं आ सकता है? मैं जो रक्‍तहीन युद्ध की बात करता हूं, वो मु्द्दा है – cyber security का, उस पर हम बल देना चाहते हैं। और आज जब हम इस Digital India को launch कर रहे हैं तब उनको सपनों को साकार करने का हमारा प्रयास है तब मैं जरूर कहना चाहूंगा...

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where:

High-speed Digital Highways unite the Nation

एक जमाना था Highways के लिए मांग होती थीअब अकेले Highways से चलने वाला नहीं है। Highways भी चाहिए और information Highways भी चाहिए

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: 1.2 billion Connected Indians drive Innovation

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Knowledge is strength – and empowers the People

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Access to Information knows no barriers

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Government is Open - and Governance Transparent...और मैं जब कह रहा हूं भ्रष्‍टाचार के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ने में technology बहुत बड़ी मदद कर सकती है। सारे लीकेजेस को रोका जा सकता है। हमने जो अभी कोयले का auction किया सारा Digital platform का उपयोग किया था। अनेक खादानों का auction हुआ, लाखों करोड़ों का काम हुआ, लेकिन यह सरकार पर एक भी इल्‍जाम नहीं लगा। क्‍यों, क्‍योंकि हमने इस Digital platform का उपयोग किया, सम्‍पूर्ण रूप से transparency पर हमने बल दिया। और इसलिए भ्रष्‍टाचार को रोकने के लिए भी information and communication technology एक बहुत बड़ा instrument के रूप में उपयोग किया जा सकता है।

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Technology ensures the Citizen-Government Interface is Incorruptible

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Government Services are easily and efficiently available to citizens on Mobile devices

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Government proactively engages with the people through Social Media

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Quality Education reaches the most inaccessible corners driven by Digital Learning

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Quality Healthcare percolates right up to the remotest regions powered by e-Healthcare

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Farmers are empowered with Real-time Information to be connected with Global Markets

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Mobile enabled Emergency Services ensure Personal Security

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Cyber Security becomes an integral part of our National Security

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: Mobile and e-Banking ensures Financial Inclusion

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: e-Commerce drives Entrepreneurship

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: the World looks to India for the next Big Idea

I dream of a DIGITAL INDIA where: the Netizen is an Empowered Citizen

Thank you.


अमित कुमार/ रजनी/ तारा/ उत्‍कर्ष/ सलीम अहमद
(Release ID :122920)

26 अगस्त 2014

‘डिजिटल इंडिया’ पर राज्‍यों के सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रियों का सम्‍मेलन

केन्‍द्रीय संचार, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और विधि व न्‍याय मंत्री श्री रवि शंकर प्रसाद ने 26 अगस्‍त, 2014 को राज्‍यों/केन्‍द्र शासित प्रदेशों के सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (आईटी) मंत्रियों और आईटी सचिवों के सम्‍मेलन की अध्‍यक्षता की। इसमें ‘डिजिटल इंडिया’ कार्यक्रम पर चर्चा की गई। दस राज्‍यों जैसे आंध्र प्रदेश, बिहार, गोवा, गुजरात, जम्‍मू-कश्‍मीर, मध्‍य प्रदेश, मेघालय, ओडिशा, तेलंगाना और उत्‍तर प्रदेश के आईटी मंत्रियों ने इस सम्‍मेलन में शिरकत की। आईटी सचिवों और 33 राज्‍यों/केन्‍द्र शासित प्रदेशों के आईटी विभाग के वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारियों ने भी इस सम्‍मेलन में भाग लिया।

‘डिजिटल इंडिया’ भारत सरकार की एक नई पहल है जिसका उद्देश्‍य भारत को डिजिटल लिहाज से सशक्‍त समाज और ज्ञान अर्थव्‍यवस्‍था में तब्‍दील करना है। इसके तहत जिस लक्ष्‍य को पाने पर ध्‍यान केन्‍द्रित किया जा रहा है, वह है भारतीय प्रतिभा (आईटी) + सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (आईटी) = कल का भारत (आईटी)।

‘डिजिटल इंडिया’ एक व्‍यापक कार्यक्रम है जो अनेक सरकारी मंत्रालयों और विभागों को कवर करता है। यह तरह-तरह के आइडिया और विचारों को एकल एवं व्‍यापक विज़न में समाहित करता है, ताकि इनमें से हर विचार एक बड़े लक्ष्‍य का हिस्‍सा नज़र आए। डिजिटल इंडिया कार्यक्रम का समन्‍वय डीईआईटीवाई द्वारा किया जाना है। वहीं, इस पर अमल समूची सरकार द्वारा किया जाना है।

‘डिजिटल इंडिया’ का विज़न तीन प्रमुख क्षेत्रों पर केन्‍द्रित है। ये हैं– हर नागरिक के लिए उपयोगिता के तौर पर डिजिटल ढांचा, मांग पर संचालन एवं सेवाएं और नागरिकों का डिजिटल सशक्‍तिकरण।

हर नागरिक के लिए उपयोगिता के तौर पर डिजिटल ढांचे में ये उपलब्‍ध हैं- नागरिकों को सेवाएं मुहैया कराने के लिए एक प्रमुख उपयोग के रूप में हाई स्‍पीड इंटरनेट, डिजिटल पहचान अंकित करने का ऐसा उद्गमस्‍थल जो अनोखा, ऑनलाइन और हर नागरिक के लिए प्रमाणित करने योग्‍य है, मोबाइल फोन व बैंक खाते की ऐसी सुविधा जिससे डिजिटल व वित्‍तीय मामलों में नागरिकों की भागीदारी हो सके, साझा सेवा केन्‍द्र तक आसान पहुंच, पब्‍लिक क्‍लाउड पर साझा करने योग्‍य निजी स्‍थान और सुरक्षित साइबर-स्‍पेस।

सभी विभागों और न्यायालयों में मांग पर समेकित सेवाओं समेत शासन और सेवाओं, ऑनलाइन और मोबाइल प्लेटफॉर्म पर सही समय पर सेवाओं की उपलब्धता, सभी नागरिकों को क्लाउड एप पर उपलब्ध रहने का अधिकार है। डिजिटल तब्दील सेवाएं के जरिये व्यवसाय में सहजता करने, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक और नकदी रहित वित्तीय लेन-देन करने, निर्णय सहायता सिस्टम और विकास के लिए जीआईएस का फायदा उठाना।

नागरिकों को डिजिटल सशक्त बनाने के साथ में सार्वभौमिक डिजिटल साक्षरता, सर्वत्र सुगम डिजिटल संसाधनों, डिजिटल संसाधनों/सेवाओं की भारतीय भाषाओं में उपलब्धता, सुशासन के लिए डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्मों और पोर्टबिलिटी के सभी अधिकारों को क्लाउड के जरिये सहयोगपूर्ण बनाना। नागरिकों को शासकीय दस्तावेजों या प्रमाण-पत्रों आदि को उनकी मौजूदगी के बिना भी भरा जा सकेगा।

डिजिटल इण्डिया में नौ स्तम्भ सम्मिलित है-

ब्राडबेण्ड हाई-वे,
मोबाइल कनेक्टिविटी के लिए सार्वभौमिक ऐक्सेस,
जनता इन्टरनेट ऐक्सेस कार्यक्रम,
ई-गवर्नेन्स – तकनीकी के जरिये सरकार में सुधार,
ई-क्रान्ति- सेवाओं को इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रूप से प्रदान करना,
सभी के लिए सूचनायें,
इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उत्पादन,
नौकिरयों के लिए आईटी,
जल्दी पैदावार कार्यक्रम।

ये सभी एक मिश्रित कार्यक्रम है और सभी मंत्रालयों एवं सरकारी विभागों से जुड़े हुये है।

डिजिटल भारत कार्यक्रम के तहत कई मौजूदा योजनाओं के साथ मिलकर कार्य करना है, जिसके दायरों को पुर्नगठित और पुर्नकेन्द्रित किया गया है। क्लाउड, मोबाइल इत्यादि टेक्नोलॉजी को बढ़ावा देना, परिवर्तनकारी प्रक्रिया पुनर्रचना और प्रक्रिया में सुधार पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना, अंत-प्रचालनीय उपक्रम और एकीकृत सेवा प्रदान करने के मानकों पर आधारित है और एक समकालिक ढंग से लागू किया जाएगा। डिजिटल इण्डिया के माध्यम से “मेड इन इण्डिया” इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डिवाइसों, उत्पादकों और सेवाओं के पोर्टफोलियो को भी बढ़ावा देना और देश में युवाओं के लिए रोजगार की संभावना को बढ़ावा देना है।

Updated  25 June 2016,  2 April 2016,  4 July 2015
First published 19 Dec 2014

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Yoga Practice and Yoga Day in Hindi

Yoga Day 2016  June 21 Geet





PM Narendra Modi participating Yoga Practice


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dr. Kambhampati Haribabu - M.P. - Biography

Dr. Kambhampati  Hari Babu
Member of Parliament
Constituency   : Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh )

Mar, 2014 onwards:  President, B.J.P., Andhra Pradesh
May, 2014                 Elected to 16th Lok Sabha
14 Aug. 2014                 Member, Committee on Public Undertakings
1 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Commerce
                                        Member, National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR)
                                        Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Finance
15 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Committee on Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS)

Party Name     : Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)
Email Address : k[DOT]haribabu[AT]gmail[DOT]com
                                k[DOT]haribabu [AT]sansad[DOT]nic[DOT]in

29 May 2016
Face to Face with AP BJP Chief Kambhampati Haribabu


BJP MP Kambhampati Hari Babu Attacking Speech on Congress Party in Parliament
17 March 2015


Father's Name Late Shri Venkateswarulu
Mother's Name Smt. Seethamma
Date of Birth         15 Jun 1953
Place of Birth Chirala, Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Smt. Khambhampati Jayasree
No.of Daughters 2
Qualifications B.E., M.E. (Electrical & Control Systems), Ph.D. (Engineering)
Educated at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Profession Professor
Social Worker
Permanent Address
Flat No. C-2, Aspen Heights
Dasapalla Hills, Visakhapatnam - 530003,
Andhra Pradesh
Tels : (0891) 2731783 (R) 2553394 (O)
09440901300 (M)
Present Address
Room No. 1424, Ashoka Hotel,
New Delhi-110021

Positions Held
1977 Executive Member, Janata Party, A.P. State
1978 Vice-President, Janata Yuva Morcha, A.P. State
1988 General Secretary, Andhra University Teachers Association
1991 - 1993 Andhra Pradesh State Executive Committee Member, B.J.P.
1993 - 2003 General Secretary, A.P. State, B.J.P.
1998 - 2005 Member, The Marine Products Export Development Authority
1999 - 2004 Member, Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly
2003 - 2004 Member, Task Force on Interlinking of Rivers, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India
2003 Floor Leader, Bharatiya Janata Legislature Party, Andhra Pradesh
2005 National Secretary, Bharatiya Janata Party
2013 Member of National Disciplinary Committee, B.J.P.
Mar, 2014 onwards President, B.J.P., Andhra Pradesh
May, 2014 Elected to 16th Lok Sabha
14 Aug. 2014 Member, Committee on Public Undertakings
1 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Commerce
Member, National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR)
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Finance
15 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Committee on Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS)

Countries Visited

Other Information
1972 : Participated in the Jai Andhra Movement in support for the creation of Andhra State as student leader with Tenneti Viswanadham, Sardar Gouthu Latchanna and Sri Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu.
1972-1973 : Secretary, Students Union, Andhra University Engineering College.
1974-1975 : Actively participated in the Lok Sangharsh Samithi Agitation under Loknayak Jaya Prakash Narayan and was arrested under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) during the Emergency and was imprisoned for 6 months in Visakhapatnam Central Jail and Mushirabad Jail, Secunderabad
Nominated Member, National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR), NCTC and the Court of University of Hyderabad
Worked as Associate Professor for 24 years in the College of Engineering, Andhra University

Monday, June 13, 2016

Building India - Make in India - Expand Public Sector

Government of India has budgeted Rs. 36,000 crores as dividend receipts from Public Sector. It will go towards reducing fiscal deficit.

Instead Government should investment Rs. 25,000 crores in new public sector units out of the dividend and start one PSU with Rs. 1000 crore equity in each state.

Government should not shy away from PSUs. Government involvement in economic activities is an age old practice in India. Chanakya wrote elaborately on King's economic activities in Artha Shastra.

Government will be able to know the likely malpractices that businessmen can resorts and also know the difficulties of businessmen by having its own PSUs. While we have moved away the old thinking of commanding heights of the economy being in the hands of PSUs, we still have to develop the competency to run our PSUs with adequate effectiveness and efficieny.

Rational public sector investment is needed.

If public sectors units cannot be planned and managed by Government to the extent they are required for a meaningful involvement in economic activity of the country, it is a failure of political and administrative wings of the Government.

Can Public Sectors Units be Closed?

Yes. When economic organizations are started there is a big risk of failure. If the failure materializes, the government is free to close the unit. Failure of business organizations is part of competitive business economy and government units also fail. Failure should not held against government. The specific errors committed can be identified and rectified in the future.

Failure of certain units should not mean Government has to run away from PSU investment. Every body needs to know that Tatas and Birlas have many failed businesses in the groups and many of them are closed. The arguments for reducing the size of PSU investment has won the day and served its useful purpose. Now the argument has to be in favour of Government reigniting growth  by finding investment opportunities and in manufacturing sector and investing in it to a minimum threshold level.

Rational public sector investment is needed.

Closure of failed PSUs ok. But start new PSUs.

Start one PSU in every state each year with investment of Rs. 1000 cr in each.

Benefits of Public Sector and  Disadvantages

Friday, June 10, 2016

Learn More About Vedas - 8 Hours of Lectures and Chants of Vedas


Introduction by Dr. Karan Singh

Content - Santi Suktam - Sarasvati Suktam - Manyu Suktam (14.45) - Rashtra Suktam (18.33)
Sanjnana Suktam (19.20) - Purusha Suktam (20.20) - Purusha Suktam (Jata Patha) (36.20) - Purusha Suktam (Ghana Patha) (44.40)


Part 2


Updated 10 June 2016, 20 Oct 2015

Manyu sukta is hymn 10.83 and 10.84 from the Rig veda. It contains 14 verses and is dedicated to Manyu

Some Veda Mantras and Meanings



Uploaded by HinduMantras

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Environment and Biodiversity - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto


Flora, Fauna and Environment - Safeguarding Our Tomorrow

The present generation has to make this world a better place to live. A better place not only for us, but for our future generations as well. We have to nurture the environment, institutions, people, resources and amenities. We have to combine the past, the present and the future. We have to have a holistic view of human life for sustainable development.
We have to develop the assets and amenities for ourselves in a manner that leaves an equally good or even better environment for the future generations. We will put sustainability at the centre of our thoughts and actions, working on the principle that inclusive growth cannot be limited by the barriers of time and space - it has to be built on the foundations of the past, leverage on the opportunities of the present, and preserve and enhance its resources for the future. We will take Climate Change mitigation initiatives with all seriousness and work with the global community and institutions in this regard.
We will:
- Encourage Cleaner production.
- Cleaner fuels will be promoted so as to bring down the pollution levels particularly in the cities.
- The concept of pro-active 'Carbon Credit' will be promoted.
- Ecological Audit of projects and pollution indexing of cities and townships will be done on scientific basis.
- Pollution control mechanisms will be set up on priority basis.
- In addition to protecting the existing forests and wildlife reserves, the wastelands of the country will be used for social forestry.
- Guidelines for Green buildings and energy efficient work places will be brought out.
- R&D and Human Resource Development in Environment Technology will be promoted.
- Set up fool proof mechanisms for protection and preservation of wild life.
- Encourage citizen's participation in reforestation, agro-forestry and social forestry, through targeted programmes.
- Encourage and incentivize innovative garbage disposal and waste management practices, especially recycling techniques.

Science and Technology - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto


Science and Technology - India Innovates and India Leads

India has been a knowledge economy and has been a leader in science and technology from the ancient times. India now needs policies and programs to reclaim its global leadership position in science and technology. BJP recognizes the need to create an ecosystem for fundamental research and innovation, keeping the objective of science with a human face in the service of the common man. Science and technology has enormous potential to bridge the disparities between the urban and rural India, rich and poor. Scientific education and technology needs to be encouraged, promoted, practiced and leveraged with renewed vision and vigour.
BJP recognizes the central role of science and technology in raising the quality of life of the people of the country, particularly of the disadvantaged sections of society in creating wealth for all, in making India globally competitive, in utilizing natural resources in a sustainable manner, in protecting the environment and ensuring national security. We will also encourage and incentivize private sector investments - both domestic and foreign, in science and technology and in high-end research aimed towards innovation.
We will focus on the following:
- ensuring food, agricultural, nutritional and environmental, wealth, health and energy security of the people on a sustainable basis, using science and technology.
- mounting a direct and sustained effort on the alleviation of poverty, enhancing livelihood security, removal of hunger and malnutrition, reduction of drudgery and regional imbalances, both rural and urban, and generation of employment, by using scientific and technological capabilities along with our traditional knowledge pool.
- encouraging research and innovation in areas of relevance for the economy and society, particularly by promoting close and productive interaction between private and public institutions. Sectors such as agriculture (particularly soil, water management, human and animal nutrition and fisheries), water, health, education, industry, energy including renewable energy, communication and transportation would be accorded highest priority. Leveraging of technologies such as information technology, biotechnology and material sciences would be done with special importance.
- encouraging research and application to meet the challenges of climate change and for forecasting, prevention and mitigation of natural hazards, particularly floods, cyclones, earthquakes, drought and landslides.
- promoting international science and technology cooperation towards achieving the goals of national development and security, and making it a key element of our international relations.
- devise schemes, programs and opportunities to encourage the youth to take scientific research and innovation as a career.
- provide work environment and professional opportunities in fundamental scientific research, to make research careers more appealing, so that the nation can harness the best of brains for scientific research leading to enhancing the national productivity and competitiveness and reverse brain drain.
- build world class, regional centres of excellence of scientific research in the field of nanotechnology, material sciences, thorium technology and brain research.
- create an ecosystem for multi-country and inter-disciplinary collaborative research, and establish an Intellectual Property Rights Regime which maximizes the incentive for generation and protection of intellectual property for all type of inventors.
- achieving synergy between industry and scientific research. Autonomous technology transfer organizations will be created as associate organizations of universities and national laboratories to transfer the know-how generated by them to industry. Industry will be encouraged to adopt or support educational and research institutions to help direct science and technology endeavours towards tangible industrial goals.
- promotion of innovation by creating a comprehensive national system of innovation.
- indigenous knowledge, based on our long and rich tradition will be further developed and harnessed for the purpose of wealth and employment generation
- to promote science popularization schemes extensively.
- bring the changes in secondary education to focus on application of science.
- set an institute of Big data and Analytics for studying the impact of big data across sectors for predictive science.
- to do research for the eradication of tropical diseases.
- Establish institutes of Technology for Rural Development.
- establish a Central University dedicated to Himalayan Technology.
- promote research and application of nuclear science in medicines, industry and agriculture.

Energy - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto


Energy - Generate More, Use Rationally, Waste Less

BJP realizes the need to focus on generation and distribution of power as a national security issue, so that the growth is not negatively impacted due to supply issues in the energy sector. The overarching goal of energy security is to ensure affordable energy for various consumer segments. Steps will be taken to avoid over- dependence on any one fuel and ensure supplier diversity, to avoid reliance on one supplier, country and developing indigenous capacities to meet the emerging needs.
BJP will:
- Come out with a responsible and comprehensive 'National Energy Policy'.
- Focus on development of energy infrastructure, human resource development and upgradation of technology.
- Take steps to maximize the potential of oil, gas, hydel power, ocean, wind, coal and nuclear sources. BJP considers energy efficiency and conservation crucial to energy security.
- Set up small-hydro power generation projects to harness the hydropower that is not being used at the moment. Small projects can be set up with local support and without displacement of the local population.
- Take Steps to increase the domestic coal exploration and production, to bridge the demand and supply gap. Oil and gas explorations would also be expedited in the country. This will also help to reduce the import bill.
- Give a thrust to renewable sources of energy as an important component of India's energy mix.
- Expand and strengthen the national solar mission.

Water - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto


Water - Make It Reach to All Homes, Farms and Factories

Trends indicate that India would be a 'water stressed' state by 2050, and the gap between the demand and supply would be 50%. BJP recognizes the seriousness of the issue. Also, most importantly, potable drinking water is not available to the entire population despite more than six decades of independence. Water is a dwindling resource, with the threat of water scarcity looming large. We will address this in a comprehensive manner across multiple dimensions. BJP remains committed to giving high priority to water security.
- Launch the 'Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana' with a motto of 'har khet ko paani'. We will launch multi-pronged 'water strategy' for reducing farmer's dependence on monsoon. Increase irrigated land by completing the long pending irrigation projects on priority.
- We will nurture ground water recharge harnessing rain water to reduce dependence on ground water.
- Encourage efficient use, water conservation, recycling and rain water harvesting.
- Sewage treatment plants to prevent the pollution of rivers.
- Desalination plants for drinking water supply in coastal cities.
- Inter-linking of rivers based on feasibility.
- Examination of ground water to eliminate toxic chemicals, particularly arsenic and fluorides. To ensure drinking water security to all. We will:
- Encourage setting up of drinking water supply grid in water scarce areas.
- Promote decentralized, demand-driven, community-managed water resource management, water supply and environmental sanitation.
- Facilitate piped water to all households.

Railway - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto



Indian Railways is the lifeline of the country. It will be modernized, strengthened and upgraded to serve passengers as well as the country's economy. This will be done in a planned manner focusing on national development, rather than political exigency.
- Hinterland will be connected to the ports through strategic new Rail networks.
- Agri Rail network will be established - with Train Wagons designed to cater to the specific needs of perishable Agricultural products like milk and vegetables as well as light weight wagons for salt movement.
- Tourist Rail - including Pilgrimage Rail.
- Railways Modernization, inducting of state-of-the-art technology.
- Special focus on developing skilled human resources to meet future demand.
- Prioritize Safety and invest in long required overhaul of stressed infrastructure, strict norms and warning systems.
- Modernize and equip all stations with requisite infrastructure and public utilities.
- Convert all unmanned crossings into manned crossings in a phased manner.
- Initiate R&D for indigenous railways, coach design and signals.
- We will launch Diamond Quadrilateral project - of High Speed Train network (bullet train).

Transport - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto



The BJP realizes the importance of travel for the vibrancy of the economy and social unity. BJP will:
- Create a public transport system, which can reduce the dependence on personal vehicles for transport, thereby, reducing cost, time to travel as well as ecological cost.
- Launch an Integrated Public transport project which will include roadways, railways and waterways.
- Develop waterways for passenger and cargo transport.
- Develop National logistics network for faster movement of goods.

Next Generation Infrastructure - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Next Generation Infrastructure

We will:
- set up Gas Grids to make gas available to households and industry.
- set up a National Optical-Fibre Network up to the village level; and Wi-Fi zones in public areas.
- harness our advanced satellite technology and expertise for development.

Physical Infrastructure - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Physical Infrastructure - Better than the Best

India should no longer be limited by its infrastructure. In fact, we have to create robust infrastructure, which drives growth. For this purpose, we have to devote ourselves for a decade. We have to think big. Also, looking to the expansion in our population as well as social and economic activities, we have to build our infrastructure in a futuristic way. Growth of this sector means the growth of cement, steel, electricity and many other associated industries and directly leads to massive job creation. To achieve this, we will take following steps.
- Work on the Freight Corridors and attendant Industrial Corridors will be expedited. This will result in the faster movement of people and goods.
- Remote states like those in the Northeast and Jammu and Kashmir will be connected with the rest of India through world class highways and rail lines.
- National Highway construction projects will be expedited, especially Border and Coastal highways.
- Every village will be connected through all-weather roads.
- We shall modernize existing and operational Airports, and build new ones especially connecting smaller towns and all tourism circuits. In addition, there is a potential for inland air transportation to various remote and local locations in the country. Such air strips will be developed so that low cost air travelling becomes possible within the country.
- We will evolve an economic model of Port-led development. India is blessed with a long coastline.
We will modernize existing ports on one hand, and develop new ones on the other - stringing together our Sagar Mala project.
- Public Private Partnership would be encouraged to tap into private sector resources as well as expertise. An institutional framework would be established for the same; while regulators would be given greater autonomy as well as accountability.

Is Funding for Infrastructure a Problem for Modi Government

How India can raise $1,000,000,000,000 to fund infrastructure projects
December 12, 2016

Updated  12 December 2016, 8 June 2016

Housing - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Housing - No Longer a Mirage

We will roll out a massive Low cost Housing programme to ensure that by the time the nation completes 75 years of its Independence, every family will have a pucca house of its own. It will be an innovatively designed scheme that dovetails various existing programmes and also encourages the housing sector by appropriate policy interventions and credit availability including interest subventions, where necessary.

Our proposed programme will further ensure that these houses are equipped with the basic facilities of toilet, piped water supply, electricity and proper Access. To do this we will amongst others:
- Prioritize all our resources towards this goal.
- Leverage on land as a resource in urban areas and demand for unskilled labour in the rural areas.
- Innovatively structure the programme to converge and dovetail various existing programmes, while adding the missing links.
- Simultaneously encourage the overall housing sector, through appropriate policy interventions and credit availability and interest subvention schemes.

Labour Force - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Labour Force - The Pillar of Our Growth

BJP recognizes the fact that the labour is the key to the revival of the economy and so are the laws governing them. We believe in promoting a harmonious relationship between labour and the industry, with both playing an important contributory role in economic growth and development.
We will ensure that the interests of labour in the unorganized sector are protected.
For the organized labour, we propose to encourage industry owners and labour to embrace the concept of 'Industry Family'. This concept, in which industry owners and labours bond as a family, is guided by the principles of efficiency, skill development and upgradation, productivity, appropriate wages and perquisites, and security towards this end. We will:
- issue identity cards to the unorganized sector labourers, and arrangements will be made to provide them good quality health and education services. Also, their skills will be upgraded through appropriate training programs.
- extend access to modern financial services to labour - including considering the option of setting up a dedicated Workers Bank.
- bring together all stakeholders to review our Labour laws which are outdated, complicated and even contradictory.
- strengthen the Pension and Health Insurance safety nets for all kinds of labourers.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Services - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Services - Driven by Quality and Efficiency

Business and Trade
The modern era is an era of exchange. Over-regulation needs to be addressed to stop the harassment of the businessmen and traders. At the same time, we have to set up transparent systems, which ensure credibility of our goods and services. At the same time, the bottlenecks in transporting and exporting them have to be removed. Also, the flow of information about our tradable items has to be made available to the rest of the world.
- Focus on Zero defect products.
- Build world class Ports; connecting them with roads and rail to the hinterland so as to drive the maritime trade of the country.
- Air Cargo facilities will be enhanced throughout the country.
- An Export Promotion Mission will be established integrating all stakeholders.
- Current accounts deficit will be brought down aggressively by focusing on exports and reducing the dependency on imports. Value addition on our products will be the biggest task.
- We shall work with the State governments to usher in the GST in an appropriate timeframe. For implementing the same, a robust IT network system will be put in place.
- We will embark on the path of IPRs and Patents in a big way.
- Take all necessary steps to protect the interest of retailers, small traders and small vendors and equip them with the latest techniques and methods to modernize them and make them competitive.
- Commit to ensure that the retailers and SMEs don't have to spend time and money for seeking multiple licenses to start the business. There will a system in place to avoid harassment of small traders.
- Ensure easy availability of institutional credit.
- Review obsolete and multiple laws to reduce and simplify them.
- Remove ambiguity in rules to make way for prompt decisions without any scope for discretion.
- Telecom revolution has touched length and breadth of the country but there is significant scope and necessity to improve the quality of voice and data to fully leverage the potential.

Tourism - Untapped Potential

BJP recognizes the role tourism and hospitality can play as a foreign exchange earner and its ability to create millions of jobs every year. Tourism plays a key role in socio-economic progress through creation of jobs, enterprise, infrastructure development, and foreign exchange earnings.
BJP realizes that the tourism sector needs a clear plan for growth, and BJP commits to initiate a mission mode project to create 50 tourist circuits that are affordable and built around themes like: a.) Archaeological and Heritage, b.) Cultural and Spiritual, c.) Himalayan, d.) Desert, e.) Coastal, f.) Medical (Ayurveda and Modern Medicine), etc. This will lead to creation of infrastructure and employment around each tourist circuit and help in boosting revenue generation.
Specialized course in tourism will be started for capacity development. Safety and Security of tourists would be accorded due priority.

Services Sector - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes -  Compared Point by Point with BJP Election Manifesto

Services - Driven by Quality and Efficiency

Business and Trade

The modern era is an era of exchange. Over-regulation needs to be addressed to stop the harassment of the businessmen and traders. At the same time, we have to set up transparent systems, which ensure credibility of our goods and services. At the same time, the bottlenecks in transporting and exporting them have to be removed. Also, the flow of information about our tradable items has to be made available to the rest of the world.

- Focus on Zero defect products.

- Build world class Ports; connecting them with roads and rail to the hinterland so as to drive the maritime trade of the country.

Action:  Under the Sagarmala Project, the government aims to transform existing ports into world class ports by developing deep drafts, mechanization of existing berths, creation of new capacity & greenfield ports.

- Air Cargo facilities will be enhanced throughout the country.

- An Export Promotion Mission will be established integrating all stakeholders.

- Current accounts deficit will be brought down aggressively by focusing on exports and reducing the dependency on imports. Value addition on our products will be the biggest task.

- We shall work with the State governments to usher in the GST in an appropriate timeframe. For implementing the same, a robust IT network system will be put in place.

- We will embark on the path of IPRs and Patents in a big way.

- Take all necessary steps to protect the interest of retailers, small traders and small vendors and equip them with the latest techniques and methods to modernize them and make them competitive.

- Commit to ensure that the retailers and SMEs don't have to spend time and money for seeking multiple licenses to start the business. There will a system in place to avoid harassment of small traders.

- Ensure easy availability of institutional credit.

- Review obsolete and multiple laws to reduce and simplify them.

- Remove ambiguity in rules to make way for prompt decisions without any scope for discretion.

- Telecom revolution has touched length and breadth of the country but there is significant scope and necessity to improve the quality of voice and data to fully leverage the potential.

Tourism - Untapped Potential

BJP recognizes the role tourism and hospitality can play as a foreign exchange earner and its ability to create millions of jobs every year. Tourism plays a key role in socio-economic progress through creation of jobs, enterprise, infrastructure development, and foreign exchange earnings.
BJP realizes that the tourism sector needs a clear plan for growth, and

BJP commits to initiate a mission mode project to create 50 tourist circuits that are affordable and built around themes like: a.) Archaeological and Heritage, b.) Cultural and Spiritual, c.) Himalayan, d.) Desert, e.) Coastal, f.) Medical (Ayurveda and Modern Medicine), etc. This will lead to creation of infrastructure and employment around each tourist circuit and help in boosting revenue generation.

Specialized course in tourism will be started for capacity development. Safety and Security of tourists would be accorded due priority.

Handicrafts - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014


We will move up the value chain of the sector driven by a focus on Quality.
- Market linkages - both national and international
- Access to credit and information and skills upgradation
- Value addition will be encouraged through avenues like - branding, packaging and technology.
Schemes will be drawn for skills upgradation and enhancement of business opportunities for artisans like smiths, weavers, carpenters, hair-dressers, shoe-smiths, and potters.

Industry - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Industry - Modern, Competitive and Caring

We should no longer remain a market for the global industry. Rather, we should become a Global Manufacturing Hub. We have to encourage our industry to innovate and collaborate internationally. We have to encourage industry to produce efficiently and cost-effectively.
Economic freedom implies that Government will not get in the way of the freedom of individuals to start and operate legitimate businesses. Increased economic freedom will break open the economic space to new entrants, especially in the form of small and medium-enterprises, creating jobs and prosperity. Particularly:
- We will ensure that a conducive, enabling environment is created making 'doing business' in
India easy.
- We will focus on cutting the red tape, simplifying the procedures and removing the bottle- necks.
- We will ensure logistics infrastructure, including stable power.
- Our attempt will be to move towards a single-window system of clearances both at the centre and also at the State level through a Hub-spoke model.
- We will put in place a mechanism that will ensure that the Central and state governments work in close coordination and synergy while giving clearances to mega projects.
- Decision-making on environment clearances will be made transparent as well as time-bound.
- We will set up World class Investment and Industrial regions as Global Hubs of Manufacturing.
- We will set up a task force to review and revive our MSME sector (Micro and Small Medium scale
Enterprises); enabling it with better access to formal credit and technology for modernization.
- Frame the environment laws in a manner that provides no scope for confusion and will lead to speedy clearance of proposals without delay.


A strong manufacturing sector will not only bridge the demand-supply gap leading to price stabilization, but also create millions of jobs and increase incomes for the working class. Above all, it will increase the revenue for government and lead to import substitution to bring down the import bill. We will make India a hub for cost-competitive labour-intensive mass manufacturing. To give boost to manufacturing, BJP will:
- Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing, so that we can create enough jobs in the country. This sector must grow fast to ensure employment and asset creation.
- Take steps for Interest rate rationalization and have a clear tax policy to remove uncertainty and create investor confidence.
- Take all steps; like removing red-tapism involved in approvals, to make it easy to do business, invest in logistics infrastructure, ensure power supply and undertake labour reforms, besides other steps to create a conducive environment for investors.
- Increase the public spending on R&D and Incentivize R&D investments by the industry to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector.
- We will facilitate setting up of software and hardware manufacturing units.
- Encourage Indian companies to go global and we will support Indian companies in this endeavor.
We believe that Indian entrepreneurs have the capability to take on global markets.
- Set up trade facilitation to ensure easier customs clearances and visas for business travel.
- Initiate a Government - Industry Dialogue, a channel for regular interface with the industry.

MSMEs (Micro, small and medium enterprises)

BJP considers that the role of SME sector is crucial for the economic development of our country. The sector needs to be developed by providing international linkages for exports, availability of credit through a dedicated SME bank, supply chain efficiencies, adoption of IT, support in R&D and innovation, and a policy support for enhancing the mandate to purchase from SME for large scale projects. Overall goal is to enhance the competitiveness of the SME sector leading to a larger contribution to our economic growth and employment generation.

Cooperative Sector

Every effort will be made to encourage the cooperative sector. BJP commits to review the existing laws with regards to the cooperative sector, and will amend the multi-state cooperative act to remove lacunae and anomalies.

Industry - Manifesto Points and Actions Taken by Government

Industry - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes

Industry - Modern, Competitive and Caring

We should no longer remain a market for the global industry. Rather, we should become a Global Manufacturing Hub. We have to encourage our industry to innovate and collaborate internationally.

Action:  Make in India launched

We have to encourage industry to produce efficiently and cost-effectively.

Action:  PM exhorted industry in this regard in his various speeches. He said Zero Defects - Zero Effect.

Economic freedom implies that Government will not get in the way of the freedom of individuals to start and operate legitimate businesses. Increased economic freedom will break open the economic space to new entrants, especially in the form of small and medium-enterprises, creating jobs and prosperity. Particularly:

- We will ensure that a conducive, enabling environment is created making 'doing business' in
India easy.
Action: Actions are being taken to simplify 'Doing Business in India'.  Key steps taken in this regard include State-level business reform action plan, single-page application form for incorporation of a company, bankruptcy code. India's rank has improved from 142nd in 2014 to 130 in 2015 in Doing Business Report by World Bank Group. A recent report says India is number 1 in the region.

- We will focus on cutting the red tape, simplifying the procedures and removing the bottle- necks.

- We will ensure logistics infrastructure, including stable power.
Action - Roads, Railway and Shipping being improved.

- Our attempt will be to move towards a single-window system of clearances both at the centre and also at the State level through a Hub-spoke model.

Action: Initiated.   Single window in a Hub-Spoke model is being made a reality. Various Ministries are facilitating single window clearance for wide variety of services. Eg, Applications for Industrial License, customs clearance, permissions for housing related projects,  etc.

- We will put in place a mechanism that will ensure that the Central and state governments work in close coordination and synergy while giving clearances to mega projects.
Central investor meets where states are participating.

- Decision-making on environment clearances will be made transparent as well as time-bound.

- We will set up World class Investment and Industrial regions as Global Hubs of Manufacturing.
Action: Dehi Mumbai Industrial Corridor.

Action:  Under the National Manufacturing Policy, the government is working to build 8 NIMZs (National Investments and Manufacturing Zones) along the DMIC, and 14 NIMZs in others regions and industrial corridors.

- We will set up a task force to review and revive our MSME sector (Micro and Small Medium scale
Enterprises); enabling it with better access to formal credit and technology for modernization.

Action:  The KV Kamath Committee was set up on Sept 7, 2014 to examine the financial architecture for MSME sector. The Committee submitted its report in February, 2015. A one-page Udhyog Aadhar Memorandum (UAM) has been notified, replacing the cumbersome filing of Entrepreneurs Memorandum, to ease registration of MSME units.

MSME policy will be announced shortly. Startup movement started.

- Frame the environment laws in a manner that provides no scope for confusion and will lead to speedy clearance of proposals without delay.


A strong manufacturing sector will not only bridge the demand-supply gap leading to price stabilization, but also create millions of jobs and increase incomes for the working class. Above all, it will increase the revenue for government and lead to import substitution to bring down the import bill. We will make India a hub for cost-competitive labour-intensive mass manufacturing.

Action: Make in India launched.

To give boost to manufacturing, BJP will:
- Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing, so that we can create enough jobs in the country. This sector must grow fast to ensure employment and asset creation.

- Take steps for Interest rate rationalization and have a clear tax policy to remove uncertainty and create investor confidence.

- Take all steps; like removing red-tapism involved in approvals, to make it easy to do business, invest in logistics infrastructure, ensure power supply and undertake labour reforms, besides other steps to create a conducive environment for investors.

- Increase the public spending on R&D and Incentivize R&D investments by the industry to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector.

- We will facilitate setting up of software and hardware manufacturing units.

- Encourage Indian companies to go global and we will support Indian companies in this endeavor.
We believe that Indian entrepreneurs have the capability to take on global markets.

- Set up trade facilitation to ensure easier customs clearances and visas for business travel.
- Initiate a Government - Industry Dialogue, a channel for regular interface with the industry.

MSMEs (Micro, small and medium enterprises)

BJP considers that the role of SME sector is crucial for the economic development of our country. The sector needs to be developed by providing international linkages for exports, availability of credit through a dedicated SME bank, supply chain efficiencies, adoption of IT, support in R&D and innovation, and a policy support for enhancing the mandate to purchase from SME for large scale projects.

Overall goal is to enhance the competitiveness of the SME sector leading to a larger contribution to our economic growth and employment generation.

Cooperative Sector

Every effort will be made to encourage the cooperative sector.

BJP commits to review the existing laws with regards to the cooperative sector, and will amend the multi-state cooperative act to remove lacunae and anomalies.

Agriculture - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Agriculture - Productive, Scientific and Rewarding

Agriculture is the engine of India's economic growth and the largest employer, and BJP commits highest priority to agricultural growth, increase in farmer's income and rural development.

BJP will:
- increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
- take steps to enhance the profitability in agriculture, by ensuring a minimum of 50% profits over the cost of production, cheaper agriculture inputs and credit; introducing latest technologies for farming and high yielding seeds and linking MGNREGA to agriculture.
- Put in place welfare measures for farmers above 60 years in age, small and marginal farmers and farm labours.
- Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques and optimum utilization of water resources.
- Introduce soil assessment based crop planning and setting up mobile soil testing labs.
- Re-orient pest management and control programmes.
- implement and incentivize the setting up of the food processing industry that has remained just a plain talk till now. This will lead to better income for farmers and create jobs. We aim to set up 'agro food processing clusters', with high value, export-quality and vacuum packed food processing facilities, etc.
- Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
- Set up the 'Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India', to promote organic farming and fertilizers, and provide incentives and support for marketing organic produce.
- Introduce rotation farming for herbal products, based on geographical mapping, to enhance the income of farmers.
- Implement a farm insurance scheme to take care of crop loss due to unforeseen natural calamities.
- Strengthen and expand rural credit facilities.
- Promote horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture, bee-keeping and poultry for generating jobs and income for rural India
- Promote fish farming and aqua culture. Measures would be taken for the welfare of fisherman
- Create Cluster based storage systems (e.g. Rice cluster, Wheat Cluster, Veg - Fruit cluster, Spices cluster).
- Introduce the concept of consumer friendly farmers' market to reduce wastages and increase incomes and risk coverage.
- Reform the APMC act.
- Work with the states to set up seed culture labs in each district and regional agriculture innovation labs to conserve agro-biodiversity and to identify and preserve rare indigenous varieties.
- Explore setting up of regional Kisan TV channels.
- Give high priority to poverty alleviation in rural areas.
Genetically Modified (GM) foods will not be allowed without full scientific evaluation on its long-term effects on soil, production and biological impact on consumers.
Land acquisition is a contentious issue due to the opacity of the land acquisition process. BJP will adopt a 'National Land Use Policy', which will look at the scientific acquisition of non-cultivable land, and its development; protect the interest of farmers and keep in mind the food production goals and economic goals of the country. It's implementation would be monitored by the National Land Use Authority, which will work with the State Land Use Authorities to regulate and facilitate land management. The power and functions of the National Land Use Authority would be similar to those of other regulatory bodies.

Agriculture - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes 

Agriculture - Productive, Scientific and Rewarding

Agriculture is the engine of India's economic growth and the largest employer, and BJP commits highest priority to agricultural growth, increase in farmer's income and rural development.

BJP will:
- increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.

- take steps to enhance the profitability in agriculture, by ensuring a minimum of 50% profits over the cost of production, cheaper agriculture inputs and credit; introducing latest technologies for farming and high yielding seeds and linking MGNREGA to agriculture.

Action:  Some of the key steps taken to strengthen the process are mandating 60% of works (in terms of cost) for asset creation, maintaining labour to material ratio at district level, introduction of outcome orientation and fixed asset register. .

- Put in place welfare measures for farmers above 60 years in age, small and marginal farmers and farm labours.

Action: Accident insurance policy, life insurance policy and pension schemes announced.

- Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques and optimum utilization of water resources.

- Introduce soil assessment based crop planning and setting up mobile soil testing labs.

Action: Soil health card scheme introduced.  77 mobile soil testing labs have been sanctioned so far.

- Re-orient pest management and control programmes.

- implement and incentivize the setting up of the food processing industry that has remained just a plain talk till now. This will lead to better income for farmers and create jobs. We aim to set up 'agro food processing clusters', with high value, export-quality and vacuum packed food processing facilities, etc.

No action  in this direction so far.

- Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.

- Set up the 'Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India', to promote organic farming and fertilizers, and provide incentives and support for marketing organic produce.

No Action: No step has been taken yet in this regard,

Action: Initiatives in the areas of organic farming (Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana) and fertilizer (New Fertilizer Policy) have been taken.

- Introduce rotation farming for herbal products, based on geographical mapping, to enhance the income of farmers.

- Implement a farm insurance scheme to take care of crop loss due to unforeseen natural calamities.

Action: New farm insurance scheme announced.
A new scheme Pradhan Mantri Fisal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) which will be operational from Kharif-2016 was designed. The scope of risks includes hailstorm, landslide, inundation, flood, unseasonal rain, etc. Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) have also been rationalized and made at par with PMFBY.

- Strengthen and expand rural credit facilities.
- Promote horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture, bee-keeping and poultry for generating jobs and income for rural India

- Promote fish farming and aqua culture. Measures would be taken for the welfare of fisherman

- Create Cluster based storage systems (e.g. Rice cluster, Wheat Cluster, Veg - Fruit cluster, Spices cluster).

No Action

- Introduce the concept of consumer friendly farmers' market to reduce wastages and increase incomes and risk coverage.

- Reform the APMC act.

Action:   The Union government has issued advisory to states to delist fruits and vegetables from their APMC Acts for allowing inter-state movement. The government has set a pre-condition to states of reforming their APMC Acts in order to integrate in the National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) scheme.

- Work with the states to set up seed culture labs in each district and regional agriculture innovation labs to conserve agro-biodiversity and to identify and preserve rare indigenous varieties.

No Action

- Explore setting up of regional Kisan TV channels.

Action: DD Kisan, first television channel dedicated to farmers, is operational since May 26, 2015. The Channel disseminates real time information to farmers on matters such as water conservation, organic farming, new farming techniques, etc.

- Give high priority to poverty alleviation in rural areas.

Genetically Modified (GM) foods will not be allowed without full scientific evaluation on its long-term effects on soil, production and biological impact on consumers.

Land acquisition is a contentious issue due to the opacity of the land acquisition process. BJP will adopt a 'National Land Use Policy', which will look at the scientific acquisition of non-cultivable land, and its development; protect the interest of farmers and keep in mind the food production goals and economic goals of the country. It's implementation would be monitored by the National Land Use Authority, which will work with the State Land Use Authorities to regulate and facilitate land management. The power and functions of the National Land Use Authority would be similar to those of other regulatory bodies.

Was National Land Use Authority set up so far?   No Action

Economic Revival - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

BJP Manifesto : Lok Sabha Elections 2014

The portion related economy is divided into number of posts and the manifesto point by point and actions taken so far are identified. The full list of articles and links are provided at the end.

Economic Revival

We will bring back credibility and trust in government, re-sowing confidence in the India story domestically as well as internationally. Through consistent, long-term policies, we will not just spur the process of economic growth, but also ensure that it is stable as well as balanced.

We will:
- find out solutions, which are effective in the short run and lasting in the long run.
strictly implement Fiscal discipline, without compromising on funds availability for development work and asset creation
- allocate resources efficiently and effectively to re-energize the engines of growth.
- re-visit the policy framework for investments both foreign and domestic to make them more conducive.
- undertake Banking reforms to enhance ease and access, as well as accountability.
- we will encourage Savings as an important driver of investment and growth.

NPAs have increased sharply over the past few years and the trend continues. BJP will take necessary steps to reduce NPAs in Banking sector. Also, BJP will set up a strong regulatory framework for the non-banking financial companies to protect the investors.

UPA Government has unleashed 'Tax terrorism' and 'uncertainty', which not only creates anxiety amongst the business class and negatively impacts the investment climate, but also dents the image of the country. BJP realizes the importance of having a Tax Policy Roadmap, so that people are aware of the future and plan accordingly. We will:
- provide a non adversarial and conducive tax environment
- rationalize and simplify the tax regime
- overhaul the dispute resolution mechanisms
- bring on board all State governments in adopting GST, addressing all their concerns
- provide tax incentives for investments in research and development, geared towards indigenization of technology and innovation

Foreign Direct Investment
Barring the multi-brand retail sector, FDI will be allowed in sectors wherever needed for job and asset creation, infrastructure and acquisition of niche technology and specialized expertise. BJP is committed to protecting the interest of small and medium retailers, SMEs and those employed by them. The FIPBs (Foreign Investment Promotion Board) functioning shall be made more efficient and investor- friendly

Economic Revival - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - Launched So Far

We will bring back credibility and trust in government, re-sowing confidence in the India story domestically as well as internationally. Through consistent, long-term policies, we will not just spur the process of economic growth, but also ensure that it is stable as well as balanced.

We will:
- find out solutions, which are effective in the short run and lasting in the long run.
strictly implement Fiscal discipline, without compromising on funds availability for development work and asset creation.

Action: In this year's budget (2016-17), the FM reiterated his commitment to fiscal discipline.
 The fiscal deficit was reduced from 4.5% in 2013-14 to 3.9% in 2015-16, and simultaneously, the capital expenditure was increased.

We will  allocate resources efficiently and effectively to re-energize the engines of growth.

Action: Investment in Railways, Roads and Solar Power are being done in significant amounts.

We will  re-visit the policy framework for investments both foreign and domestic to make them more conducive.

Action: More FDI is attracted by various measures.

We will:
- undertake Banking reforms to enhance ease and access, as well as accountability.
- we will encourage Savings as an important driver of investment and growth.


NPAs have increased sharply over the past few years and the trend continues. BJP will take necessary steps to reduce NPAs in Banking sector. Also, BJP will set up a strong regulatory framework for the non-banking financial companies to protect the investors.

Action: RBI has initiated actions on NPAs


UPA Government has unleashed 'Tax terrorism' and 'uncertainty', which not only creates anxiety amongst the business class and negatively impacts the investment climate, but also dents the image of the country. BJP realizes the importance of having a Tax Policy Roadmap, so that people are aware of the future and plan accordingly. We will:
- provide a non adversarial and conducive tax environment
- rationalize and simplify the tax regime
- overhaul the dispute resolution mechanisms.

- bring on board all State governments in adopting GST, addressing all their concerns
Action: Efforts on to get the bill on GST passed in parliament.

- provide tax incentives for investments in research and development, geared towards indigenization of technology and innovation

Foreign Direct Investment

Barring the multi-brand retail sector, FDI will be allowed in sectors wherever needed for job and asset creation, infrastructure and acquisition of niche technology and specialized expertise.

Action: FDI is being welcomed through various avenues.

The FIPBs (Foreign Investment Promotion Board) functioning shall be made more efficient and investor- friendly


BJP is committed to protecting the interest of small and medium retailers, SMEs and those employed by them.

Action: Mudra Bank is started

Full Series of Articles on the Theme: Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Economic Revival - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Agriculture - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Industry - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Handicrafts - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Services - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Labour Force - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Housing - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Physical Infrastructure - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Next Generation Infrastructure - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election

Transport - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Railway - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Water - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Energy - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Science and Technology - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Environment and Biodiversity - Modi Govt. Economic Policy and Programmes - BJP Election Manifesto

Articles on the Theme  by Other Publications

Modi Government Manifesto Fulfilment Meter - Out of 195 - Action started on 139.

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