Monday, November 29, 2021

Employment and Job Creation - Potential of Mudra Finance Scheme - Data Analysis and Interview Based Perspectives

Employment and Job Creation - Potential of Mudra Finance Scheme - Data Analysis and Interview Based Perspectives

Paper Presented  at the 18th IASSI ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2017, 4 - 5 December 2017, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh


Dr. K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao

Professor, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)

Mumbai – 400 087

Plan to provide 2 crore persons employment using Mudra Finance Scheme. 




According to the report, “Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India”  based on the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016), the number of micro units in India are around 6 crores and about 11 lakh crore persons are working in them. These enterprises have the potential to pay minimum wages to the employees working in them on average and provide employment on continuous basis in every month of the year. Number of research studies on informal sector employment in India came to the conclusion that more than 90 percent of employment is provided only by the informal sector. Such a phenomenon is also seen in many developing countries. Even though, it is thought initially that organized sector will expand and informal sector will disappear, the evidence shows contrary situation. In many countries, informal sector is still expanding providing employment opportunities to fresh entrants into jobs. Hence, government support to informal sector is increasing. Government of India also realized the important role of MSMEs in the economic system of the country. Mudra Finance Scheme was launched by Government of India to provide finance to micro sector units through banks. The scheme is supported by a refinance facility and credit guarantee fund. Micro sector firms are mostly proprietary and partnership concerns and hence they are part of informal sector. The scheme was implemented in the year 2015-16. The targets set for Mudra Finance credit were achieved by the banking sector for the last two years (2015-16 and 2016-17). The target for the year 2017-18 is set at Rs.2.44 lakh crores. The targets are being increased every year. An initial observation based on the average fixed assets per employee in micro units of non-agricultural sector and the credit target of the Mudra Finance Scheme reveal that self-employment and wage employment can be provided to significant number of persons every year in micro units. Number of research papers have stated that informal and unorganized sector provides 70 to 93% of the jobs in different manufacturing and service business areas. Based on these observations further data analysis is done. Bank managers were contacted for their views on Mudra Finance loans. Based on the interviews conducted, Mudra Finance Scheme can be described as a successful scheme. But, the scheme may need to be modified based on a detailed survey of the bank managers, who have to actually select the business unit, finance it and collect back the loans. It is observed that the elected representatives and political party members are not yet promoting this scheme in any significant manner as the importance of the scheme to contribute significantly is not realized by them. In the paper, the details of potential employment, the issues highlighted by bank managers in the interviews and some other observations regarding the operation of Mudra Finance are provided so that the potential of the scheme is highlighted for policy decisions by the Governments, elected representatives, banks, business associations, business firms,  and non-government organizations.

1. Introduction

Achieving a high rate of growth of GDP has been the focus of the Indian planning process along with substantial employment generation for creating adequate work opportunities for the rising labour force. Prevalence of unemployment leads to poverty entailed with numerous social problems. In the background of this, providing employment to the labour force has been an area of central concern in all Five Year Plans.  Initially the generation of employment was expected to be an inevitable result of the process of development.  But the trends of the recent two decades show that growth has not yielded desired results in the area of employment generation. 

During 1950-70, employment grew by 2 per cent per annum while the growth in labor force was 2.5 per cent, thus, resulting in overall increase in unemployment.  Efforts were also made in the subsequent five year plans to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship through provision of assets, skills and other support to the unemployed. These steps led to expansion of employment levels. However, the rate of growth of employment still lagged behind the rate of growth of labour force. 

 A comparison of major employment-unemployment indicators between 2004-05 (NSS 61st round) and 2009-2010 (NSS 66th round) brings out some important facts:

The NSSO collects data on employment and unemployment using three broad measures or approaches: (i) Usual Principal & Subsidiary Status; (ii) Current Weekly Status; and (iii) Current Daily Status. Usual Principal & Subsidiary Status (UPSS) has two components, viz., Usual Principal Status and Subsidiary Status. It relates to the activity status of a person during the reference period of last 365 days preceding the date of survey. The activity status on which a person spent relatively longer time (major time criterion) is considered the Usual Principal Status (UPS). Current Weekly Status (CWS) of a person is the activity status obtained for a person during a reference period of 7 days preceding the date of survey. According to this, a person is considered as a worker if he/she has performed any economic activity at least for one hour on any day of the reference week, and is obtained on the basis of daily activities performed on each day of the reference period.

Current Daily Status (CDS) of a person is determined on the basis of his/her activity status on each day of the reference week using a priority-cum-major time criterion (day to day labour time disposition). Broadly, a person is considered working (employed) for the full day if he/she worked for 4 hours or more during the day.

A comparison of estimated persons in the labour force, work force and those unemployed between 2004-05 and 2009-10 brings out certain important facts:

Under UPSS, the number of persons in the labour force remained nearly same (468.8 million persons in 2009-10 and 469 million persons in 2004-05). Under CWS, the labour force increased from 445.2 million persons in 2004-05 to 450.4 million persons in 2009-10 i.e. by 5.2 million persons. 

The working group of planning commission for the 12th plan (Working Group, 2011) estimated that employment has to be created for 533.68 million persons by end of March 2017. 

But the current situation of employment creation in the country is not encouraging. Many persons are criticizing the government for the failure to create jobs. Hence, examining the job creation opportunities is an important research activity that would be of help to policy makers to solve a pressing problem of Indian economy. The report, “Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India” based on the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016) provides interesting information that gives a direction to estimate the employment potential of micro sector, especially when examined in conjunction with the credit targets achieved under Mudra Finance Scheme for micro units in India (MOSPI, 2017). Hence further research was carried out to analyze the implication.

In the paper, the further sections are organized as follows. Section 2 is related to literature review. Section 3 covers the important information from the report, “Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India”  based on the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016). Section 4 covers the details and progress of Mudra Finance Scheme. Section 5 is concerned with the plan of providing self-employment and wage employment using Mudra Finance Scheme. Section 6 provides the summary of the interviews conducted with bank managers regarding the issues related to Mudra Finance scheme and operational problems in giving and collection loans under it. Section 7 highlights other issues related to operation of Mudra Finance Scheme and involvement of elected representatives. The conclusions are made in Section 8.

2. Literature review 

The existing literature on the topics of employment in micro sector (informal sector) and mudra scheme are examined to bring out the important issues that were discovered so far and to identify the research gap.

Bairagya (2012) noted that in the Indian context, there is distinction between unorganized and informal sectors. Informal sector covers all unincorporated proprietary and partnership enterprises (in the Annual Survey of Industries), while the unorganized sector includes enterprises run by cooperative societies, trusts, and private and limited companies in addition to unincorporated proprietary and partnership enterprises that are not regulated. The informal sector can, therefore, be considered as a sub-set of the unorganized sector. The informal sector has employment size also as criterion. The employment threshold in the context of India is nine workers.  The Probit regression analysis done by author regarding  informal sector employment determinants shows that that individuals without any general or technical education have a greater probability of working in the informal sector.  

Mitra and Pande (2013) examined the employment elasticity of the organized sector in India. They found that the equation representing determinants of wages indicated that units with assets are better-off compared to those that do not have them. This finding led to the policy implication, that wages can be increased in the unorganized sector through increased asset creation. Government has to provide credit facilities to support asset creation and it may bring in improvements in livelihood of the employees in unorganized sector enterprises which are employing bulk of the persons in the country. The rate of growth in employment in the informal sector has been much faster than that in the formal sector. Individuals with poor human and physical capital endowment who were unable to get jobs in formal sector may start own account enterprises and other small units. But subsequent improvement in relevant information gathering and training, the accessibility to market information, credit facilities, technological know-how and other information pertaining to the overall macro-economic and policy changes increases; the scale of operation expands for many of these initial small firms. In the informal sector, the firms using wage employees have 5.42 employees on average in manufacturing sector, 1.45 employees in trading firms, and 4.2 employees in service businesses. Thus micro units have good number of employees in manufacturing and service business areas.

Prakash and Patawari (2014) indicate that in India, SMEs are a vibrant and dynamic component of economy by their high caliber and significant role in employment generation, which is second largest after agriculture. The small-scale sector generates employment of four persons on investment of Rs.1,00,000. Their research supported the propositions that increase in small enterprises and increase in assets of small enterprises leads to increase in employment.

Das (2015) observed that most of the workers in the developing world derive their livelihood from the informal economy. Informal sector provides self-employment as well as wage employment. Despite predictions that with advancement and modernization it will eventually be absorbed, the informal economy has not only grown in many countries but also has emerged in new forms. It is now widely recognized that the informal economy is not a transient residual feature but a permanent component of modern capitalist development. Moreover, it is not a stagnant peripheral entity, but a vibrant dynamic integral part of the entire economy.

Puhan (2016) observed that 12th five year plan envisions creation of 50 million non-farm employment opportunities. As per the World Bank Report, in India youth unemployment as a percentage of youth population is 10 per cent for males and 11 per cent for females. More than 93 per cent of the workforce is employed in the informal sector.  There is a need to increase employment in formal sector to provide satisfactory jobs to educated persons but growth of informal sector has to be supported to provide employment to bulk of the job seekers for many years to come. 

Chattopadhyay and Mondal (2016) examined the question “should investment be directed towards the ‘formal’ sector or to the ‘informal’ sector, given the fact that developing economies like India often have vast ‘informal’ sector?”  The informal sector can be more dynamic than the formal sector provided they have the right opportunities to flourish. Informal sector is not necessarily an entity that is trapped in low level equilibrium. In fact, both informal manufacturing units and self-employed units accumulate fixed assets, invest and grow.  National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector, 2007 defined informal sector as ‘unorganized sector consists of all unincorporated private enterprises owned by individuals or households engaged in sale and production of goods and services operated on a proprietary or partnership basis and with less than ten total workers. Based on that definition, it was found that 92 per cent of the total employment is contributed by informal sector in 2006-07, accompanied with almost 50 per cent of total Gross Value. Full employment and productivity-wage equilibrium can be achieved by promoting formal or large firms as well as unorganized sector firms simultaneously and under full employment condition further investment can be driven by productivity considerations. When the economy is under significant unemployment situation, employment creation has to be the dominant logic of public policy.

Indrakumar (2017) examined the share of organized sector of manufacturing in total employment.  In 1999–2000 there were 44.05 million employed in the manufacturing sector and the share of organized manufacturing in overall manufacturing was 18.5 per cent (8.17 million) of the total workers. It increased to 8.45 million out of 55.77 million workers for the year 2004–05. Again, the composition of organized employment in the total manufacturing employment showed an increase in the year 2009–10. Organized manufacturing sector contributed 11.41 million jobs out of 50.74 million manufacturing job opportunities. 

The literature brings out the importance of informal sector or micro sector (employing less than nine or ten employees) in providing employment to bulk of the job seekers in developing countries and especially in India. Hence the micro sector development is to be researched further to bring out opportunities for supporting the sector through public policy as well as private sector initiatives.

Mudra Finance Scheme is a major public policy initiative to provide credit to micro sector firms. The scheme was started in 2015. Number of researchers described the features of the scheme in the papers published in years 2015 and 2016. Godha and Name (2017) covered salient aspects of Mudra Finance Scheme and Mudra Organization. They also covered the amount sanctioned and disbursed for the year 2015-16 and the number of loan accounts opened for India as a whole and for Rajasthan State. Gautam, Kumar and Gopal (2017) gave details of loans sanctioned in years 2015-16 and 2016-17 under Mudra Finance Scheme for India as a whole and for the state of Haryana.

The literature does not have papers that have indicated the employment potential of the informal sector for future period. In the literature related to Mudra Finance, we do not find any study that estimated the employment potential of the scheme. The operational problems of the scheme are also not studied.

In the research study undertaken, an attempt is made to estimate the employment potential of Mudra scheme loans and also to interview and elicit from branch managers of banks the operational problems faced by them.

3.  Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises in India - NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016)

The important indicators of the survey that help in estimating employment potential are described in this section.

3.1 Sample Size

First stage units (Villages and urban blocks): For rural India, the number of villages surveyed in the central sample was 8484 and the number of urban blocks/ Census Enumeration Blocks surveyed was 7839. 

Second Stage Units: The unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises were the ultimate sampling units in NSS 73rd round survey. At all India level a total of 290113 enterprises were surveyed (143179 enterprises in rural and 146934 enterprises in urban sector) (MOSPI, 2017).

3.2 Number of Unincorporated Enterprises

 The survey estimated the number of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in the country during 2015-16 as 6.34 crore. Out of the total number of enterprises 51.3 % were in rural areas and the remaining 48.7 % were in urban areas. Out of the total estimated number of enterprises at all India level, 31 % were engaged in manufacturing, 36.3 % enterprises were in trading and 32.6 % were in other services. As per the results obtained from the survey, the Own Account Enterprises (OAEs) (i.e. enterprises that do not employ any hired worker on a fairly regular basis) had a dominant share in the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction). At all India level 84.2 % of the estimated number of enterprises under coverage was OAEs. The share of OAEs was 91.4 % in the rural areas and 76.6 % in the urban areas.

3.3 Number of Employed Persons

The results of the survey reveals that during 2015-16, about 11.13 crore workers were engaged in unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in the country. Among the workers, 55 % worked in urban areas and 45 % worked in rural areas. The Own Account Enterprises (OAEs) accounted for 62 % of the workforce in the unincorporated non-agricultural sector (excluding construction) in the country. 

3.4 Gross Value Added (GVA)

Gross Value Added (GVA) is an important economic indicator that measures the contribution of a particular sector to the economy. It gives the value of goods and services produced less the cost of all intermediate consumption that are directly attributable to that production. During the year 2015-16, the aggregate annual gross value added by the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises engaged in market production was estimated as Rs.11,52,338 crores. At all-India level, annual GVA per enterprise in the unincorporated non-agricultural sector was estimated at Rs.1,81,908.

For rural India, annual GVA per enterprise for OAEs and establishments were estimated as Rs.71,217 and Rs.4,78,319 respectively. The corresponding estimates for urban areas were Rs.1,26,529 and Rs.7,03,848 respectively.

Gross Value Added per Worker (GVAPW) is a very important measure of labour productivity obtained by dividing the real output (i.e. gross value added) by the total number of workers employed by the enterprises. The annual GVA per Worker for enterprises engaged in market production at all India level was estimated as Rs.1,03,744.

3.5 Estimates Income for Self-Employed and Wage Employee for Rs.1 lakh Investment in Assets

The average annual emolument per hired worker estimated from the survey was Rs.87,544.

At all India level, the market value of owned fixed assets per enterprise was estimated as Rs.2,31,869.

From the data that average Annual GVA per enterprise is Rs.1,81,908 and average  owned fixed assets: Rs. 2,31,869 we can find value added for Rs.1,00,000 fixed assets as Rs.78.450 (Rs.1,00,000*Rs.1,81,908/Rs.2,31,869). 

Salary that can be paid to hired workers for Rs.1,00,000 fixed assets is Rs.66,200 (Rs.87,544 *Rs.78.450/Rs. 1,03,744). When the minimum wage to be paid is Rs.300 per day, the employee can be hired for 220 days in year. This comes to 18.5 days in month. As the age of the firm increases, the assets of the firm increase and the employees can be given work for more number of days in month offering full employment every month. Initially employment can be given in every month, and the employment qualifies to be defined as employed under UPSS. Thus we can say, one lakh rupees loan for one firm can give reasonable self-employment or wage employment.

According to the Micro, Small and Medium-Scale Enterprise Development Act (MSMED Act, 2006) of the Government of India, an enterprise is categorized as a microenterprise if it has an investment up to 25 lakh in plant and machinery, excluding land and buildings, and 10 lakh in manufacturing and service-rendering enterprises, respectively. Thus, a micro enterprise started with an initial capital of one lakh can grow further as a micro unit enjoying various special credit facilities till it graduates into a small enterprise. One can see it growing in next year as an establishment providing wage employment and in the third year, it can increase its investment further to give more income to the entrepreneur as well as employees.

4. Salient Features of Mudra Finance Scheme

Mudra Finance Scheme and Mudra Bank were announced in the 2015 budget speech by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. The Union Finance Minister in his Budget Speech for 2015-16 announced formation of MUDRA Bank. He informed the house that government firmly believes that economic development has to generate inclusive growth. While large corporate and business entities have a role to play, this has to be complemented by informal sector enterprises which generate maximum employment. There are some 5.77 crore small business units, mostly individual proprietorship, which run small manufacturing, trading or service businesses. These bottom of the pyramid, hard-working entrepreneurs are not supported by formal systems of credit adequately. Therefore, a proposal to create a Micro Units Development Refinance Agency (MUDRA) Bank, with a corpus of Rs.20,000 crore, and credit guarantee corpus of Rs.3,000 crore was included in the budget. MUDRA Bank will refinance Micro-Finance Institutions through a Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana. These measures will support the educated and skilled workers to start own activity enterprises and become first generation entrepreneurs. Existing small businesses will be able to expand their activities and provide employment.  

4.1 Responsibilities of Mudra Banks

The MUDRA Bank would primarily be responsible for –

1)    Laying down policy guidelines for micro/small enterprise financing business.

2)    Registration of MFI entities.

3)    Regulation of MFI entities.

4)    Accreditation /rating of MFI entities.

5)    Laying down responsible financing practices to ward off indebtedness and ensure proper client protection principles and methods of recovery.

6)    Development of standardised set of covenants governing last mile lending to micro/small enterprises.

7)    Promoting right technology solutions for the last mile.

8)    Formulating and running a Credit Guarantee scheme for providing guarantees to the loans which are being extended to micro enterprises.

9)    Creating a good architecture of Last Mile Credit Delivery to micro businesses under the scheme of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.

Establishment of Credit  Guarantee  Fund  for MUDRA Units(CGFMU) for  guaranteeing  loans  sanctioned  under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana with  the  objective  to  reduce  the  credit  risk  to  Banks  /  NBFCs  /  MFIs  /  other  financial  intermediaries,  who  are  Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) was also proposed.  The National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd. (NCGTC Ltd.),  a  wholly-owned  company  of  Government  of  India,  constituted  under  the  Companies  Act,  1956  (2013)  to  manage  and  operate  various  credit  guarantee  funds,  shall  be  the  Trustee  of  the  Fund.

MUDRA (SIDBI) Bank was established as per the proposal in the budget and it mission, declared in its website, is "To create an inclusive, sustainable and value based entrepreneurial culture, in collaboration with our partner institutions in achieving economic success and financial security." The vision is mentioned as "To be an integrated financial and support services provider par excellence benchmarked with global best practices and standards for the bottom of the pyramid universe for their comprehensive economic and social development."

4.2 MUDRA Loan scheme - Achievement during Years 2015–16 and 2016–17

The Mudra Yojana target has been achieved during the year 2015-16. As against the target of Rs.1,22,188 crore, the Banks and MFIs together have sanctioned Rs.1,32,954.73 crore (Mudra, 2016). Loans extended under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) during 2016-17 have crossed the target of Rs.1,80,000 crore for 2016-17. The Union Budget has announced a target of Rs.2.44 lakh crore for Mudra Loans during 2017-18 (PIB, 2017).

Mudra Finance targets are being achieved each year and the target is being increased also every year. Mudra Bank is given the responsibility to develop the scheme and its operational practices. The quantum of the credit target is substantial to provide employment to 2 crore persons per year if loans are made at the size of one lakh rupees per unit and an emphasis on new  micro sector start-up units is given in the scheme. Based on this insight a plan to provide employment to 2 crore persons per year in micro sector using Mudra Finance Scheme is proposed.

5. Plan for Creating Employment to 2 Crore Persons per Year in Micro Units Using Mudra Finance 

The Mudra credit target for 2017-18 is set at Rs.2.44 lakh crore. The target for 2018-19 can be increased to Rs.3.5 lakh with specifying sub categories that have focus on employment creation to 2 crore persons.

5.1 Subcategory 1. Focus: Self-Employment to One Crore Persons

Provide rupees one lakh loan to new units.

Provide rupees one lakh crores to one crore new micro units at average of one lakh per unit.  Self-employment to one crore persons can be provided with each unit generating an average value added of Rs.78,450. A training scheme and consultant support may be required to facilitate the micro sector enterprise development on this scale. 

Micro Unit Business Consultants to Guide Potential Micro Unit Entrepreneurs: For facilitating this new enterprise creation, one lakh (100,000) micro unit business consultants have to be trained and each consultant has to be given the opportunity to prepare business plans and assist 100 persons to start 100 new units. They can charge a fee of Rs.1000/- per year per unit for the first five years.  MSME training institutes and entrepreneurship development institutions can train these business consultants. Skill development ministry can conduct special programmes to develop the business consultants. In the discussions, bank managers appreciated this suggestion. They felt such business consultant can provide support to them in evaluating loan proposals by his knowledge of the entrepreneur and his business plan. The income to these business consultants keeps increasing with each year, as more new units are started in years.

5.2 Subcategory 2. Focus: Wage Employment to One Crore Persons

Provide rupees one lakh loan to existing units with plan to employ one more person.

Provide rupees one lakh loan to one crore enterprises each having a plan to employ one more person giving average wages of Rs.66,200. The applications for this sub category of loans is invited from existing units with business plans for expansion giving a job to one person. This sub-category focuses on creating wage employment.

The finance required for supporting the two schemes providing a total employment to 2 crore persons is Rs.2 lakh crores and is within the resources of Government of India and the Banking system and is below the credit target specified for 2017-18.

5.3 Target of Mudra Finance Credit for 2018-19

For the year 2018-19, target of Rs. 3.5 lakh crores can be fixed for Mudra Finance Scheme with three sub targets.

1. lakh crore for one crore new units.

2. lakh crore for one crore existing units each giving a job to one person.

3. Remaining Rs.1.5 lakh crore under old scheme to provide finance for units to deepen capital per unit and per worker to provide higher income to both entrepreneurs and workers.

The above scheme can create employment to minimum 2 crore persons. Unemployment problem in the country can be tackled through micro units. On average, every year, 2 crore persons out of the population of Rs.135 crore may join the employment seeking pool. Thus providing an opportunity for 2 crore person in micro sector will solve the unemployment problem. The job opportunities in small and medium units, large units, government are still there to people to provide higher income job opportunities.

6.  Interviews with Bank Branch Managers

While the amount of the credit target is well within the financial capacity of the governments and banking system, the managerial capacity of the branch managers of the banks and their positive evaluation of the Mudra loan scheme are important factors that will determine the success of the plan of providing employment to 2 crore persons every year in micro enterprises. Interviews were conducted with 10 bank managers in Kakinada, a corporation city of Andhra Pradesh and Thane City (Maharashtra).

The viewpoints emerged from the interviews are:

1.By and large, bank managers give the opinion that the scheme is a success and will become a success.

2.Bank managers are worried about the attitude of borrowers. Borrowers are thinking that it is government money that is being given to them.

3.An ethical conduct code is to be developed so that borrowers and the various persons who facilitate borrowing realize that it is bank money that is being given as loans and any default on the part of the borrowers, will result in loss to the bank, which in turn means loss to the bank depositors who are the neighbours of borrowers.  Loans are for running business concerns.

4.Every loan application must be accompanied by a business plan, which the borrower believes in and can defend it before bankers. In this context, bank managers feel that, loans have to be extended to business literate persons only. So a prior education and training to Mudra loan borrowers is necessary so that genuine borrowers can be identified.

5.Bankers express the problem that, there is more political interference and less support for making the Mudra loan scheme a success. When involvement of politicians occurs, it is more to demand loans for specific applicants. Efforts to develop good business persons and business supporting infrastructure is not visible.

6.Bank managers feel it is easier to give credit to a going concern. The borrower knows his business and trends in his business.

7.Giving loans to start a new business is more difficult. The applicant does not have knowledge about his business and many times he does not make any arrangements to start the business. He only wants money without producing any evidence of his ability to start a business and the infrastructure needed to start a business.

8.Some liberalization is required to disburse cash in advance. The counterparties in the transaction are many times individuals and therefore proper bills may not be available as documentation. A documentation system for such transactions has to be developed.

9.Applicants have to be from the locality of the bank branch, so that verification during loan appraisal process and follow up for collection can be done with less cost and more confidence.

10.The borrowers have to be given incentive for prompt payment at the time of total repayment of the loan. Additional loans have to be given at concessional rate to borrowers who made prompt repayment of the earlier loan. Borrowers who defaulted in paying monthly instalments have to be subjected to penalty interest at the subsequent loans.

11.Credit information linkage has to be developed so that all banks know the credit history of an applicant based on Aadhar number and banks do not give multiple loans.

12.Especially in case of loans made under political pressure, diversion of the loan amount is taking place. Loans must be strictly given only on business plan basis and for business plan related expenditure.

13.Extensive education has to be there among debtors about business loans taking and repayment.

14.The repayment experience so far is rated as satisfactory by bank managers.

15.Micro sector business consultancy as a handholding support to borrowers was welcomed by bank managers. The consultants can help the borrowers to make good business plans and to do business in more professional manner.

The important finding of the interviews is that bank managers have a positive view of the scheme. But they have some operational problems and a problem regarding the attitudes of the borrowers. A detailed survey of bank managers needs to be undertaken by the Mudra scheme designers to take views of branch managers into consideration to make modifications in the scheme. The confidence and satisfaction of branch managers is a very important factor for the success of the scheme.

7. Issues Related to Operation of Mudra Finance Scheme  

In this section, three issues: visibility of the scheme in banks, involvement of elected representatives, and business plan banks are discussed.

7.1 Visibility of the Scheme in Bank Branches

Mudra finance scheme is an important scheme of national importance that is being promoted by all ministers of the central cabinet. But, the bank branches are not promoting Mudra finance with any displays. Good display materials in bank branches will help many people to come to know of this scheme and talk about it with relevant people. Free literature on Mudra Scheme can be made available through bank branches to persons interested in knowing more about the scheme. No such pamphlet or booklet was given to the author when he visited various bank branches for interviews.

7.2 Involvement of Elected Representatives

Some states are also providing subsidies to entrepreneurs along with bank loans. What is lacking for effective use of the entrepreneurship schemes including Mudra schemes is political involvement. Most of the politicians, MPs and MLAs, who are natural leaders of their constituencies are indifferent. When they take interest and push things, bank managers are complaining of political interference. The views being expressed by bank managers can have a point. MPs and MLAs have to promote the schemes in their constituencies and they have to advise potential entrepreneurs to behave ethically. Instead of that if they push banks to give loans to the people recommended by them even without proper business plans, the complaints of political interference will come. Political involvement to promote economic development through increased investment is necessary. But political interference in administrative procedures has to be avoided. Government and Top leadership of various political parties have to advise their party members and elected representatives to promote investment utilizing the current schemes and programmes. Opposition parties should not remain indifferent. It is the Parliament that approved the Budget. They are also a party to the budget decision. All political parties have to make efforts to make the programmes, approved by Parliament a success and contribute to the growth of the country. No doubt, the negative points indicated by the opposition members in Parliament and outside will help them in future elections, if the present government does not take enough care to minimize them in implementing the approved programmes.

7.3 Business Plan Banks

Business plan development is an important step in setting up business. The process of making a business plan makes a prospective entrepreneur knowledgeable in important business characteristics. It also forces him to look into marketing and supply environment to confirm that the product under consideration has demand at an economic price and inputs to produce the product are also available at economic prices that provide a profit to the business. In the case of small businesses, many business firms have opportunity to do business in the same products or services in many different geographic locations. For example, medical shops are required in large number of villages and the business operations of many of them are similar. Hence a generic business plan can guide large number of firms in different locations. Thus a small number of generic business plans can help entrepreneurs in large number of locations to evaluate whether they can set up the business as per suggested business plans. SIDBI has developed online information base of various businesses possible in MSME sector. Banks can also create such online business plan information. Number of business schools conduct business plan competitions. They can conduct business plan competitions for micro units and publish them online to expand the business plan banks.

8. Conclusions

Prior research studies on employment help us to conclude that micro sector is an important economic activity and is providing employment to bulk of the population in developing countries. Some of the micro units graduate into small, medium and large organizations. Similarly, employees who join micro sector organizations, may look for opportunities in bigger organizations and get into more remunerative jobs in due course of time. Thus, micro sector is the main stepping stone for both entrepreneurs and wage employment seekers. Micro sector needs to be developed and various agencies giving attention to economic development of the country have to make efforts have to help the sector to grow horizontally into larger number of units and vertically into bigger size units to provide employment to all employment seekers and to provide income that provides good standard of living to all employees.

Mudra Finance scheme started in India to provide bank finance to micro units is a success in terms of the credit extended. Bank managers have positive view on the scheme with number of suggestions to make it more effective and less risky. The managers of the scheme in government, Reserve Bank of India and individual banks have to do a survey of branch managers of banks to understand their difficulties and modify the scheme to make it more successful. The scheme can be made more employment focused and sub-categories can be created to provide self-employment opportunity to one crore persons and wage employment to one crore persons by earmarking Rs.2 lakh crores, which is possible in the targets being prescribed for Mudra Finance. The plan was extensively circulated in social media forums and no significant objection was raised so far. It is also observed that even though Government is promoting Mudra Finance scheme, bank branches, elected representatives and members of political parties are not showing enthusiasm to promote the scheme in a big way with voluntary promotion activities. If the micro sector development and the strong support of Mudra Finance to micro sector development are accepted by many in the country, more involved and committed promotion of the scheme will take place and provide employment and livelihood to large number of persons of the country for many years to come.


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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Economic Investment by Government - ROI - Proposals by Industry Associations & Consultants

 What will be the return on investment for government in terms of tax revenue? Would be interesting if consultants recommending government intervention develop cash flow estimates for government's initial expenditure and later tax revenues.

Clean energy: Govt should create market for clean hydrogen, says Atanu Mukherjee

Cost advantage of using hydrogen
The cost of producing clean hydrogen from coal with carbon capture (blue hydrogen) can cost less than ₹100 a kg while producing hydrogen from renewables (green hydrogen) is about ₹375 a kg at present.

At ₹100 a kg, the production cost of blue hydrogen is equivalent to diesel, priced at about ₹30 a liter. However, hydrogen distribution and retail dispensing stations will likely add another ₹75 to 100 per litre, bringing the dispensing price to between ₹100 and 125 per liter on a diesel price equivalent basis today.

Gayatri Mantram - Meaning



Bhur Bhuvah Svah

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

Dhiyo Yo nah Prachodayat

Om: means God. Brahman (the creator).  The scripture says “Om Iti Ek Akshara Brahman” (Om that one syllable itself describes Brahman).

 Bhur, Bhuvah, Svah: Three worlds

Tat –  “that”, God of three worlds

Savitur – “Divine Sun” (The ultimate light of wisdom)

Varenyam – I adore 

Bhargo – capable of dispelling ignorance

Devasya – of God  (The God capable of dispelling ignorance)

Dheemahi – “We Contemplate”

Dhiyo – “Intellect”

Yo  – “Who”

Nah – “Ours”

Prachodayat – should increase

I adore the God of three worlds, Savitur. I contemplate on him who is capable of dispelling ignorance. He should increase and raise our intellect.

I adore (respect) the God of three worlds. My contemplation of the God who is capable of dispelling ignorance, which will increase my intellect.


ॐ भूर्भुवः स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

ॐ : परब्रह्मा का अभिवाच्य शब्द

भूः : भूलोक

भुवः : अंतरिक्ष लोक

स्वः : स्वर्गलोक

त : परमात्मा अथवा ब्रह्म

सवितुः : ईश्वर अथवा सृष्टि कर्ता

वरेण्यम : पूजनीय

भर्गः: अज्ञान तथा पाप निवारक

देवस्य : ज्ञान स्वरुप भगवान का

धीमहि : हम ध्यान करते है

धियो : बुद्धि प्रज्ञा

योः : जो

नः : हमें

प्रचोदयात् : प्रकाशित करें।

Monday, November 22, 2021

Nirukta - The Dictionary to Understand Vedas

The Nirukta Of Yaska

by R G Bhadkamkar

Vol. 1

Vol, 2

Nirukta 7-8 Adhyaya Intro | निरुक्त 7-8 अध्याय परिचय

The Nighantu and the Nirukta: The Oldest Indian Treatise on Etymology, Philology and Semantics

Lakshman Sarup

Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 1998 - Vedic language - 672 pages

This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.


Branches of Knowledge of Hindu Dharma


Hindu Dharma, or the Hindu way of life is more technically called as Vedic dharma or Vedic way of life.


Hindu dharma has fourteen abodes or branches of knowledge.


There are four steps or dasas in learning. Reading, understanding what is read, living according to the teachings contained in what is read, and making others also live in accordance with them.


The Vedas – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda are the first four authoritative texts of vedic religion.


Six Angas or basic parts of Vedas are Siksha, Vyakarana, Chandas, Nirukta, Jyotisa and Kalpa.


The four upangas or sub parts are Mimamsa, Nyaya, Purana and Dharmasastra.


The four more branches of intellectual  learning which are not part of learning dharma but are part of learning for living are Ayurveda, Arthasastra, Dhanuveda and Gandharva Veda.


Origin of Vedas

 Vedas are breath of the Paramatman. Brahma is the primordial sage who saw or received all the mantras of Vedas. They were imparted to him through his heart by the Paramatman.  Kanchi Swamiji, Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamiji said, Vedas are always present in the heart of Paramatman. They are not created by him.


 Content of Vedas

Vedas have Samhita, Brahmanas, Aranyaka and Upanishad as the principal parts.


Rigveda: The Rigveda Samhita is all in the form of poetry. The Rigveda Samhita has 10,170 RiKs or Shlokas and 1,028 suktas.  It is divided into ten mandalas or eight ashtakas.


Yajurveda: Yajurveda has the description of worship associated with RiKs and suktas.


Yajurveda is available in two different versions – Sukla and Krishna.


Samas of Sama Veda are sung with musical tones.


Athravana Veda: It has mantras with which one wards of misfortunes and disasters and indicates ways of fighting with enemies.


All Vedas have one common goal. The goal is the well-being of the entire world and all creatures living in it.



Brahmanas lay down the various rites to be performed.  Aranyakas provide more meaning to the mantras of samhitas. They are more oriented towards enquiry and understanding. Upanishads provide more detailed discussion on some specific issues.





Speeches of  Kanchi Swamiji, Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamiji,  Hindu Dharma, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 2000

Friday, November 19, 2021

1M - S 1-10. Rigveda Suktams - Mandala 1 - 1 to 10

Writing was started on 27 October 2021  

Sookta 1

I am trying to read and give simple and straight forward meaning of mantras based on Dayananda Saraswati's veda bhashyam in sanskrit and hindi and with  support of  translations of the same. The meanings of words were given by Swami Dayananda Saraswati in sanskrit and hindi.  Later I shall add Sayanacharya's commentary also.

Sookta 1. ९ mantras. मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः । अग्निः। गायत्री।

1. अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म्। होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम्॥१॥

अग्निम् । ईळे । पुरःऽहितम् । यज्ञस्य । देवम् । ऋत्विजम् । होतारम् । रत्नऽधातमम् ॥

यहाँ प्रथम मन्त्र में अग्नि शब्द करके ईश्वर ने अपना और भौतिक अर्थ का उपदेश किया है।

हम लोग 

(यज्ञस्य) विद्वानों के सत्कार सङ्गम महिमा और कर्म के 

(होतारं) देने तथा ग्रहण करनेवाले 

(पुरोहितम्) उत्पत्ति के समय से पहिले परमाणु आदि सृष्टि के धारण करने और 

(ऋत्विज्ञं) बारंबार उत्पत्ति के समय में स्थूल सृष्टि के रचनेवाले तथा ऋतु-ऋतु में उपासना करने योग्य 

(रत्नधातमम्) और निश्चय करके मनोहर पृथिवी वा सुवर्ण आदि रत्नों के धारण करने वा 

(देवम्) देने तथा सब पदार्थों के प्रकाश करनेवाले परमेश्वर की 

(ईळे) स्तुति करते हैं। तथा उपकार के लिये हम लोग 

(यज्ञस्य) विद्यादि दान और शिल्पक्रियाओं से उत्पन्न करने योग्य पदार्थों के 

(होतारं) देनेहारे तथा 

(पुरोहितम्) उन पदार्थों के उत्पन्न करने के समय से पूर्व भी छेदन धारण और आकर्षण आदि गुणों के धारण करनेवाले 

(ऋत्विजम्) शिल्पविद्या साधनों के हेतु 

(रत्नधातमम्) अच्छे-अच्छे सुवर्ण आदि रत्नों के धारण कराने तथा 

(देवम्) युद्धादिकों में कलायुक्त शस्त्रों से विजय करानेहारे भौतिक अग्नि की 

(ईळे) बारंबार इच्छा करते हैं।


इस मन्त्र में श्लेषालङ्कार से दो अर्थों का ग्रहण होता है। 

पिता के समान कृपाकारक परमेश्वर सब जीवों के हित और सब विद्याओं की प्राप्ति के लिये कल्प-कल्प की आदि में वेद का उपदेश करता है। जैसे पिता वा अध्यापक अपने शिष्य वा पुत्र को शिक्षा करता है कि तू ऐसा कर वा ऐसा वचन कह, सत्य वचन बोल, इत्यादि शिक्षा को सुनकर बालक वा शिष्य भी कहता है कि सत्य बोलूँगा, पिता और आचार्य्य की सेवा करूँगा, झूठ न कहूँगा, इस प्रकार जैसे परस्पर शिक्षक लोग शिष्य वा लड़कों को उपदेश करते हैं, वैसे ही अग्निमीळे० इत्यादि वेदमन्त्रों में भी जानना चाहिये। क्योंकि ईश्वर ने वेद सब जीवों के उत्तम सुख के लिये प्रकट किया है। इसी वेद के उपदेश का परोपकार फल होने से अग्निमीळे० इस मन्त्र में ईडे यह उत्तम पुरुष का प्रयोग भी है। 

(अग्निमीळे०) इस मन्त्र में परमार्थ और व्यवहारविद्या की सिद्धि के लिये अग्नि शब्द करके परमेश्वर और भौतिक ये दोनों अर्थ लिये जाते हैं। जो पहिले समय में आर्य लोगों ने अश्वविद्या के नाम से शीघ्र गमन का हेतु शिल्पविद्या आविष्कृत की थी, वह अग्निविद्या की ही उन्नति थी। परमेश्वर के आप ही आप प्रकाशमान सब का प्रकाशक और अनन्त ज्ञानवान् होने से, तथा भौतिक अग्नि के रूप दाह प्रकाश वेग छेदन आदि गुण और शिल्पविद्या के मुख्य साधक होने से अग्नि शब्द का प्रथम ग्रहण किया है ॥१॥

पु॒रोहि॑तं The person who is in the form of atoms before the creation. The source material for creation.

त्विज॑म् At the time of creation, the person who makes the initial structure of living and material things

य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वम - The person who gives benefits and takes the offerings in the yajnas. the projects of living beings.

दे॒वम The person who gives and illuminates all things

होता॑रं - The giver and receiver

रत्न॒धात॑मम् - The source of material wealth of the universe.

I glorify the God (fire power) the Supreme Leader, Supporter of the universe, the Illuminator of all activity in the universe, the only object of adoration in all seasons and the most Bounteous and the Greatest Bestower of  wealth. 

The root (eed   ) means  to long eagerly or to adore. (Dict. to praise)

The word (dev) is derived from the root of the word (daan). Hence the meaning of dev is  Giver or  Illuminator.  

(Ratnadhaatamam): Most lavish dispenser of delightful riches. (Dict. Dhatumat : Rich or abounding in metals)

अ॒ग्निः पूर्वे॑भि॒र्ऋषि॑भि॒रीड्यो॒ नूत॑नैरु॒त। स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति॥२॥

अग्निः । पूर्वेभिः । ऋषिऽभिः । ईड्यः । नूतनैः । उत । सः । देवान् । आ । इह । वक्षति ॥

उक्त अग्नि किन से स्तुति करने वा खोजने योग्य है, इसका उपदेश अगले मन्त्र में किया है-

यहाँ अग्नि शब्द के दो अर्थ करने में प्रमाण ये हैं कि-(इन्द्रं मित्रं०) इस ऋग्वेद के मन्त्र से यह जाना जाता है कि एक सद्ब्रह्म के इन्द्र आदि अनेक नाम हैं। तथा (तदेवाग्नि०) इस यजुर्वेद के मन्त्र से भी अग्नि आदि नामों करके सच्चिदानन्दादि लक्षणवाले ब्रह्म को जानना चाहिये। (ब्रह्म ह्य०) इत्यादि शतपथ ब्राह्मण के प्रमाणों से अग्नि शब्द ब्रह्म और आत्मा इन दो अर्थों का वाची है। (अयं वा०) इस प्रमाण में अग्नि शब्द से प्रजा शब्द करके भौतिक और प्रजापति शब्द से ईश्वर का ग्रहण होता है। (अग्नि०) इस प्रमाण से सत्याचरण के नियमों का जो यथावत् पालन करना है, सो ही व्रत कहाता है, और इस व्रत का पति परमेश्वर है। (त्रिभिः पवित्रैः०) इस ऋग्वेद के प्रमाण से ज्ञानवाले तथा सर्वज्ञ प्रकाश करनेवाले विशेषण से अग्नि शब्द करके ईश्वर का ग्रहण होता है।


जो मनुष्य सब विद्याओं को पढ़के औरों को पढ़ाते हैं तथा अपने उपदेश से सब का उपकार करनेवाले हैं वा हुए हैं वे पूर्व शब्द से, और जो कि अब पढ़नेवाले विद्याग्रहण के लिये अभ्यास करते हैं, वे नूतन शब्द से ग्रहण किये जाते हैं, क्योंकि जो मन्त्रों के अर्थों को जाने हुए धर्म और विद्या के प्रचार, अपने सत्य उपदेश से सब पर कृपा करनेवाले, निष्कपट पुरुषार्थी, धर्म की सिद्धि के लिये ईश्वर की उपासना करनेवाले और कार्य्यों की सिद्धि के लिये भौतिक अग्नि के गुणों को जानकर अपने कर्मों के सिद्ध करनेवाले होते हैं, वे सब पूर्ण विद्वान् शुभ गुण सहित होने पर ऋषि कहाते हैं, तथा प्राचीन और नवीन विद्वानों के तत्त्व जानने के लिये युक्ति प्रमाणों से सिद्ध तर्क और कारण वा कार्य्य जगत् में रहनेवाले जो प्राण हैं, वे भी ऋषि शब्द से गृहीत होते हैं। इन सब से ईश्वर स्तुति करने योग्य और भौतिक अग्नि अपने-अपने गुणों के साथ खोज करने योग्य है।

और जो सर्वज्ञ परमेश्वर ने पूर्व और वर्त्तमान अर्थात् त्रिकालस्थ ऋषियों को अपने सर्वज्ञपन से जान के इस मन्त्र में परमार्थ और व्यवहार ये दो विद्या दिखलाई हैं, इससे इसमें भूत वा भविष्य काल की बातों के कहने में कोई भी दोष नहीं आ सकता, क्योंकि वेद सर्वज्ञ परमेश्वर का वचन है। वह परमेश्वर उत्तम गुणों को तथा भौतिक अग्नि व्यवहार-कार्यों में संयुक्त किया हुआ उत्तम-उत्तम भोग के पदार्थों का देनेवाला होता है। पुराने की अपेक्षा एक पदार्थ से दूसरा नवीन और नवीन की अपेक्षा पहिला पुराना होता है। देखो, यही अर्थ इस मन्त्र का निरुक्तकार ने भी किया है कि-जो प्राकृत जन अर्थात् अज्ञानी लोगों ने प्रसिद्ध भौतिक अग्नि पाक बनाने आदि कार्य्यों में लिया है, वह इस मन्त्र में नहीं लेना, किन्तु सब का प्रकाश करनेहारा परमेश्वर और सब विद्याओं का हेतु, जिसका नाम विद्युत् है, वही भौतिक अग्नि यहाँ अग्नि शब्द से कहा गया है।

इस मन्त्र का अर्थ नवीन भाष्यकारों ने कुछ का कुछ ही कर दिया है, जैसे सायणाचार्य ने लिखा है कि-(पुरातनैः०) प्राचीन भृगु, अङ्गिरा आदियों और नवीन अर्थात् हम लोगों को अग्नि की स्तुति करना उचित है। वह देवों को हवि अर्थात् होम में चढ़े हुए पदार्थ उनके खाने के लिये पहुँचाता है। ऐसा ही व्याख्यान यूरोपखण्डवासी और आर्यावर्त्त के नवीन लोगों ने अङ्ग्रेजी भाषा में किया है, तथा कल्पित ग्रन्थों में अब भी होता है। सो यह बड़े आश्चर्य की बात है, जो ईश्वर के प्रकाशित अनादि वेद का ऐसा व्याख्यान, जिसका क्षुद्र आशय और निरुक्त शतपथ आदि सत्य ग्रन्थों से विरुद्ध होवे, वह सत्य कैसे हो सकता है ॥२॥

The  God (The God with the qualities of fire)  should be adored and approached by by both  experienced sages (rishis)  and new students. That (he) God will provide from all sides virtues like learning and wisdom, perfectly healthy body etc. (God should be approached by all for getting prosperity.)

ईड्यः : fit to be approached (fit for praying and requesting to provide)

व॑क्षति  provides (Dict. 1. To increase 2. to be powerful 3. to accumulate)

अ॒ग्निना॑ र॒यिम॑श्नव॒त् पोष॑मे॒व दि॒वेदि॑वे। य॒शसं॑ वी॒रव॑त्तमम्॥३॥

अग्निना । रयिम् । अश्नवत् । पोषम् । एव । दिवेऽदिवे ।

यशसम् । वीरवत्ऽतमम् ॥

अब परमेश्वर की उपासना और भौतिक अग्नि के उपकार से क्या-क्या फल प्राप्त होता है, सो अगले मन्त्र से उपदेश किया है-


निरुक्तकार यास्कमुनि जी ने भी ईश्वर और भौतिक पक्षों को अग्नि शब्द की भिन्न-भिन्न व्याख्या करके सिद्ध किया है, सो संस्कृत में यथावत् देख लेना चाहिये, परन्तु सुगमता के लिये कुछ संक्षेप से यहाँ भी कहते हैं-यास्कमुनिजी ने स्थौलाष्ठीवि ऋषि के मत से अग्नि शब्द का अग्रणी=सब से उत्तम अर्थ किया है अर्थात् जिसका सब यज्ञों में पहिले प्रतिपादन होता है, वह सब से उत्तम ही है। इस कारण अग्नि शब्द से ईश्वर तथा दाहगुणवाला भौतिक अग्नि इन दो ही अर्थों का ग्रहण होता है। (प्रशासितारं० एतमे०) मनुजी के इन दो श्लोकों में भी परमेश्वर के अग्नि आदि नाम प्रसिद्ध हैं। (ईळे०) इस ऋग्वेद के प्रमाण से भी उस अनन्त विद्यावाले और चेतनस्वरूप आदि गुणों से युक्त परमेश्वर का ग्रहण होता है। अब भौतिक अर्थ के ग्रहण में प्रमाण दिखलाते हैं-(यदश्वं०) इत्यादि शतपथ ब्राह्मण के प्रमाणों से अग्नि शब्द करके भौतिक अग्नि का ग्रहण होता है। यह अग्नि बैल के समान सब देशदेशान्तरों में पहुँचानेवाला होने के कारण वृष और अश्व भी कहाता है, क्योंकि वह कलायन्त्रों के द्वारा प्रेरित होकर देवों=शिल्पविद्या के जाननेवाले विद्वान् लोगों के विमान आदि यानों को वेग से दूर-दूर देशों में पहुँचाता है।

(तूर्णि०) इस प्रमाण से भी भौतिक अग्नि का ग्रहण है, क्योंकि वह उक्त शीघ्रता आदि हेतुओं से हव्यवाट् और तूर्णि भी कहाता है। (अग्निर्वै यो०) इत्यादिक और भी अनेक प्रमाणों से अश्व नाम करके भौतिक अग्नि का ग्रहण किया गया है। (वृषो०) जब कि इस भौतिक अग्नि को शिल्पविद्यावाले विद्वान् लोग यन्त्रकलाओं से सवारियों में प्रदीप्त करके युक्त करते हैं, तब (देववाहनः) उन सवारियों में बैठे हुए विद्वान् लोगों को देशान्तर में बैलों वा घोड़ों के समान शीघ्र पहुँचानेवाला होता है। उस वेगादि गुणवाले अश्वरूप अग्नि के गुणों को (हविष्मन्तः) हवियुक्त मनुष्य कार्यसिद्धि के लिये (ईळते) खोजते हैं। इस प्रमाण से भी भौतिक अग्नि का ग्रहण है ॥


इस मन्त्र में श्लेषालङ्कार से दो अर्थों का ग्रहण है। 

ईश्वर की आज्ञा में रहने तथा शिल्पविद्यासम्बन्धी कार्य्यों की सिद्धि के लिये भौतिक अग्नि को सिद्ध करनेवाले मनुष्यों को अक्षय अर्थात् जिसका कभी नाश नहीं होता, ऐसा धन प्राप्त होता है, तथा मनुष्य लोग जिस धन से कीर्त्ति की वृद्धि और जिस धन को पाके वीर पुरुषों से युक्त होकर नाना सुखों से युक्त होते हैं, सब को उचित है कि उस धन को अवश्य प्राप्त करें ॥३॥

अग्निना । रयिम् । अश्नवत् । पोषम् । एव । दिवेऽदिवे ।

यशसम् । वीरवत्ऽतमम् ॥

(1) By fervent adoration of God (due to the grace of God),  a person obtains from Him day by day all things that are essential for his living and additional wealth. Also he will get fame and will be desired by brave and courageous people.  

पोष॑मे॒  (Dict. poshah: Nourishment)

दि॒वेदि॑वे dive dive -  day by day (Dict. Diva - by day)

अग्ने॒ यं य॒ज्ञम॑ध्व॒रं वि॒श्वत॑: परि॒भूरसि॑। स इद् दे॒वेषु॑ गच्छति॥४॥

अग्ने । यम् । यज्ञम् । अध्वरम् । विश्वतः । परिऽभूः । असि ।

सः । इत् । देवेषु । गच्छति ॥

उक्त भौतिक अग्नि और परमेश्वर किस प्रकार के हैं, यह भेद अगले मन्त्र में जनाया है|

(अग्ने) हे परमेश्वर! आप 

(विश्वतः) सर्वत्र व्याप्त होकर 

(यम्) जिस 

(अध्वरम्) हिंसा आदि दोषरहित 

(यज्ञम्) विद्या आदि पदार्थों के दानरूप यज्ञ को 

(विश्वतः) सर्वत्र व्याप्त होकर 

(परिभूः) सब प्रकार से पालन करनेवाले 

(असि) हैं, 

(स इत्) वही यज्ञ 

(देवेषु) विद्वानों के बीच में 

(गच्छति) फैलके जगत् को सुख प्राप्त करता है। तथा जो यह 

(अग्ने) भौतिक अग्नि 

(यम्) जिस 

(अध्वरम्) विनाश आदि दोषों से रहित 

(यज्ञम्) शिल्पविद्यामय यज्ञ को 

(विश्वतः) जल पृथिव्यादि पदार्थों के आश्रय से 

(परिभूः) सब प्रकार के पदार्थों में व्याप्त होकर सिद्ध करनेवाला है, 

(स इत्) वही यज्ञ 

(देवेषु) अच्छे-अच्छे पदार्थों में 

(गच्छति) प्राप्त होकर सब को लाभकारी होता है ॥४॥


इस मन्त्र में श्लेषालङ्कार है। 

जिस कारण व्यापक परमेश्वर अपनी सत्ता से पूर्वोक्त यज्ञ की निरन्तर रक्षा करता है, इसीसे वह अच्छे-अच्छे गुणों को देने का हेतु होता है। 

इसी प्रकार ईश्वर ने दिव्य गुणयुक्त अग्नि भी रचा है कि जो उत्तम शिल्पविद्या का उत्पन्न करने वाला है। उन गुणों को केवल धार्मिक उद्योगी और विद्वान् मनुष्य ही प्राप्त होने के योग्य होता है ॥४॥

अग्ने । यम् । यज्ञम् । अध्वरम् । विश्वतः । परिऽभूः । असि ।

सः । इत् । देवेषु । गच्छति ॥

O   Agne, You protect from all sides the non-violent Yajna (sacrifice).  These righteous works are done by Devas, who do good for all. 


अ॒ग्निर्होता॑ क॒विक्र॑तुः स॒त्यश्चि॒त्रश्र॑वस्तमः। दे॒वो दे॒वेभि॒रा ग॑मत्॥५॥

अग्निः । होता । कविऽक्रतुः । सत्यः । चित्रश्रवःऽतमः ।

देवः । देवेभिः । आ । गमत् ॥

फिर भी परमेश्वर और भौतिक अग्नि किस प्रकार के हैं, सो अगले मन्त्र में उपदेश किया है-

जो (सत्यः) अविनाशी 

(देवः) आप से आप प्रकाशमान 

(कविक्रतुः) सर्वज्ञ है, जिसने परमाणु आदि पदार्थ और उनके उत्तम-उत्तम गुण रचके दिखलाये हैं, जो सब विद्यायुक्त वेद का उपदेश करता है, और जिससे परमाणु आदि पदार्थों करके सृष्टि के उत्तम पदार्थों का दर्शन होता है, वही कवि अर्थात् सर्वज्ञ ईश्वर है। तथा भौतिक अग्नि भी स्थूल और सूक्ष्म पदार्थों से कलायुक्त होकर देशदेशान्तर में गमन करानेवाला दिखलाया है। 

(चित्रश्रवस्तमः) जिसका अति आश्चर्यरूपी श्रवण है, वह परमेश्वर 

(देवेभिः) विद्वानों के साथ समागम करने से 

(आगमत्) प्राप्त होता है। 

तथा जो (सत्यः) श्रेष्ठ विद्वानों का हित अर्थात् उनके लिये सुखरूप 

(देवः) उत्तम गुणों का प्रकाश करनेवाला 

(कविक्रतुः) सब जगत् को जानने और रचनेहारा परमात्मा और जो भौतिक अग्नि सब पृथिवी आदि पदार्थों के साथ व्यापक और शिल्पविद्या का मुख्य हेतु 

(चित्रश्रवस्तमः) जिसको अद्भुत अर्थात् अति आश्चर्य्यरूप सुनते हैं, वह दिव्य गुणों के साथ 

(आगमत्) जाना जाता है ॥५॥


इस मन्त्र में श्लेषालङ्कार है। 

सब का आधार, सर्वज्ञ, सब का रचनेवाला, विनाशरहित, अनन्त शक्तिमान् और सब का प्रकाशक आदि गुण हेतुओं के पाये जाने से अग्नि शब्द करके परमेश्वर, और आकर्षणादि गुणों से मूर्त्तिमान् पदार्थों का धारण करनेहारादि गुणों के होने से भौतिक अग्नि का भी ग्रहण होता है। सिवाय इसके मनुष्यों को यह भी जानना उचित है कि विद्वानों के समागम और संसारी पदार्थों को उनके गुणसहित विचारने से परम दयालु परमेश्वर अनन्त सुखदाता और भौतिक अग्नि शिल्पविद्या का सिद्ध करनेवाला होता है।

अग्निः । होता । कविऽक्रतुः । सत्यः । चित्रश्रवःऽतमः ।

देवः । देवेभिः । आ । गमत् ॥

क॒विक्र॑तुः Who knows every thing. (Dict. kavih: A thinker, a sage, a poet, a wiseman)

स॒त्य : He is there always without destruction

श्चि॒त्रश्र॑वस्तमः He has surprising hearing ability

 दे॒वेभि॒ : In learning from knowledgeable persons

आग॑मत्; Will come. Will be understood.

Agni, the God, who is indestructible with great hearing ability, can be approached and  understood by learning from persons with experience of realizing God and his creation.

यद॒ङ्ग दा॒शुषे॒ त्वमग्ने॑ भ॒द्रं क॑रि॒ष्यसि॑। तवेत् तत् स॒त्यम॑ङ्गिरः॥६॥

यत् । अङ्ग । दाशुषे । त्वम् । अग्ने । भद्रम् । करिष्यसि ।

तव । इत् । तत् । सत्यम् । अङ्गिरः ॥

अब अग्नि शब्द से ईश्वर का उपदेश अगले मन्त्र में किया है|

हे (अङ्गिरः) ब्रह्माण्ड के अङ्ग पृथिवी आदि पदार्थों को प्राणरूप और शरीर के अङ्गों को अन्तर्यामीरूप से रसरूप होकर रक्षा करनेवाले हे 

(अङ्ग) सब के मित्र 

(अग्ने) परमेश्वर! 

(यत्) जिस हेतु से आप 

(दाशुषे) निर्लोभता से उत्तम-उत्तम पदार्थों के दान करनेवाले मनुष्य के लिये 

(भद्रम्) कल्याण, जो कि शिष्ट विद्वानों के योग्य है, उसको 

(करिष्यसि) करते हैं, सो यह 

(तवेत्) आप ही का 

(सत्यम्) सत्यव्रत=शील है ॥६॥


जो न्याय, दया, कल्याण और सब का मित्रभाव करनेवाला परमेश्वर है, उसी की उपासना करके जीव इस लोक और मोक्ष के सुख को प्राप्त होता है, क्योंकि इस प्रकार सुख देने का स्वभाव और सामर्थ्य केवल परमेश्वर का है, दूसरे का नहीं। जैसे शरीरधारी अपने शरीर को धारण करता है, वैसे ही परमेश्वर सब संसार को धारण करता है, और इसी से इस संसार की यथावत् रक्षा और स्थिति होती है ॥६॥


यत् । अङ्ग । दाशुषे । त्वम् । अग्ने । भद्रम् । करिष्यसि ।

तव । इत् । तत् । सत्यम् । अङ्गिरः ॥

अ॒ङ्ग  Friend of every body

दा॒शुषे॒  to your daasas, people who serve you and your creation

स॒त्य True behaviour

अ॒ङ्गिरः The person who created all angas of the universe

O Agne, you are friend of every body. You only created all parts of the universe. Your true nature is helping every body who provides service to you and your creation (others in the creation).

उप॑ त्वाग्ने दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ दोषा॑वस्तर्धि॒या व॒यम्। नमो॒ भर॑न्त॒ एम॑सि॥७॥

उप । त्वा । अग्ने । दिवेऽदिवे । दोषाऽवस्तः । धिया । वयम् ।

नमः । भरन्तः । आ । इमसि ॥

उक्त परमेश्वर कैसे उपासना करके प्राप्त होने के योग्य है, इसका विधान अगले मन्त्र में किया है॥

(अग्ने) हे सब के उपासना करने योग्य परमेश्वर ! 

(वयम्) हम लोग 

(धिया) अपनी बुद्धि और कर्मों से 

(दिवेदिवे) अनेक प्रकार के विज्ञान होने के लिये 

(दोषावस्तः) रात्रिदिन में निरन्तर 

(त्वा) आपकी 

(भरन्तः) उपासना को धारण और 

(नमः) नमस्कार आदि करते हुए 

(उपैमसि) आपके शरण को प्राप्त होते हैं॥७॥


हे सब को देखने और सब में व्याप्त होनेवाले उपासना के योग्य परमेश्वर ! हम लोग सब कामों के करने में एक क्षण भी आपको नहीं भूलते, इसी से हम लोगों को अधर्म करने में कभी इच्छा भी नहीं होती, क्योंकि जो सर्वज्ञ सब का साक्षी परमेश्वर है, वह हमारे सब कामों को देखता है, इस निश्चय से॥७॥

उप । त्वा । अग्ने । दिवेऽदिवे । दोषाऽवस्तः । धिया । वयम् ।

नमः । भरन्तः । आ । इमसि ॥

उप॑ एम॑सि We desire your support (sharan)

दोषा॑वस्त In the night (Dict. Dosha: at night)

र्धि॒या -  With our acts according to our intellect and understanding

भर॑न्त॒  - engaging in prayer with salutations (नमो॒)

O Agne, every day and night we pray to you with our intellect and understanding and salute you.

राज॑न्तमध्व॒राणां॑ गो॒पामृ॒तस्य॒ दीदि॑विम्। वर्ध॑मानं॒ स्वे दमे॑॥८॥

राजन्तम् । अध्वराणाम् । गोपाम् । ऋतस्य । दीदिविम् ।

वर्धमानम् । स्वे । दमे ॥

फिर भी वह परमेश्वर किस प्रकार का है, सो अगले मन्त्र में उपदेश किया है॥

हम लोग (स्वे) अपने 

(दमे) उस परम आनन्द पद में कि जिसमें बड़े-बड़े दुःखों से छूट कर मोक्ष सुख को प्राप्त हुए पुरुष रमण करते हैं, (वर्धमानम्) सब से बड़ा 

(राजन्तम्) प्रकाशस्वरूप 

(अध्वराणाम्) पूर्वोक्त यज्ञादि अच्छे-अच्छे कर्म धार्मिक मनुष्यों के 

(गोपाम्) रक्षक 

(ऋतस्य) सत्यविद्यायुक्त चारों वेदों और कार्य जगत् के अनादि कारण के 

(दीदिविम्) प्रकाश करनेवाले परमेश्वर को उपासना योग से प्राप्त होते हैं॥८॥


विनाश और अज्ञान आदि दोषरहित परमात्मा अपने अन्तर्यामिरूप से सब जीवों को सत्य का उपदेश तथा श्रेष्ठ विद्वान् और सब जगत् की रक्षा करता हुआ अपनी सत्ता और परम आनन्द में प्रवृत्त हो रहा है। उस परमेश्वर के उपासक हम भी आनन्दित, वृद्धियुक्त विज्ञानवान् होकर विज्ञान में विहार करते हुए परम आनन्दरूप विशेष फलों को प्राप्त होते हैं॥८॥

राजन्तम् । अध्वराणाम् । गोपाम् । ऋतस्य । दीदिविम् ।

वर्धमानम् । स्वे । दमे ॥

राज॑न्तम - shines

गो॒पामृ॒ - cows and earth

मृ॒तस्य॒  - Regular activities of the creation according to ritus.

दीदि॑विम् - makes one shine and makes things visible

वर्ध॑मानं॒  - growing (very big, bigger than every body)

स्वे - own

दमे॑ - power of controlling

The god, through his own power (which is very big) shines. makes all other shine and become visible. He only protects the universe and he only makes everything happen as per time.

स न॑: पि॒तेव॑ सू॒नवे ऽग्ने॑ सूपाय॒नो भ॑व। सच॑स्वा नः स्व॒स्तये॑॥९॥

सः । नः । पिताऽइव । सूनवे । अग्ने । सुऽउपायनः । भव ।

सचस्व । नः । स्वस्तये ॥

वह परमेश्वर किस के समान किनकी रक्षा करता है, सो अगले मन्त्र में उपदेश किया है।

हे (सः) उक्त गुणयुक्त 

(अग्ने) ज्ञानस्वरूप परमेश्वर ! 

(पितेव) जैसे पिता 

(सूनवे) अपने पुत्र के लिये उत्तम ज्ञान का देनेवाला होता है, वैसे ही आप 

(नः) हम लोगों के लिये 

(सूपायनः) शोभन ज्ञान, जो कि सब सुखों का साधक और उत्तम पदार्थों का प्राप्त करनेवाला है, उसके देनेवाले 

(भव) हूजिये तथा 

(नः) हम लोगों को 

(स्वस्तये) सब सुख के लिये 

(सचस्व) संयुक्त कीजिये॥९॥


इस मन्त्र में उपमालङ्कार है। 

सब मनुष्यों को उत्तम प्रयत्न और ईश्वर की प्रार्थना इस प्रकार से करनी चाहिये कि-हे भगवन् ! जैसे पिता अपने पुत्रों को अच्छी प्रकार पालन करके और उत्तम-उत्तम शिक्षा देकर उनको शुभ गुण और श्रेष्ठ कर्म करने योग्य बना देता है, वैसे ही आप हम लोगों को शुभ गुण और शुभ कर्मों में युक्त सदैव कीजिये॥९॥

सः । नः । पिताऽइव । सूनवे । अग्ने । सुऽउपायनः । भव ।

सचस्व । नः । स्वस्तये ॥

सूपाय॒नो  - good ideas for benefit (provide us learning like a father does for his son)

नः us

सच॑स्वा - join us with

स्व॒स्तये॑ for our benefit/good

Oh Agni, Like a father educates and provides his son, you also help by giving all ideas for our benefit and progress.


Sookta 2 ९ mantras मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। १-३ वायुः, ४-६ इन्द्र-वायु, ७-९ मित्रा-वरुणौ। गायत्री।

वाय॒वा या॑हि दर्शते॒मे सोमा॒ अरं॑कृताः। तेषां॑ पाहि श्रु॒धी हव॑म्॥१॥

वायो इति । आ । याहि । दर्शत । इमे । सोमाः । अरम्ऽकृताः ।

तेषाम् । पाहि । श्रुधि । हवम् ॥

O Lord, all the objects of nature are made by you and are made accessible to all the creatures in the universe. We urge you to protect them for the benefit of all. 


वाय॑ उ॒क्थेभि॑र्जरन्ते॒ त्वामच्छा॑ जरि॒तार॑:। सु॒तसो॑मा अह॒र्विद॑:॥२॥

वायो इति । उक्थेभिः । जरन्ते । त्वाम् । अच्छ । जरितारः ।

सुतऽसोमाः । अहःऽविदः ॥

वाय॑  O God

अह॒र्विद॑: - to get knowledge

सु॒तसो॑मा - to get various herbs

जरि॒तार॑: - people who can praise and recite mantras

 उ॒क्थेभि॑ - given in the vedas

 त्वामच्छा॑ - to get your grace

र्जरन्ते॒ - pray

O God, to get your grace,  to get knowledge and to get all the herbs etc., scholars pray to you with the mantras given in the vedas.

वायो॒ तव॑ प्रपृञ्च॒ती धेना॑ जिगाति दा॒शुषे॑। उ॒रू॒ची सोम॑पीतये॥३॥

वायो इति । तव । प्रऽपृञ्चती । धेना । जिगाति । दाशुषे ।

उरूची । सोमऽपीतये ॥

वायो॒- O Parmeshwar

प्रपृञ्च॒ती - the explanations of various things

उ॒रू॒ची - the procedures that give the benefits

धेना॑ - various items explained in vedas

सोम॑पीतये - persons who make efforts to know about various useful items that can be used in liquid state

 दा॒शुषे॑ - teachers

जिगाति  - gets obtained

O Parameshwar, with things explained by you vedas, researchers and teachers get the benefits of various things made available by you in creation.

इन्द्र॑वायू इ॒मे सु॒ता उप॒ प्रयो॑भि॒रा ग॑तम्। इन्द॑वो वामु॒शन्ति॒ हि॥४॥

इन्द्रवायू इति । इमे । सुताः । उप । प्रयःऽभिः । आ । गतम् ।

इन्दवः । वाम् । उशन्ति । हि ॥

इ॒मे सु॒ता - Yajnas producing water

इन्द्र॑वायू - sun and air

उप॒ - near

आग॑तम् - come

इन्द॑वो - the actions of sun and air

मु॒शन्ति॒ - illuminate

प्रयो॑भि॒  - benefits

Sun and air come together and through their actions (action of sun rays in creating water vapour and action of air in carrying water above from seas and distributing all over the world) produce water from the skies and provide benefits to people.

वाय॒विन्द्र॑श्च चेतथः सु॒तानां॑ वाजिनीवसू। तावा या॑त॒मुप॑ द्र॒वत्॥५॥

वायो इति । इन्द्रः । च । चेतथः । सुतानाम् । वाजिनीवसू इति वाजिनीऽवसू ।

तौ । आ । यातम् । उप । द्रवत् ॥

वाय॒ - O God

इन्द्र॑श्च - Sun and air

 सु॒तानां॑ - All products created by you

चेतथः - they illuminate them and make visible to people

द्र॒वत् - Very quickly, fast

आया॑त॒मुप॑ - They go near the products

O God, Sun and Air make all things you created visible to people. They act on them make them more useful and appropriate.

वाय॒विन्द्र॑श्च सुन्व॒त आ या॑त॒मुप॑ निष्कृ॒तम्। म॒क्ष्वि१त्था धि॒या न॑रा॥६॥

वायो इति । इन्द्रः । च । सुन्वतः । आ । यातम् । उप । निःऽकृतम् ।

मक्षु । इत्था । धिया । नरा ॥

वाय॒ - Parameshwar

इन्द्र॑श्च - Sun and air

 म॒क्ष्वि१त्था -  chemicals that create, grow and destroy

सुन्व॒त - produce (quickly)

न॑रा - people in the world

धि॒या - by actions (karma)

 निष्कृ॒तम् - result of actions (karma phalam)

आया॑त॒मुप॑ - obtain

O Parameshwar, sun and air produce many chemicals that create, grow and destroy many useful things. People in the world get those things as per their actions and results of actions.

मि॒त्रं हु॑वे पू॒तद॑क्षं॒ वरु॑णं च रि॒शाद॑सम्। धियं॑ घृ॒ताचीं॒ साध॑न्ता॥७॥

मित्रम् । हुवे । पूतऽदक्षम् । वरुणम् । च । रिशादसम् ।

धियम् । घृताचीम् । साधन्ता ॥

पू॒तद॑क्षं॒ - Can give all pleasant feelings and conditions

मि॒त्रं - refers to surya

रि॒शाद॑सम् - can cure body diseases

वरु॑णं च - the air we breathe and that goes inside and the air that goes out of the body

हु॑वे - happens

 धियं॑ घृ॒ताचीं॒ साध॑न्ता - 

Sun gives many benefits. Varun (air that goes in and air that goes out) cures many diseases. People have to learn about their ways of working and use them for their benefit.

ऋ॒तेन॑ मित्रावरुणावृतावृधावृतस्पृशा। क्रतुं॑ बृ॒हन्त॑माशाथे॥८॥

ऋतेन । मित्रावरुणौ । ऋतऽवृधौ । ऋतऽस्पृशा ।

क्रतुम् । बृहन्तम् । आशाथे इति ॥

ऋ॒तेन॑ - Regularly as per seasons

मित्रावरुणा - Sun and Varun

ऋ॒तावृधा - Taking water vapour high

ऋ॒तस्पृशा - giving it back as rain

क्रतुं॑ - This regular activity described as yajna or kratu

बृ॒हन्त॑म - in many different way 

आशाथे - keep doing

Sun and varun regularly take water vapour up and create rain. They are doing this yajna in many ways regularly as per seasons.

क॒वी नो॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा तुविजा॒ता उ॑रु॒क्षया॑। दक्षं॑ दधाते अ॒पस॑म्॥९॥

कवी इति । नः । मित्रावरुणा । तुविऽजातौ । उरुऽक्षया ।

दक्षम् । दधाते इति । अपसम् ॥

तुविजा॒ता  born in different ways

उ॑रु॒क्षया॑ present in various things

दक्षं॑  अ॒पस॑म् - various actions (right as well as wrong)

दधाते become the basis for action

Mitra and Varuna are present in various things in the creation. They support the actions of the best (kavi) and all other beings born in various ways, whether the actions are right wrong. To do action, beings require the activity of Mitra and Varuna


Sookta 3

अश्वि॑ना॒ यज्व॑री॒रिषो॒ द्रव॑त्पाणी॒ शुभ॑स्पती। पुरु॑भुजा चन॒स्यत॑म्॥१॥

अश्विना । यज्वरीः । इषः । द्रवत्पाणी इति द्रवत्ऽपाणी । शुभः । पती इति ।

पुरुऽभुजा । चनस्यतम् ॥

अश्वि॑  combination of two materials (or persons). In this mantra, they are water and fire.

द्रव॑त्पाणी॒  = To go with speed

शुभ॑स्पती = To develop good characteristics

पुरु॑भुजा = To have good food items

यज्व॑री॒ = The art of making vehicles driven by water power and fire power

इष = The art of making food items and foods

चन॒स्यत॑म्  Use

To get fast means of travel, and good food and good thoughts, use the powers of water and fire. Learn about their power and use them for your benefit.

अश्वि॑ना॒ पुरु॑दंससा॒ नरा॒ शवी॑रया धि॒या। धिष्ण्या॒ वन॑तं॒ गिर॑:॥२॥

अश्विना । पुरुऽदंससा । नरा । शवीरया । धिया ।

धिष्ण्या । वनतम् । गिरः ॥


पुरु॑दंससा॒  due to which the engineering or building activity (shilpa vidya) takes place.

धिष्ण्या॒ due to which the buildings, vehicles etc. are made very strong.

नरा॒ the engineers and artisans

शवी॑रया   giving speed

धि॒या - the activities - ability and activity to make good things

गिर॑: - sayings that help in engineering

अश्वि॑ना॒ - sayings related to water and fire power

वन॑तं॒ - have to know and utilize.

The shilpakars (engineers and artisans) have to learn more about the water and fire power to make more useful building, vehicles and other engineering (manufactured) items.

दस्रा॑ यु॒वाक॑वः सु॒ता नास॑त्या वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः। आ या॑तं रुद्रवर्तनी॥३॥

दस्रा । युवाकवः । सुताः । नासत्या । वृक्तऽबर्हिषः । आ । यातम् । रुद्रवर्तनी ॥

यु॒वाक॑वः - The things in combination with others

सु॒ता - All useful things in the world

वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः -  knowledgeable persons who can explain the benefits of various things

रुद्रवर्तनी - he has the life way

दस्रा॑ - Destroyer of sorrows

नास॑त्या - Every thing in him is truth (no untruth whatsoever)

आया॑तं - If you bring them into use or get their support

इन्द्रा या॑हि चित्रभानो सु॒ता इ॒मे त्वा॒यव॑:। अण्वी॑भि॒स्तना॑ पू॒तास॑:॥४॥

इन्द्र । आ । याहि । चित्रभानो इति चित्रऽभानो । सुताः । इमे । त्वाऽयवः ।

अण्वीभिः । तना । पूतासः ॥

चित्रभानो - The person with shine and brightness that is very surprising (strange in the positive sense)


अण्वी॑भि॒ - With his rays

तना - Pervading every year 

पूतासः - pure person

त्वा॒यव॑: - With the various ways created by you

सु॒ता - All useful things

Dayananda equates Indra with Surya. To get the benefit of varous things in the world, people have to use solar power, power of Sun.

इन्द्रा या॑हि धि॒येषि॒तो विप्र॑जूतः सु॒ताव॑तः। उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि वा॒घत॑:॥५॥

इन्द्र । आ । याहि । धिया । इषितः । विप्रऽजूतः । सुतऽवतः ।

उप । ब्रह्माणि । वाघतः ॥


धिया - by good effort

इषितः obtained

 विप्र॑जूतः - the intellectual people have to learn

ब्रह्मा॑णि - persons who know veda mantras

सु॒ताव॑तः - and all other subjects taught in education


उप॒ या॑हि - to be obtained

People have to seek the help of parameswhar (indra), persons who learned vedas and other subjects to obtain all good things created in this universe.

इन्द्रा या॑हि॒ तूतु॑जान॒ उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि हरिवः। सु॒ते द॑धिष्व न॒श्चन॑:॥६॥

इन्द्र । आ । याहि । तूतुजानः । उप । ब्रह्माणि । हरिऽवः ।

सुते । दधिष्व । नः । चनः ॥







aa  या॑हि॒




ओमा॑सश्चर्षणीधृतो॒ विश्वे॑ देवास॒ आ ग॑त। दा॒श्वांसो॑ दा॒शुष॑: सु॒तम्॥७॥

ओमासः । चर्षणिऽधृतः । विश्वे । देवासः । आ । गत ।

दाश्वांसः । दाशुषः । सुतम् ॥




 विश्वे॑ देवास॒



आ ग॑त

विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒प्तुर॑: सु॒तमा ग॑न्त॒ तूर्ण॑यः। उ॒स्रा इ॑व॒ स्वस॑राणि॥८॥

विश्वे । देवासः । अप्ऽतुरः । सुतम् । आ । गन्त । तूर्णयः ।

उस्राःऽइव । स्वसराणि ॥



विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑


उ॒स्रा इ॑व॒


aa ग॑न्त॒

विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒स्रिध॒ एहि॑मायासो अ॒द्रुह॑:। मेधं॑ जुषन्त॒ वह्न॑यः॥९

विश्वे । देवासः । अस्रिधः । एहिऽमायासः । अद्रुहः ।

मेधम् । जुषन्त । वह्नयः ॥





विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ all scholars in the world


जुषन्त॒  - To do happily

पा॒व॒का न॒: सर॑स्वती॒ वाजे॑भिर्वा॒जिनी॑वती। य॒ज्ञं व॑ष्टु धि॒याव॑सुः॥१०॥

पावका । नः । सरस्वती । वाजेभिः । वाजिनीऽवती ।

यज्ञम् । वष्टु । धियाऽवसुः ॥








चो॒द॒यि॒त्री सू॒नृता॑नां॒ चेत॑न्ती सुमती॒नाम्। य॒ज्ञं द॑धे॒ सर॑स्वती॥११॥

चोदयित्री । सूनृतानाम् । चेतन्ती । सुऽमतीनाम् ।

यज्ञम् । दधे । सरस्वती ॥






य॒ज्ञं द॑धे॒ 

म॒हो अर्ण॒: सर॑स्वती॒ प्र चे॑तयति के॒तुना॑। धियो॒ विश्वा॒ वि रा॑जति॥१२॥

महः । अर्णः । सरस्वती । प्र । चेतयति । केतुना ।

धियः । विश्वाः । वि । राजति ॥





प्र चे॑तयति



 वि रा॑जति


Sookta 4 - १० mantras - मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। इन्द्रः। गायत्री।

सु॒रू॒प॒कृ॒त्नुमू॒तये॑ सु॒दुघा॑मिव गो॒दुहे॑। जु॒हू॒मसि॒ द्यवि॑द्यवि॥१॥

सुरूपऽकृत्नुम् । ऊतये । सुदुघाम्ऽइव । गोऽदुहे ।

जुहूमसि । द्यविऽद्यवि ॥







उप॑ न॒: सव॒ना ग॑हि॒ सोम॑स्य सोमपाः पिब। गो॒दा इद् रे॒वतो॒ मद॑:॥२॥

उप । नः । सवना । आ । गहि । सोमस्य । सोमऽपाः । पिब ।

गोऽदाः । इत् । रेवतः । मदः ॥




aa ग॑हि॒







मद॑: - will increase pleasure

अथा॑ ते॒ अन्त॑मानां वि॒द्याम॑ सुमती॒नाम्। मा नो॒ अति॑ ख्य॒ आ ग॑हि॥३॥

अथ । ते । अन्तमानाम् । विद्याम । सुऽमतीनाम् ।

मा । नः । अति । ख्यः । आ । गहि ॥










परे॑हि॒ विग्र॒मस्तृ॑त॒मिन्द्रं॑ पृच्छा विप॒श्चित॑म्। यस्ते॒ सखि॑भ्य॒ आ वर॑म्॥४॥

परा । इहि । विग्रम् । अस्तृतम् । इन्द्रम् । पृच्छ । विपःऽचितम् ।

यः । ते । सखिऽभ्यः । आ । वरम् ॥

पर aa



a स्तृ॑त॒म








उ॒त ब्रु॑वन्तु नो॒ निदो॒ निर॒न्यत॑श्चिदारत। दधा॑ना॒ इन्द्र॒ इद् दुव॑:॥५॥

उत । ब्रुवन्तु । नः । निदः । निः । अन्यतः । चित् । आरत ।

दधानाः । इन्द्रे । इत् । दुवः ॥



नो॒ nah 



a न्यत॑








उ॒त न॑: सु॒भगाँ॑ अ॒रिर्वो॒चेयु॑र्दस्म कृ॒ष्टय॑:। स्यामेदिन्द्र॑स्य॒ शर्म॑णि॥६॥  (page 49 DS)

उत । नः । सुऽभगान् । अरिः । वोचेयुः । दस्म । कृष्टयः ।

स्याम । इत् । इन्द्रस्य । शर्मणि ॥










I न्द्र॑स्य॒


एमा॒शुमा॒शवे॑ भर यज्ञ॒श्रियं॑ नृ॒माद॑नम्। प॒त॒यन् म॑न्द॒यत्स॑खम्॥७॥

आ । ईम् । आशुम् । आशवे । भर । यज्ञऽश्रियम् । नृऽमादनम् ।

पतयत् । मन्दयत्ऽसखम् ॥

aa शवे॑









अ॒स्य पी॒त्वा श॑तक्रतो घ॒नो वृ॒त्राणा॑मभवः। प्रावो॒ वाजे॑षु वा॒जिन॑म्॥८॥

अस्य । पीत्वा । शतक्रतो इति शतऽक्रतो । घनः । वृत्राणाम् । अभवः ।

प्र । आवः । वाजेषु । वाजिनम् ॥






a भवः




तं त्वा॒ वाजे॑षु वा॒जिनं॑ वा॒जया॑मः शतक्रतो। धना॑नामिन्द्र सा॒तये॑॥९॥

तम् । त्वा । वाजेषु । वाजिनम् । वाजयामः । शतक्रतो इति शतऽक्रतो ।

धनानाम् । इन्द्र । सातये ॥










यो रा॒यो॒३ऽवनि॑र्म॒हान्त्सु॑पा॒रः सु॑न्व॒तः सखा॑। तस्मा॒ इन्द्रा॑य गायत॥१०॥

यः । रायः । अवनिः । महान् । सुऽपारः । सुन्वतः । सखा ।

तस्मै । इन्द्राय । गायत ॥





su पा॒रः 


सखा॑। तस्मा॒ 




Sookta 5. 10 Mantras मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। इन्द्रः। गायत्री।

आ त्वेता॒ नि षी॑द॒तेन्द्र॑म॒भि प्र गा॑यत। सखा॑य॒: स्तोम॑वाहसः॥१॥

आ । तु । आ । इत । नि । सीदत । इन्द्रम् । अभि । प्र । गायत ।

सखायः । स्तोमऽवाहसः ॥

आ । तु । आ । इत । नि । सीदत । इन्द्रम् । अभि । प्र । गायत ।

सखायः । स्तोमऽवाहसः ॥

पु॒रू॒तमं॑ पुरू॒णामीशा॑नं॒ वार्या॑णाम्। इन्द्रं॒ सोमे॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते॥२॥

पुरुऽतमम् । पुरूणाम् । ईशानम् । वार्याणाम् ।

इन्द्रम् । सोमे । सचा । सुते ॥

पुरुऽतमम् । पुरूणाम् । ईशानम् । वार्याणाम् ।

इन्द्रम् । सोमे । सचा । सुते ॥

स घा॑ नो॒ योग॒ आ भु॑व॒त् स रा॒ये स पुरं॑ध्याम्। गम॒द्वाजे॑भि॒रा स न॑:॥३॥

सः । घ । नः । योगे । आ । भुवत् । सः । राये । सः । पुरम्ऽध्याम् ।

गमत् । वाजेभिः । आ । सः । नः ॥

सः । घ । नः । योगे । आ । भुवत् । सः । राये । सः । पुरम्ऽध्याम् ।
गमत् । वाजेभिः । आ । सः । नः ॥

यस्य॑ सं॒स्थे न वृ॒ण्वते॒ हरी॑ स॒मत्सु॒ शत्र॑वः। तस्मा॒ इन्द्रा॑य गायत॥४॥

यस्य । सम्ऽस्थे । न । वृण्वते । हरी इति । समत्ऽसु । शत्रवः ।

तस्मै । इन्द्राय । गायत ॥

यस्य । सम्ऽस्थे । न । वृण्वते । हरी इति । समत्ऽसु । शत्रवः ।
तस्मै । इन्द्राय । गायत ॥

सु॒त॒पाव्ने॑ सु॒ता इ॒मे शुच॑यो यन्ति वी॒तये॑। सोमा॑सो॒ दध्या॑शिरः॥५॥

सुतऽपाव्ने । सुताः । इमे । शुचयः । यन्ति । वीतये ।

सोमासः । दधिऽआशिरः ॥

त्वं सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॑ स॒द्यो वृ॒द्धो अ॑जायथाः। इन्द्र॒ ज्यैष्ठ्या॑य सुक्रतो॥६॥

त्वम् । सुतस्य । पीतये । सद्यः । वृद्धः । अजायथाः ।

इन्द्र । ज्यैष्ठ्याय । सुक्रतो इति सुऽक्रतो ॥

त्वम् । सुतस्य । पीतये । सद्यः । वृद्धः । अजायथाः ।

इन्द्र । ज्यैष्ठ्याय । सुक्रतो इति सुऽक्रतो ॥

आ त्वा॑ विशन्त्वा॒शव॒: सोमा॑स इन्द्र गिर्वणः। शं ते॑ सन्तु॒ प्रचे॑तसे॥७॥

आ । त्वा । विशन्तु । आशवः । सोमासः । इन्द्र । गिर्वणः ।

शम् । ते । सन्तु । प्रऽचेतसे ॥

आ । त्वा । विशन्तु । आशवः । सोमासः । इन्द्र । गिर्वणः ।

शम् । ते । सन्तु । प्रऽचेतसे ॥

त्वां स्तोमा॑ अवीवृध॒न् त्वामु॒क्था श॑तक्रतो। त्वां व॑र्धन्तु नो॒ गिर॑:॥८॥

त्वाम् । स्तोमाः । अवीवृधन् । त्वाम् । उक्था । शतक्रतो इति शतऽक्रतो ।

त्वाम् । वर्धन्तु । नः । गिरः ॥

त्वाम् । स्तोमाः । अवीवृधन् । त्वाम् । उक्था । शतक्रतो इति शतऽक्रतो ।

त्वाम् । वर्धन्तु । नः । गिरः ॥

अक्षि॑तोतिः सनेदि॒मं वाज॒मिन्द्र॑: सह॒स्रिण॑म्। यस्मि॒न् विश्वा॑नि॒ पौंस्या॑॥९॥

अक्षितऽऊतिः । सनेत् । इमम् । वाजम् । इन्द्रः । सहस्रिणम् ।

यस्मिन् । विश्वानि । पौंस्या ॥

अक्षितऽऊतिः । सनेत् । इमम् । वाजम् । इन्द्रः । सहस्रिणम् ।

यस्मिन् । विश्वानि । पौंस्या ॥

मा नो॒ मर्ता॑ अ॒भि द्रु॑हन्त॒नूना॑मिन्द्र गिर्वणः। ईशा॑नो यवया व॒धम्॥१०॥

मा । नः । मर्ताः । अभि । द्रुहन् । तनूनाम् । इन्द्र । गिर्वणः ।

ईशानः । यवय । वधम् ॥

मा । नः । मर्ताः । अभि । द्रुहन् । तनूनाम् । इन्द्र । गिर्वणः ।

ईशानः । यवय । वधम् ॥


Sookta 6. 10 Mantras मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। १-३ इन्द्रः, ४,६,८,९ मरुतः, ५,७ मरुत इन्द्रश्च, 10 इन्द्रः। गायत्री।

यु॒ञ्जन्ति॑ ब्र॒ध्नम॑रु॒षं चर॑न्तं॒ परि॑ त॒स्थुष॑:। रोच॑न्ते रोच॒ना दि॒वि॥१॥

युञ्जन्ति । ब्रध्नम् । अरुषम् । चरन्तम् । परि । तस्थुषः ।

रोचन्ते । रोचना । दिवि ॥

युञ्जन्ति । 

ब्रध्नम् । 

अरुषम् । 

चरन्तम् । 

परि । 

तस्थुषः ।

रोचन्ते ।

 रोचना । 

दिवि ॥

यु॒ञ्जन्त्य॑स्य॒ काम्या॒ हरी॒ विप॑क्षसा॒ रथे॑। शोणा॑ धृ॒ष्णू नृ॒वाह॑सा॥२॥

युञ्जन्ति । अस्य । काम्या । हरी इति । विऽपक्षसा । रथे ।

शोणा । धृष्णू इति । नृऽवाहसा ॥

युञ्जन्ति । 

अस्य । 

काम्या । 

हरी इति । 

विऽपक्षसा । 

रथे ।

शोणा । 

धृष्णू इति । 

नृऽवाहसा ॥

के॒तुं कृ॒ण्वन्न॑के॒तवे॒ पेशो॑ मर्या अपे॒शसे॑। समु॒षद्भि॑रजायथाः॥३॥

केतुम् । कृण्वन् । अकेतवे । पेशः । मर्याः । अपेशसे ।

सम् । उषत्ऽभिः । अजायथाः ॥

केतुम् । 
कृण्वन् । 
अकेतवे । 
पेशः । 
मर्याः । 
अपेशसे ।
सम् । 
उषत्ऽभिः । 
अजायथाः ॥

आदह॑ स्व॒धामनु॒ पुन॑र्गर्भ॒त्वमे॑रि॒रे। दधा॑ना॒ नाम॑ य॒ज्ञिय॑म्॥४॥

आत् । अह । स्वधाम् । अनु । पुनः । गर्भऽत्वम् । आऽईरिरे ।

दधानाः । नाम । यज्ञियम् ॥

आत् । 

अह । 

स्वधाम् । 

अनु । 

पुनः । 

गर्भऽत्वम् । 

आऽईरिरे ।

दधानाः । 

नाम । 

यज्ञियम् ॥

वी॒ळु चि॑दारुज॒त्नुभि॒र्गुहा॑ चिदिन्द्र॒ वह्नि॑भिः। अवि॑न्द उ॒स्रिया॒ अनु॑॥५॥

वीळु । चित् । आरुजत्नुऽभिः । गुहा । चित् । इन्द्र । वह्निऽभिः ।

अविन्दः । उस्रियाः । अनु ॥

वीळु । 

चित् । 

आरुजत्नुऽभिः । 

गुहा । 

चित् । 

इन्द्र । 

वह्निऽभिः ।

अविन्दः । 

उस्रियाः । 

अनु ॥

दे॒व॒यन्तो॒ यथा॑ म॒तिमच्छा॑ वि॒दद्व॑सुं॒ गिर॑:। म॒हाम॑नूषत श्रु॒तम्॥६॥

देवऽयन्तः । यथा । मतिम् । अच्छ । विदत्ऽवसुम् । गिरः ।

महाम् । अनूषत । श्रुतम् ॥

देवऽयन्तः । यथा । मतिम् । अच्छ । विदत्ऽवसुम् । गिरः ।

महाम् । अनूषत । श्रुतम् ॥

इन्द्रे॑ण॒ सं हि दृक्ष॑से संजग्मा॒नो अबि॑भ्युषा। म॒न्दू स॑मा॒नव॑र्चसा॥७॥

इन्द्रेण । सम् । हि । दृक्षसे । सम्ऽजग्मानः । अबिभ्युषा ।

मन्दू इति । समानऽवर्चसा ॥

इन्द्रेण । सम् । हि । दृक्षसे । सम्ऽजग्मानः । अबिभ्युषा ।

मन्दू इति । समानऽवर्चसा ॥

अ॒न॒व॒द्यैर॒भिद्यु॑भिर्म॒खः सह॑स्वदर्चति। ग॒णैरिन्द्र॑स्य॒ काम्यै॑:॥८॥

अनवद्यैः । अभिद्युऽभिः । मखः । सहस्वत् । अर्चति ।

गणैः । इन्द्रस्य । काम्यैः ॥

अनवद्यैः । अभिद्युऽभिः । मखः । सहस्वत् । अर्चति ।

गणैः । इन्द्रस्य । काम्यैः ॥

अत॑: परिज्म॒न्ना ग॑हि दि॒वो वा॑ रोच॒नादधि॑। सम॑स्मिन्नृञ्जते॒ गिर॑:॥९॥

अतः । परिऽज्मन् । आ । गहि । दिवः । वा । रोचनात् । अधि ।

सम् । अस्मिन् । ऋञ्जते । गिरः ॥

अतः । परिऽज्मन् । आ । गहि । दिवः । वा । रोचनात् । अधि ।

सम् । अस्मिन् । ऋञ्जते । गिरः ॥

इ॒तो वा॑ सा॒तिमीम॑हे दि॒वो वा॒ पार्थि॑वा॒दधि॑। इन्द्रं॑ म॒हो वा॒ रज॑सः॥१०॥

इतः । वा । सातिम् । ईमहे । दिवः । वा । पार्थिवात् । अधि ।

इन्द्रम् । महः । वा । रजसः ॥

इतः । वा । सातिम् । ईमहे । दिवः । वा । पार्थिवात् । अधि ।

इन्द्रम् । महः । वा । रजसः ॥


Sookta 7 - 10 Mantas मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। इन्द्रः। गायत्री।

इन्द्र॒मिद्गा॒थिनो॑ बृ॒हदिन्द्र॑म॒र्केभि॑र॒र्किण॑:। इन्द्रं॒ वाणी॑रनूषत॥१॥

इन्द्रम् । इत् । गाथिनः । बृहत् । इन्द्रम् । अर्केभिः । अर्किणः ।

इन्द्रम् । वाणीः । अनूषत ॥

इन्द्रम् । 

इत् । 

गाथिनः । 

बृहत् । 

इन्द्रम् । 

अर्केभिः । 

अर्किणः ।

इन्द्रम् । 

वाणीः । 

अनूषत ॥

इन्द्र॒ इद्धर्यो॒: सचा॒ संमि॑श्ल॒ आ व॑चो॒युजा॑। इन्द्रो॑ व॒ज्री हि॑र॒ण्यय॑:॥२॥

इन्द्रः । इत् । हर्योः । सचा । सम्ऽमिश्लः । आ । वचःऽयुजा ।

इन्द्रः । वज्री । हिरण्ययः ॥

इन्द्रः । 

इत् । 

हर्योः । 

सचा । 

सम्ऽमिश्लः । 

आ । 

वचःऽयुजा ।

इन्द्रः । 

वज्री ।

हिरण्ययः |

इन्द्रो॑ दी॒र्घाय॒ चक्ष॑स॒ आ सूर्यं॑ रोहयद् दि॒वि। वि गोभि॒रद्रि॑मैरयत्॥३॥

इन्द्रः । दीर्घाय । चक्षसे । आ । सूर्यम् । रोहयत् । दिवि ।

वि । गोभिः । अद्रिम् । ऐरयत् ॥

इन्द्रः । 

दीर्घाय । 

चक्षसे । 

आ । 

सूर्यम् । 

रोहयत् । 

दिवि ।

वि । 

गोभिः । 

अद्रिम् । 

ऐरयत् ॥

इन्द्र॒ वाजे॑षु नोऽव स॒हस्र॑प्रधनेषु च। उ॒ग्र उ॒ग्राभि॑रू॒तिभि॑:॥४॥

इन्द्र । वाजेषु । नः । अव । सहस्रऽप्रधनेषु । च ।

उग्रः । उग्राभिः । ऊतिऽभिः ॥

इन्द्र । 

वाजेषु । 

नः । 

अव । 

सहस्रऽप्रधनेषु । 

च ।

उग्रः । 

उग्राभिः । 

ऊतिऽभिः ॥

इन्द्रं॑ व॒यं म॑हाध॒न इन्द्र॒मर्भे॑ हवामहे। युजं॑ वृ॒त्रेषु॑ व॒ज्रिण॑म्॥५॥

इन्द्रम् । वयम् । महाऽधने । इन्द्रम् । अर्भे । हवामहे ।

युजम् । वृत्रेषु । वज्रिणम् ॥

इन्द्रम् । 

वयम् । 

महाऽधने । 

इन्द्रम् । 

अर्भे । 

हवामहे ।

युजम् । 

वृत्रेषु । 

वज्रिणम् ॥

स नो॑ वृषन्न॒मुं च॒रुं सत्रा॑दाव॒न्नपा॑ वृधि। अ॒स्मभ्य॒मप्र॑तिष्कुतः॥६॥

सः । नः । वृषन् । अमुम् । चरुम् । सत्राऽदावन् । अप । वृधि ।

अस्मभ्यम् । अप्रतिऽस्कुतः ॥

सः । 

नः । 

वृषन् । 

अमुम् । 

चरुम् । 

सत्राऽदावन् । 

अप । 

वृधि ।

अस्मभ्यम् । 

अप्रतिऽस्कुतः ॥

तु॒ञ्जेतु॑ञ्जे॒ य उत्त॑रे॒ स्तोमा॒ इन्द्र॑स्य व॒ज्रिण॑:। न वि॑न्धे अस्य सुष्टु॒तिम्॥७॥

तुञ्जेऽतुञ्जे । ये । उत्ऽतरे । स्तोमाः । इन्द्रस्य । वज्रिणः ।

न । विन्धे । अस्य । सुऽस्तुतिम् ॥

तुञ्जेऽतुञ्जे । 

ये । 

उत्ऽतरे । 

स्तोमाः । 

इन्द्रस्य । 

वज्रिणः ।

न । 

विन्धे । 

अस्य । 

सुऽस्तुतिम् ॥

वृषा॑ यू॒थेव॒ वंस॑गः कृ॒ष्टीरि॑य॒र्त्योज॑सा। ईशा॑नो॒ अप्र॑तिष्कुतः॥८॥

वृषा । यूथाऽइव । वंसगः । कृष्टीः । इयर्ति । ओजसा ।

ईशानः । अप्रतिऽस्कुतः ॥

वृषा । 

यूथाऽइव । 

वंसगः । 

कृष्टीः । 

इयर्ति । 

ओजसा ।

ईशानः । 

अप्रतिऽस्कुतः ॥

य एक॑श्चर्षणी॒नां वसू॑नामिर॒ज्यति॑। इन्द्र॒: पञ्च॑ क्षिती॒नाम्॥९॥

यः । एकः । चर्षणीनाम् । वसूनाम् । इरज्यति ।

इन्द्रः । पञ्च । क्षितीनाम् ॥

यः । 

एकः । 

चर्षणीनाम् । 

वसूनाम् । 

इरज्यति ।

इन्द्रः । 

पञ्च । 

क्षितीनाम् ॥

इन्द्रं॑ वो वि॒श्वत॒स्परि॒ हवा॑महे॒ जने॑भ्यः। अ॒स्माक॑मस्तु॒ केव॑लः॥१०॥

इन्द्रम् । वः । विश्वतः । परि । हवामहे । जनेभ्यः ।

अस्माकम् । अस्तु । केवलः ॥

इन्द्रम् । 

वः । 

विश्वतः । 

परि । 

हवामहे । 

जनेभ्यः ।

अस्माकम् । 

अस्तु । 

केवलः ॥

Sookta 8 - 10 Mantras मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। इन्द्रः। गायत्री।

एन्द्र॑ सान॒सिं र॒यिं स॒जित्वा॑नं सदा॒सह॑म्। वर्षि॑ष्ठमू॒तये॑ भर॥१॥

आ । इन्द्र । सानसिम् । रयिम् । सऽजित्वानम् । सदाऽसहम् ।

वर्षिष्ठम् । ऊतये । भर ॥

आ । 

इन्द्र । 

सानसिम् । 

रयिम् । 

सऽजित्वानम् । 

सदाऽसहम् ।

वर्षिष्ठम् । 

ऊतये । 

भर ॥

नि येन॑ मुष्टिह॒त्यया॒ नि वृ॒त्रा रु॒णधा॑महै। त्वोता॑सो॒ न्यर्व॑ता॥२॥

नि । येन । मुष्टिऽहत्यया । नि । वृत्रा । रुणधामहै ।

त्वाऽऊतासः । नि । अर्वता ॥

नि । 

येन । 

मुष्टिऽहत्यया । 

नि । 

वृत्रा । 

रुणधामहै ।

त्वाऽऊतासः । 

नि । 

अर्वता ॥

इन्द्र॒ त्वोता॑स॒ आ व॒यं वज्रं॑ घ॒ना द॑दीमहि। जये॑म॒ सं यु॒धि स्पृध॑:॥३॥

इन्द्र । त्वाऽऊतासः । आ । वयम् । वज्रम् । घना । ददीमहि ।

जयेम । सम् । युधि । स्पृधः ॥

इन्द्र । 

त्वाऽऊतासः । 

आ । 

वयम् । 

वज्रम् । 

घना । 

ददीमहि ।

जयेम । 

सम् । 

युधि । 

स्पृधः ॥

व॒यं शूरे॑भि॒रस्तृ॑भि॒रिन्द्र॒ त्वया॑ यु॒जा व॒यम्। सा॒स॒ह्याम॑ पृतन्य॒तः॥४॥

वयम् । शूरेभिः । अस्तृऽभिः । इन्द्र । त्वया । युजा । वयम् ।

ससह्याम । पृतन्यतः ॥

वयम् । 

शूरेभिः । 

अस्तृऽभिः । 

इन्द्र । 

त्वया । 

युजा । 

वयम् ।

ससह्याम । 

पृतन्यतः ॥

म॒हाँ इन्द्र॑: प॒रश्च॒ नु म॑हि॒त्वम॑स्तु व॒ज्रिणे॑। द्यौर्न प्र॑थि॒ना शव॑:॥५॥

महान् । इन्द्रः । परः । च । नु । महिऽत्वम् । अस्तु । वज्रिणे ।

द्यौः । न । प्रथिना । शवः ॥

महान् । 

इन्द्रः । 

परः । 

च । 

नु । 

महिऽत्वम् । 

अस्तु । 

वज्रिणे ।

द्यौः । 

न । 

प्रथिना । 

शवः ॥

स॒मो॒हे वा॒ य आश॑त॒ नर॑स्तो॒कस्य॒ सनि॑तौ। विप्रा॑सो वा धिया॒यव॑:॥६॥

सम्ऽओहे । वा । ये । आशत । नरः । तोकस्य । सनितौ ।

विप्रासः । वा । धियाऽयवः ॥

सम्ऽओहे । 

वा । 

ये । 

आशत । 

नरः । 

तोकस्य । 

सनितौ ।

विप्रासः । 

वा । 

धियाऽयवः ॥

यः कु॒क्षिः सो॑म॒पात॑मः समु॒द्र इ॑व॒ पिन्व॑ते। उ॒र्वीरापो॒ न का॒कुद॑:॥७॥

यः । कुक्षिः । सोमऽपातमः । समुद्रःऽइव । पिन्वते ।

उर्वीः । आपः । न । काकुदः ॥

यः । 

कुक्षिः । 

सोमऽपातमः । 

समुद्रःऽइव । 

पिन्वते ।

उर्वीः । 

आपः । 

न । 

काकुदः ॥

ए॒वा ह्य॑स्य सू॒नृता॑ विर॒प्शी गोम॑ती म॒ही। प॒क्वा शाखा॒ न दा॒शुषे॑॥८॥

एव । हि । अस्य । सूनृता । विऽरप्शी । गोऽमती । मही ।

पक्वा । शाखा । न । दाशुषे ॥

एव । 

हि । 

अस्य । 

सूनृता । 

विऽरप्शी । 

गोऽमती । 

मही ।

पक्वा । 

शाखा । 

न । 

दाशुषे ॥

ए॒वा हि ते॒ विभू॑तय ऊ॒तय॑ इन्द्र॒ माव॑ते। स॒द्यश्चि॒त् सन्ति॑ दा॒शुषे॑॥९॥

एव । हि । ते । विऽभूतयः । ऊतयः । इन्द्र । माऽवते ।

सद्यः । चित् । सन्ति । दाशुषे ॥

एव । 

हि । 

ते । 

विऽभूतयः । 

ऊतयः । 

इन्द्र । 

माऽवते ।

सद्यः । 

चित् । 

सन्ति । 

दाशुषे ॥

ए॒वा ह्य॑स्य॒ काम्या॒ स्तोम॑ उ॒क्थं च॒ शंस्या॑। इन्द्रा॑य॒ सोम॑पीतये॥१०॥

एव । हि । अस्य । काम्या । स्तोमः । उक्थम् । च । शंस्या ।
इन्द्राय । सोमऽपीतये ॥

एव ।
हि । 
अस्य । 
काम्या । 
स्तोमः । 
उक्थम् । 
च । 
शंस्या ।
इन्द्राय । 
सोमऽपीतये ॥

Sookta 9 - 10 Mantras -  मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। इन्द्रः। गायत्री।

इन्द्रेहि॒ मत्स्यन्ध॑सो॒ विश्वे॑भिः सोम॒पर्व॑भिः। म॒हाँ अ॑भि॒ष्टिरोज॑सा॥१॥

इन्द्र । आ । इहि । मत्सि । अन्धसः । विश्वेभिः । सोमपर्वऽभिः ।

महान् । अभिष्टिः । ओजसा ॥

Page 98 (DSB)

इन्द्र । 

आ । 

इहि । 

मत्सि । 

अन्धसः । 

विश्वेभिः । 

सोमपर्वऽभिः ।

महान् । 

अभिष्टिः । 

ओजसा ॥

एमे॑नं सृजता सु॒ते म॒न्दिमिन्द्रा॑य म॒न्दिने॑। चक्रिं॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ चक्र॑ये॥२॥

आ । ईम् । एनम् । सृजत । सुते । मन्दिम् । इन्द्राय । मन्दिने ।

चक्रिम् । विश्वानि । चक्रये ॥

आ । 

ईम् ।

 एनम् । 

सृजत । 

सुते । 

मन्दिम् । 

इन्द्राय । 

मन्दिने ।

चक्रिम् । 

विश्वानि । 

चक्रये ॥

मत्स्वा॑ सुशिप्र म॒न्दिभि॒: स्तोमे॑भिर्विश्वचर्षणे। सचै॒षु सव॑ने॒ष्वा॥३॥

मत्स्व । सुऽशिप्र । मन्दिऽभिः । स्तोमेभिः । विश्वऽचर्षणे ।

सचा । एषु । सवनेषु । आ ॥

असृ॑ग्रमिन्द्र ते॒ गिर॒: प्रति॒ त्वामुद॑हासत। अजो॑षा वृष॒भं पति॑म्॥४॥      (p.100 DS Book )

असृग्रम् । इन्द्र । ते । गिरः । प्रति । त्वाम् । उत् । अहासत ।

अजोषाः । वृषभम् । पतिम् ॥

असृग्रम् ।

 इन्द्र । 

ते । 

गिरः । 

प्रति । 

त्वाम् । 

उत् । 

अहासत ।

अजोषाः । 

वृषभम् । 

पतिम् ॥











सं चो॑दय चि॒त्रम॒र्वाग् राध॑ इन्द्र॒ वरे॑ण्यम्। अस॒दित् ते॑ वि॒भु प्र॒भु॥५॥

सम् । चोदय । चित्रम् । अर्वाक् । राधः । इन्द्र । वरेण्यम् ।

असत् । इत् । ते । विऽभु । प्रऽभु ॥

सम् । 

चोदय । 

चित्रम् । 

अर्वाक् । 

राधः ।   Prosperity, Success

इन्द्र । 

वरेण्यम् ।

असत् । 

इत् । 

ते । 

विऽभु । 

प्रऽभु ॥

अ॒स्मान्त्सु तत्र॑ चोद॒येन्द्र॑ रा॒ये रभ॑स्वतः। तुवि॑द्युम्न॒ यश॑स्वतः॥६॥

अस्मान् । सु । तत्र । चोदय । इन्द्र । राये । रभस्वतः ।

तुविऽद्युम्न । यशस्वतः ॥

सं गोम॑दिन्द्र॒ वाज॑वद॒स्मे पृ॒थु श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत्। वि॒श्वायु॑र्धे॒ह्यक्षि॑तम्॥७॥

सम् । गोऽमत् । इन्द्र । वाजऽवत् । अस्मे इति । पृथु । श्रवः । बृहत् ।

विश्वऽआयुः । धेहि । अक्षितम् ॥

सम् । 

गोऽमत् । 

इन्द्र । 

वाजऽवत् । 

अस्मे इति । 

पृथु । 

श्रवः । 

बृहत् ।

विश्वऽआयुः । 

धेहि । 

अक्षितम् ॥

अ॒स्मे धे॑हि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हद् द्यु॒म्नं स॑हस्र॒सात॑मम्। इन्द्र॒ ता र॒थिनी॒रिष॑:॥८॥

अस्मे इति । धेहि । श्रवः । बृहत् । द्युम्नम् । सहस्रऽसातमम् ।

इन्द्र । ताः । रथिनीः । इषः ॥

अस्मे इति । 

धेहि । 

श्रवः । 

बृहत् । 

द्युम्नम् । 

सहस्रऽसातमम् ।

इन्द्र । 

ताः । 

रथिनीः । 

इषः ॥

वसो॒रिन्द्रं॒ वसु॑पतिं गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णन्त॑ ऋ॒ग्मिय॑म्। होम॒ गन्ता॑रमू॒तये॑॥९॥

वसोः । इन्द्रम् । वसुऽपतिम् । गीःऽभिः । गृणन्तः । ऋग्मियम् ।

होम । गन्तारम् । ऊतये ॥

वसोः । 

इन्द्रम् । 

वसुऽपतिम् । 

गीःऽभिः । 

गृणन्तः । 

ऋग्मियम् ।

होम । 

गन्तारम् । 

ऊतये ॥

सु॒ते सु॑ते॒ न्यो॑कसे बृ॒हद् बृ॑ह॒त एद॒रिः। इन्द्रा॑य शू॒षम॑र्चति॥१०॥

सुतेऽसुते । निऽओकसे । बृहत् । बृहते । आ । इत् । अरिः ।

इन्द्राय । शूषम् । अर्चति ॥

सुतेऽसुते । 

निऽओकसे । 

बृहत् । 

बृहते । 

आ । 

इत् । 

अरिः ।

इन्द्राय । 

शूषम् । 

अर्चति ॥

Sookta 10 - 12 Mantras -  मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्रः। इन्द्रः। अनुष्टुप्।

गाय॑न्ति त्वा गाय॒त्रिणोऽर्च॑न्त्य॒र्कम॒र्किण॑:। ब्र॒ह्माण॑स्त्वा शतक्रत॒ उद् वं॒शमि॑व येमिरे॥१॥

गायन्ति । त्वा । गायत्रिणः । अर्चन्ति । अर्कम् । अर्किणः ।

ब्रह्माणः । त्वा । शतक्रतो इति शतऽक्रतो । उत् । वंशम्ऽइव । येमिरे ॥

यत् सानो॒: सानु॒मारु॑ह॒द् भूर्यस्प॑ष्ट॒ कर्त्व॑म्। तदिन्द्रो॒ अर्थं॑ चेतति यू॒थेन॑ वृ॒ष्णिरे॑जति॥२॥

यत् । सानोः । सानुम् । आ । अरुहत् । भूरि । अस्पष्ट । कर्त्वम् ।

तत् । इन्द्रः । अर्थम् । चेतति । यूथेन । वृष्णिः । एजति ॥

यु॒क्ष्वा हि के॒शिना॒ हरी॒ वृष॑णा कक्ष्य॒प्रा। अथा॑ न इन्द्र सोमपा गि॒रामुप॑श्रुतिं चर॥३॥

युक्ष्व । हि । केशिना । हरी इति । वृषणा । कक्ष्यऽप्रा ।

अथ । नः । इन्द्र । सोमऽपाः । गिराम् । उपऽश्रुतिम् । चर ॥

एहि॒ स्तोमाँ॑ अ॒भि स्व॑रा॒ ऽभि गृ॑णी॒ह्या रु॑व। ब्रह्म॑ च नो वसो॒ सचेन्द्र॑ य॒ज्ञं च॑ वर्धय ॥४॥

आ । इहि । स्तोमान् । अभि । स्वर । अभि । गृणीहि । आ । रुव ।

ब्रह्म । च । नः । वसो इति । सचा । इन्द्र । यज्ञम् । च । वर्धय ॥

उ॒क्थमिन्द्रा॑य॒ शंस्यं॒ वर्ध॑नं पुरुनि॒ष्षिधे॑। श॒क्रो यथा॑ सु॒तेषु॑ णो रा॒रण॑त् स॒ख्येषु॑ च॥५॥

उक्थम् । इन्द्राय । शंस्यम् । वर्धनम् । पुरुनिःऽसिधे ।

शक्रः । यथा । सुतेषु । नः । ररणत् । सख्येषु । च ॥

तमित् स॑खि॒त्व ई॑महे॒ तं रा॒ये तं सु॒वीर्ये॑। स श॒क्र उ॒त न॑: शक॒दिन्द्रो॒ वसु॒ दय॑मानः॥६॥

तम् । इत् । सखिऽत्वे । ईमहे । तम् । राये । तम् । सुऽवीर्ये ।

सः । शक्रः । उत । नः । शकत् । इन्द्रः । वसु । दयमानः ॥

सु॒वि॒वृतं॑ सुनि॒रज॒मिन्द्र॒ त्वादा॑त॒मिद्यश॑:। गवा॒मप॑ व्र॒जं वृ॑धि कृणु॒ष्व राधो॑ अद्रिवः॥७॥

सुऽविवृतम् । सुनिःऽअजम् । इन्द्र । त्वाऽदातम् । इत् । यशः ।

गवाम् । अप । व्रजम् । वृधि । कृणुष्व । राधः । अद्रिऽवः ॥

न॒हि त्वा॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे ऋ॑घा॒यमा॑ण॒मिन्व॑तः। जेष॒: स्व॑र्वतीर॒पः सं गा अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ धूनुहि॥८॥

नहि । त्वा । रोदसी इति । उभे इति । ऋघायमाणम् । इन्वतः ।

जेषः । स्वःऽवतीः । अपः । सम् । गाः । अस्मभ्यम् । धूनुहि ॥

आश्रु॑त्कर्ण श्रु॒धी हवं॒ नू चि॑द्दधिष्व मे॒ गिर॑:। इन्द्र॒ स्तोम॑मि॒मं मम॑ कृ॒ष्वा यु॒जश्चि॒दन्त॑रम् ॥९॥

आश्रुत्ऽकर्ण । श्रुधि । हवम् । नु । चित् । दधिष्व । मे । गिरः ।

इन्द्र । स्तोमम् । इमम् । मम । कृष्व । युजः । चित् । अन्तरम् ॥

वि॒द्मा हि त्वा॒ वृष॑न्तमं॒ वाजे॑षु हवन॒श्रुत॑म्। वृष॑न्तमस्य हूमह ऊ॒तिं स॑हस्र॒सात॑माम्॥१०॥

विद्म । हि । त्वा । वृषन्ऽतमम् । वाजेषु । हवनऽश्रुतम् ।

वृषन्ऽतमस्य । हूमहे । ऊतिम् । सहस्रऽसातमाम् ॥

आ तू न॑ इन्द्र कौशिक मन्दसा॒नः सु॒तं पि॑ब। नव्य॒मायु॒: प्र सू ति॑र कृ॒धी स॑हस्र॒सामृषि॑म्॥११॥

आ । तु । नः । इन्द्र । कौशिक । मन्दसानः । सुतम् । पिब ।

नव्यम् । आयुः । प्र । सु । तिर । कृधि । सहस्रऽसाम् । ऋषिम् ॥

परि॑ त्वा गिर्वणो॒ गिर॑ इ॒मा भ॑वन्तु वि॒श्वत॑: । वृ॒द्धायु॒मनु॒ वृद्ध॑यो॒ जुष्टा॑ भवन्तु॒ जुष्ट॑यः॥१२॥

परि । त्वा । गिर्वणः । गिरः । इमाः । भवन्तु । विश्वतः ।

वृद्धऽआयुम् । अनु । वृद्धयः । जुष्टाः । भवन्तु । जुष्टयः ॥

(To be completed by 5 November).

Sayana Bhasyhyam

Rig-Veda-Sanhita, the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, Volume 1

edited by F.M. Müller

Full book available for download

Complete Sanskrit Pada Text
by F.M. Müller

Looking forward to comments. Share your knowledge and ideas regarding the words and meaning of the mantras.

अ  आ  इ  ई  उ  ऊ  ए  ऐ  ओ  औ  अं  अः  ऋ  ॠ

क  ख ग घ  ङ      च छ ज  झ  ञ   ट ठ ड ढ ण  त  थ द  ध  न

प फ ब भ म    य र ल व श  ष  स  ह   क्ष   त्र ज्ञ

Books authored by Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati