Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Indian Wisdom, Values, Ethics and Management Theory

Vedic Business Management Some Statements from Rig Veda 

Presentation by Ret. Prof KVSS Narayana Rao, NITIE

12 August 2022
AuroVivek India-75 Channel

About Prof KVSS Narayan Rao

Professor. Developed and Published Principles of Industrial Engineering and Focus Areas of Industrial Engineering. 

• Principles of Industrial Engineering - IISE 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Presentation Video. 

Principles of Industrial Engineering. IISE 2017 Conference Paper.   IIE Annual Conference. 2017 Proceedings;  890-895.

Blogger of Globally popular - 
Industrial Engineering is System Efficiency Engineering. It is Machine Effort and Human Effort Engineering. 1.85 Million Page View Blog. 145,000 visitors. Blog Provides Industrial Engineering Knowledge: Articles, Books, Case Studies, Course Pages and Materials, Lecture Notes, Project Reviews, Research Papers Study Materials, and Video Lectures. Blog provides full IE Online Course Notes.

Vedic Statements that can be related to Modern Management Thought

Collected from

Vedic Management
by Dr. S. Kannan
Taxmann Publications

Modern management is explained under five heads:

Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, and Controlling (Henri Fayol)

Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling  (Koontz and O'Donnel)

Planning, Organizing, Resourcing, Executing and Controlling  (Prof. Narayana Rao)


One shall meditate and reflect upon the objects contemplated.  (p 236, Kanna)

Strategy means the broad program for defining and achieving an organization's objectives: the organization's response to its environment over time. (p 237)

Prepare the implements, make everything ready and move forward.


A person with the mental temperament of a Kshatriya is ideally suited for proper administration and execution of a planned task.

The Yajurveda mentions about manager (Kalpinah) and Chief Manager (Adhi Kalpinah)

Powers shall be shared.

Cohesiveness is the degree of solidarity and positive feelings held by individuals toward their group.

The resolution should be common, minds and thought be united so that all may happily concur.


Leadership is to be bestowed upon a deserving person in a befitting manner (p 240)

The leader is the doer of many deeds for the benefit of others.

Leader shall be for the benefit of his followers.

He hears the words of his followers.

He is a thinker.

He knows. Directs others properly.

He is very wise.


Motivation refers to the factors that cause, channel and sustain an individual's behavior.

For conquering, the energies of the heroes have to excited and their noises should go up together.


Communication is the process by which people attempt to share meaning via the transmission of symbolic messages.



Control is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to planned activities.

Dr. Kannan described life management in four chapters first.

Ch.2. Vedic Self Management
Ch.3. Vedic Relationship Management
ch.3.  Vedic Cosmic Management
Ch.4. Vedic Spiritual Management

Ch.2. Vedic Self Management

2.18 Discipline and Compliance
2.19 Personality Management
2.20 Values

Looking East
Indian Wisdom for Modern Management

by Sanjoy Mukherjee (Author)
Textbook2022LXII, 354 Pages

Google Books

Kautilya Arthshastra and the Science of Management: Relevance for the Contemporary Society

Hope India Publications, 01-Jan-2007 - Management science in literature - 208 pages

Kautilya's Arthshastra contains some universal truths which transcend the boundaries of time and space. Arthsh-astra is also very relevant for solving the problems of the present day society, especially in the field of management. The main object of the present work is to identify solutions from Kautilya's Arthshastra to the issues being faced by the economies today and to examine the Kautilian Model in the context of contemporary societies in general and India in particular. Prof. S.D.Chamola is an eminent eco-nomist. During the course of his long association with the CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar, he worked in various capacities in the fields of teaching and research. He headed the Department of Agricultural Economics there, from 1991 to 1994 and the Department of Business Adm-inistration, from 1996 to 2001. He was Senior Fellow, ICSSR, from 2003 to 2005

Human Values and Ethics: Achieving Holistic Excellence

S.K. Chakraborty
Debangshu Chakraborty
ICFAI Books, 2006 - Business ethics - 441 pages

After three years of learning, practicing, teaching and writing on this subject, the authors of this book have come out with this primer on values and ethics that answers many doubts and questions. It is targeted at practicing professionals and takes off.

Humanising Management Transformation Through Human Values

Ane Books Pvt Ltd, 2010 - Management - 217 pages

Value Based Management For Organizational Excellence

Editors: Santosh Dhar, Upinder Dhar, Rajesh K Jain, Sapna Parashar
Excel Books India, 2009 - Business ethics - 272 pages

Management in India: Trends and Transition

Herbert J. Davis, Samir R Chatterjee, Mark Heuer
SAGE, 04-Jan-2006 - Business & Economics - 441 pages

This volume discusses the emerging changes in Indian management culture both at the macro and micro levels and their impact on domestic and multinational businesses based in India. While the Indian business scenario is changing rapidly, the attitude, orientation and practice of management has been slow to adapt. Indian managers have found it difficult to change policies both at the enterprise and the employee level to match an increasingly global and international environment.
This book discusses key issues such as: Indian management culture and emerging challenges; leadership styles and leadership issues that face Indian corporations; ethics and values and their impact on leadership and management culture; the issues confronting global corporations working in India; tackling human resources issues in the Indian context; and the emergence of the new global Indian manager.

Better Management & Effective Leadership Through the Indian Scriptures

Narayanji Misra
Pustak Mahal, 18-Sep-2007 - Management in literature - 207 pages

Management as a subject and various theories associated with it are largely considered as brainchild of the West. the moment this topic is raised, the names of western thinkers, such as F.W. Taylor, Robert Owen and Peter F. Drucker, come to our mind. However, the fact is that all the management theories and hypotheses propounded so far, draw heavily from the Indian scriptures. Indian sages and gurus, like Sukra, Kautilya and Vedavyas laid the foundation to better management through their literary works as early as in the pre-Christian era. This book, Better Management and Effective Leadership through the Indian Scriptures, aims at discovering the treasure hidden in the Indian texts, making the management scholars all over the world feel proud of our literary heritage and appreciate the farsightedness of the Indian thinkers. It is an endeavour to reveal that, be it in any sphere of academics, Indian scholars were in no way secondary to their western counterparts; they were rather the precursors.

Good Governance and Ancient Sanskrit Literature

Aruna Goel
Deep and Deep Publications, 01-Jan-2003 - Polity - 228 pages

Updated  27.6.2024,  7.5.2022, 21 Oct 2021,  15 April 2017,  10 April 2017, 24 September 2016

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Plan to Provide Employment to 2 Crore Persons Per Year in Micro Units Using Mudra Finance Scheme

Achievements of Mudra Scheme so far

What is allocation to Mudra Finance in 2022 - 2023?
What is the employment target under Mudra Finance?

Central government has set loans disbursement target under PM Mudra Yojana (PMMY) at Rs 3 trillion for financial year 2021-2022. Rs. 3 trillion = Rs. 3 lakh crores. If distributed equally to 2 crore people it will be 1.5 lakh beneciary. How to many got employment additionally in this year due to Mudra Finance? The government has to ask this question and get right and reasonable answer.
August 3, 2021

Banks sanction over Rs 15 lakh crore under Mudra Yojana
By: PTI,| May 26, 2021 
As of March 26, 2021, loans sanctioned by member lending institutions amounting to Rs 15.10 lakh crore to 28.81 crore beneficiary, the Department of Financial Services under the Finance Ministry said in a tweet.

Use Mudra Scheme for New Self Employment, New Jobs, and for Increase in Income of The Entrepreneurs.

Create three sub-categories in Mudra Scheme - New Self Employment, New Job creation, Expansion of the Units without additional job creation

#PositiveIndia - Employment Potential of Mudra Finance - Employment to 2 Crore Persons per Annum

Presentation of the Plan in National Conference on Inclusive Growth of India



I tell the plan to people of Maharashtra also.



The Plan was posted in this blog on 25 August 2017

The plan was informed to many ministers through twitter messages on their handles.

26 September 2017

Where are the 2 Cr Jobs promised by the BJP? RSSurjewala, Congress
Published in Page 2 of The Economic Times, 26 September 2017, Mumbai Edition
Also published by RSSurjewala in FaceBook post

An answer is available in this post that you are reading
Plan for employment to 2-cr persons
(This plan is posted in the comment on the FaceBook post of RSSurjewala)  I want all parliamentarians to become aware of the plan.

20 September 2017

Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday (10 September 2017) admitted that the UPA government had been "unable" to deliver on the 30,000 jobs it promised to create everyday

The challenge is how to solve the job problem in a democratic environment, and frankly the Congress party was unable to do it," Rahul admitted.
Despite its victory, Rahul believes Modi and the BJP haven't understood how important it is to keep the promise to create jobs.

While Rahul said he appreciates the intention of 'Make in India', he added that its implementation leaves much to be desired. He said it does not mainstream the needs of India's medium and small enterprises, which he believes are the engines of employment and innovation.

First posted on 25 August 2017

The plan is based on the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016) on micro units in India

First understand the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016)

Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India

(July 2015 - June 2016)

Sample Size

First stage units (Villages and urban blocks): For rural India, the number of villages ( Census Enumeration Blocks
for Kerala) surveyed in the central sample was 8484 and the number of urban blocks/ Census
Enumeration Blocks surveyed was 7839. In addition to this, a “State Sample” was also
surveyed by the State/UT Governments who participated in this survey. The results presented
in this document are, however, based on central sample alone.

Second Stage Units: The unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises were the
ultimate sampling units in NSS 73rd round survey. At all India level a total of 290113
enterprises were surveyed (143179 enterprises in rural and 146934 enterprises in urban

Estimated number of Enterprises

3.2.1 The survey estimated the number of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in the
country during 2015-16 as 6.34 crore

Out of the total number of enterprises 51.3 % were in rural areas and the remaining 48.7 % were in urban areas. Out of the total estimated number of enterprises at all India level, 31 % were engaged in manufacturing, 36.3 % enterprises were in trading and 32.6 % were in other services.

As per the results obtained from the survey, the Own Account Enterprises (OAEs)
(i.e. enterprises that do not employ any hired worker on a fairly regular basis) had a dominant
share in the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction). At all India
level 84.2 % of the estimated number of enterprises under coverage was OAEs. The share of
OAEs was 91.4 % in the rural areas and 76.6 % in the urban areas.

Estimated number of Workers

The results of the survey reveals that during 2015-16, about 11.13 crore workers were
engaged in unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in the
country. Among the workers, 55 % worked in urban areas and 45 % worked in rural areas.

The Own Account Enterprises (OAEs) accounted for 62 % of the workforce in the
unincorporated non-agricultural sector (excluding construction) in the country. At all India
level, workers in the OAEs outnumbered those engaged by establishments in all the broad
activity categories

Gross Value Added (GVA)

3.9.1 Gross Value Added (GVA) is an important economic indicator that measures the
contribution of a particular sector to the economy. It gives the value of goods and services
produced less the cost of all intermediate consumption that are directly attributable to that

During the year 2015-16, the aggregate annual gross value added by the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises engaged in market production was estimated as Rs.1152338 crores.

At all-India level, annual GVA per enterprise in the unincorporated nonagricultural
sector was estimated at Rs. 1,81,908.

For rural India, annual GVA per enterprise
for OAEs and establishments were estimated as Rs. 71,217 and Rs. 4,78,319 respectively.
The corresponding estimates for urban areas were Rs. 1,26,529 and Rs. 7,03,848 respectively.

3.11 Gross Value Added (GVA) per Worker
3.11.1 Gross Value Added per Worker (GVAPW) is a very important measure of labour
productivity obtained by dividing the real output (i.e. gross value added) by the total number
of workers employed by the enterprises.

3.11.2 The annual GVA per Worker for enterprises engaged in market production at all India
level was estimated as Rs. 1,03,744.

3.12.2 The average annual emolument per hired worker estimated from the survey was Rs. 87,544

3.13.2 The estimated value of total owned fixed assets per enterprise by broad activity
category for different enterprise types are presented in Statement 25. At all India level, the
market value of owned fixed assets per enterprise was estimated as Rs. 2,31,869.

Averge Annual GVA per enterprise:  Rs. 1,81,908.
Average owned fixed assets: Rs. 2,31,869.

Value added for Rs. 1,00,000 fixed assets: Rs. 1,81,908/Rs. 2,31,869 =  Rs.78.450 (rounded)

Salary that can be paid to hired workers for 1,00,000 fixed assets =  Rs. 87,544 *Rs.78.450/Rs. 1,03,744 = 66,200

India - MUDRA - Finance Scheme for Micro Units

Mudra loan scheme is a success in meeting its targets of credit delivery. The performance of the units and recovery of loans is to be watched.

                                                             14 September 2017

8 crore loan accounts were opened. How many new businesses got loans? How many new jobs were created. Both are not available in documented form. Mudra Finance can be implemented in a better way with authentic record of new businesses created and new jobs created.

Plan for Creating Employment to 2 Crore Persons  per Year in Micro Units Using Mudra Finance 

1. Self employment to one crore persons

Provide rupees one lakh loan to new units

Provide rupees one lakh crores to one crore new micro units at average of one lakh per unit. Self employment to one crore persons each unit generating valued added of Rs, 78,450.

Micro Unit Business Consultants - To Guide Potential Micro Unit Entrepreneurs

For facilitating this new enterprise creation, one lakh, 100,000 micro unit business consultants have to be trained and given the opportunity to prepare business plans and assist 100 persons to start 100 new units. They can charge a fee of Rs. 1000/- per year per unit for the first five years.  MSME training institutes and enterpreneurship development units can train these business consultants. Skill development ministry can conduct special programmes to develop the business consultants.

2. Wage employment to one crore persons

Provide rupees one lakh rupees loan to existing units with plan to employ one more person.

Provide rupees one lakh  loan to one crore enterprises each having a plan to employ one more person giving wages of Rs, 66,200.

The finance required for supporting the two schemes providing a total employment to 2 crore persons is within the resources of Government of India and the Banking system.

Target of Rs. 3.5 lakh crore for the Year 2018-19 for Mudra Finance Scheme

For the year 2018-19 fix a target of Rs. 3.5 lakh crores for Mudra Finance Scheme with three sub targets

1. One lakh crore for one crore new units.
2. One lakh crore for one crore existing units each giving a job to one person.

3. Remaining 1.5 lakh crore under old scheme - 60% loans to Shishu and remaining to Kishore and Tarun.

The above scheme can create employment to minimum 2 crore persons. Unemployment problem in the country can be tackled through micro units.

The job opportunities in small and medium units, large units, government are still there to people to provide higher income job opportunities.

If you feel plan is feasible, mail this blog post to MLAs, MPs and Ministers asking them to implement the plan.

Please sign the petition to the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi

If you have any doubts, please write a comment. Let us develop ways to solve the challenges and provide employment and livelihood to crores of Indians.

I also advocate

Participatory Politics - Introduction

Participatory Budgeting - Innovation in Planning and Budgeting by Government at National, State and Local Levels

Related Articles

Role of Small and Micro Business Units in Various Countries

Job Creation; Recipe for Economic Growth'. 

Dr. Indira Rajaraman, former professor IIM Bangalore & Member of the 13th Finance Commission, Dr. Jahangir Aziz, Head Emerging Market Economics, JP Morgan,
Mr. Niranjan Rajadhyaksha, Executive Editor, Mint &
Mr. Surendra Srivastava, CFO, MUDRA
Moderator: Dr. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Group Chief Economic Advisor, SBI.
6 July 2017



State Bank of India upload

Updated 24.6.2024, 1.2.2022,  2.9.2021,  18 July 2018, 26 September 2017,  21 September 2017,   7 September 2017, 2 September 2017, 25 August 2017

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Successful and Effective Election Campaign Management - Consultants, Books, Articles


Very Interesting and Useful

How to be an Effective Incumbent or how to Beat an Incumbent  

By Kevin OToole | March 29, 2018,

Kevin O’Toole is the former 40th District Senator and the current Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

New Year’s Resolutions for Newly Sworn In Elected Officials
By Kevin OToole | December 31, 2019







PDF Files


Swinging the Mandate: Developing and Managing a Winning Campaign

Dheeraj Sharma, Narayan Singh Rao

Penguin UK, 5 Sept 2016 - Literary Collections - 256 pages

Is Narendra Modi one of the most successful brands of our times? Was the historic AAP victory in Delhi actually a fluke? How do Indians vote and what influences them? Swinging the Mandate is a first-of-its-kind book on political campaign management in India. Prof Dheeraj Sharma, chair of marketing at IIM Ahmedabad, and Narayan Singh Rao discuss how sophisticated campaign management strategies have been utilized in recent elections in India. The book offers excellent case studies from the historic general elections of 2014 and the landslide victory of AAP in the 2015 Delhi elections. It also gives examples of some hard-fought elections in Europe and North America to demonstrate increasing use of principles of marketing and management in campaign management. Armed with comprehensive research and interesting case studies, this accessible book reveals how star campaigners are built, what the marketing mix for a political party looks like, and how elections are won in India.

Winning Elections: Political Campaign Management, Strategy & Tactics

Ron Faucheux

Rowman & Littlefield, 2003 - Political Science - 688 pages

This is an advanced guide to running political campaigns. It provides invaluable, practical advice from the leading professionals in the industry, together with thousands of vote-winning, money-saving, time-conserving tips. Chapters include new articles and knowledge gleaned from the most recent elections. Covering small-budget local and district races to big-budget statewide and national campaigns.

Election Campaign Consultants

The Campaign Workshop

Dec 17, 2020

Beat an Incumbent - Lessons From Winning Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)


ud. 22.6.2024, 14.6.2024

Pub. 28.4.2024

Friday, June 21, 2024

India - Vision 2031 - 2032

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
01-February-2019 13:32 IST
Government Unveils vision for the Next Decade

The Government has unveiled its vision for the next decade, listing thereby ten most important dimensions in 2030. “With this comprehensive ten-dimensional Vision, we will create an India where poverty, malnutrition, littering and illiteracy would be a matter of the past. India would be a modern, technology driven, high growth, equitable and transparent society.” said Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs, Railways & Coal, Shri Piyush Goyal while presenting the Interim Budget 2019-20 in Parliament today.


The Minister further said, “India is poised to become a five trillion dollar economy in the next five years and aspires to become 10 trillion dollar economy thereafter.”


The dimensions of Vision-2030 outlined by Shri Goyal are as follows-  


To create physical and social infrastructure for ten trillion dollar economy and to provide ease of living.
Digital India led by the youths with innumberable start-ups and million of jobs.
To make India pollution free by focusing on Electrical Vehicles and renewables.
Rural industrailisation using modern technologies to generate massive employment.
Clean rivers, with safe drinking water to all Indians and efficient use of water in irrigation using micro-irrigation techniques.
Besides scaling up Sagarmala, India’s coastline and ocean waters will power development
Through our space programme – Gaganyaan, India becoming the launch-pad of satellites for the World
Self sufficiency in food production and producing food in the most organic way.
A healthy India by 2030 and a distress free health care and wellness system for all. Ayushman Bharat and women participation would be an important component in it.
Employees working with elected Government, transforming India into Minimum Government Maximum Governance nation.

Niti Ayog India made a presentation before PM and CMs. The presentation was titled India 2031-32: Vision, Strategy and Action Agenda.

It visualizes a fully literate society with access to healthcare.

The vision statement

"By 2031-32, we must ransform India into a prosperous, healthy, secure, corruption-free, energy abundant, environmentally clean and globally influential nation."

every family will have house with toilets, two-wheeler or car, power, AC and digital connectivity.

India to grow over 3-fold to $7.25 trillion by 2030: NITI Aayog
The Indian economy will see an over three-fold expansion at USD 7.25 trillion by 2030 and clock an average growth rate of 8 per cent over the next 15 years, Niti Aayog vice chairman Arvind Panagariya said today.
By Press Trust of India
APR 24, 2017

NITI Aayog - From Vision 2030 to Planning and Implementation.
74 pages

MARITIME INDIA VISION 2030  (300 pages)

NITI Aayog's three-year action plan for nation's development; here are the highlights
The vice-chairman also invited further inputs and support of the states in taking the vision forward

FP Staff, April 24, 2017

Panagariya said the 15-year vision document pegs the Indian economy's growth from Rs 137 lakh crore in 2015-16 to Rs 469 lakh crore by 2031-32 at 2015-16 prices.

300 action items. Not declared but.

NITI Aayog vision for higher Indian economic growth - Part-I 
Gudipati Rajendera Kumar 3 May 2017 

NITI Ayog Agenda

India’s Economic Resurgence: A Modified Paradigm for a Welfare State

C B Rao
Notion Press, 26-Oct-2018 - Business & Economics - 524 pages

Economics is a social science concerned mainly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Beyond the various theories and models, however, economics has close relationship with day to day life. This book reviews the economic journey of India over the last seventy years, and seeks to stimulate the readers’ thinking on some major issues and potentialities facing the Indian economy.

Five main themes flow through the book – India’s potential to be the World’s third largest economic power by 2030, the challenges of socio-economic equity that India faces, the several opportunities that India has in that journey, the critical role of governance, leadership, management and administration, and the importance of mindset changes to power India’s futureeconomic growth. A special focus is laid on the role of government policies and projects in socio-economic development.
The book sensitises the readers, including college students in general, and students of economics in particular, to the happenings around us which have significant economic import. The book makes all through its seventy chapters several suggestions to power India’s growth as a global economic superpower, on a plank of socioeconomic equity. This book serves as an  expansive thought primer and focussed execution guide for an economically independent and resurgent India.

Plans of Modi Government from 2014

Towards New India

Sunil Vashisht
Prabhat Prakashan, 6 - Political Science - 312 pages

Ever since receiving a historic mandate in May 2014, the NDA Government under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has made a lot of structural changes in governance and is scripting India’s economic turn around and is surely making India a formidable superpower of the world.

‘New India 2022’ is a vision and dream of Shri Modi for transforming India into a Clean India, Poverty Free India, Corruption Free India, Terrorism Free India, Communalism Free India, Casteism Free India

by 2022.

This book focuses on several important aspects having direct or indirect impact on New India movement like economy, banking, social issues, women empowerment, national security etc. wherein subject experts have written on important issues on how to take India forward.

Collection of well researched articles which will pave the path of NEW INDIA. 


NITI Ayog Draft Project report on India Vision 2036-37

Updated 22.6.2024,  29 July 2021
Pub 19 June 2017

Mumbai City and Suburbs - Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies 2024 Election News - Candiates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Successful and Effective Election Campaign Management - Consultants, Books, Articles

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board


Maharashtra sees 64% voter turnout

Mumbai City and Suburbs - Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies 2014 Election Candidates

For each constituency of Mumbai AGNI has prepared biodata of each candidate giving his educational qualification, assets and liabilities and cases. For mumbai Candidates you can get more information from, MyNeta, Mumbai votes etc. websites.

 152 to 187
 36 Seats
Click on the link to see full list of candidates and link to AGNI Biodatas

152 Borivali
153 Dahisar
154 Magathane
155 Mulund
156 Vikhroli
157 Bhandup West
158 Jogeshwari East
159 Dindoshi
160 Kandivali East  
161 Charkop
162 Malad West
163 Goregaon
164 Versova  
165 Andheri West
166 Andheri East
167 Vile Parle
168 Chandivali
169 Ghatkopar West
170 Ghatkopar East
171 Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar
172 Anushakti Nagar
173 Chembur
174 Kurla
175 Kalina
176 Vandre Bandra East
177 Vandre Bandra West
178 Dharavi
179 Sion Koliwada
180 Wadala
181 Mahim
182 Worli
183 Shivadi
184 Byculla
185 Malabar Hill
186 Mumbadevi
187 Colaba  

BJP - Mumbai Candidates 2014 Assembly Elections

                                                            152 to 187   are Mumbai Constituencies

                                                        152 Borivali Vinod Tawde
15 Amalner Anil Bhaidas Patil 153 Dahisar Smt.Manisha Chaudhari
16 Erandol Maschindra Patil 154 Magathane Hemendra Mehta
17 Chalisgaon Unmesh Patil 155 Mulund        Sardar Tarasingh
18 Pachora Dr. Uttam Mahajan 157 Bhandup West Manoj Kotak
19 Jamner Girish Mahajan 158 Jogeshwari East Smt.Ujwala Modak
20 Muktainagar Eknathrao Khadse 159 Dindoshi Mohit Kamboj
21 Malkapur Chainsukh Sancheti 160 Kandivali East Atul Bhatkhalkar
22 Buldhana Yogendra Gode 161 Charkop Yogesh Sagar
23 Chikhali Suresh Appa Khabutare 162 Malad West Dr.Ram Barot
24 Sindkhed Raja Dr.Ganesh B. Mante 163 Goregaon Smt.Vidya Thakur
27 Jalgaon (Jamod) Dr.Sanjay Kute 164 Versova Dr. Bharati Lavhekar
28 Akot Prakash Bharsakle 165 Andheri West Amit Satam
30 Akola West -Govardhan Sharma 166 Andheri East Sunil Yadav
31 Akola East -Randhir Savarkar 167 Vile Parle Adv.Parag Alawni
32 Murtizapur Harish Pimple 168 Chandivali Sitaram Tiwari
34 Washim Lakhan Malik        169 Ghatkopar West Ram Kadam
35 Karanja Dr.Rajendra Patani 170 Ghatkopar East Prakash Mehta
36 Dhamangaon Railway-Arun Adsad 172 Anushakti Nagar Sandeep Asolkar
37 Badnera Tushar Bharatiya 174 Kurla Vijay Kamble
38 Amravati- Dr.Sunil Deshmukh 175 Kalina Amarjit Singh
39 Teosa Smt.Nivedita Chaudhari 176 Vandre East Mahesh Parkar
40 Daryapur Shrikrishna Bundile 177 Vandra West Adv. Ashish Shelar
41 Melghat Prabhudas Bhilavekar 178 Dharavi Smt.Divya Dhole
42 Achalpur Ashok Bansod 179 Sion Koliwada Capt.Tamil Selvan
43 Morshi Dr.Anil Bonde        181 Mahim Vilas Ambekar
44 Arvi Dadaraoji Ketche 182 Worli Sunil Rane
45 Deoli Suresh Waghmare        183 Shivadi Smt.Shalaka Salvi
46 Hinganghat Sameer Kunawar 184 Byculla Madhu Chavan
47 Wardha Pankaj Bhoyar        185 Malabar Hill Mangalprabhat Lodha
48 Katol Ashish Deshmukh        186 Mumbadevi Atul Shah
49 Savner Sonba Musle        187 Colaba Adv.Raj K. Purohit

INC - Mumbai Candidates

63 153 Dahisar Smt. Sheetal Ashok Mhatre

64 155 Mulund Sapra Charan Singh

65 158 Jogeshwari East Rajesh Prabhushankar Sharma

66 159 Dindoshi Rajhans Dhananjay Singh

67 161 Charkop Bharat Pranlala Parekh

68 162 Malad West Aslam Shaikh

69 164 Versova Baldev Vasantsingh Khosa

70 165 Andheri West Ashok Bhau Jadhav

71 166 Andheri East Suresh Hiriyanna Shetty

72 167 Vile Parle Krishna Shripad Hegde

73 168 Chandivali Naseem Khan

74 170 Ghatkopar West Pravin Velji Chheda

75 173 Chembur Chandrakant Handore

76 175 Kalina Kripashankar Singh

77 177 Vandre West Baba Jiasuddin Siddique

78 178 Dharavi - SC Smt. Varsha Gaikwad

79 179 Sion Koliwada Jagganath Shetty

80 180 Wadala Kalidas Kolambkar

81 184 Byculla Madhukar Chavan

82 185 Malabar Hill Adv. Sushiben Shah

83 186 Mumbadevi Amin Amirali Patel

84 187 Colaba Smt. Anni Sitambalam Shekhar

152 Borivali : Ashok Ramdas Sutrale
Magathane : Sachin Sawant
Vikhroli : Sandesh Mhatre
157 Bhandup West : Shyam Sawant
160 Kandivali East : Ramesh Singh Thakur

Goregaon : Ganesh Kamble
169 Ghatkopar West : Ramgovind Baldhar Yadav
Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar : Yusuf Abrahani
Anushakti Nagar : Rajendra Mahulkar
Kurla – SC : Brahmanand Govind Shinde
Vandre East : Sanjeev Bagadi
Mahim : Pravin Jagannath Naik
Worli : Datta Navghare
Shivadi : Manoj Jamsutkar

NCP - Mumbai Candidates

Mumbai Suburban
152 - Borivali – Advt Indrapal Singh
153 - Dahisar – Harish Bhujang Shetty
Magathane – Sachin Hanmantrao Shinde
Mulund – Nandkumar Waiti
Vikroli – Sanjay Dina Patil
157 Bhandup (West) – Lalbahadur Singh
Jogeshwari (East) – Dinkar Tawade
Dindoshi – Ajit Ravrane
Kandivali (East) – Shrikant Mishra
Charkop – Sandesh Kondvilkar
Malad (West) – Sunil Hiraman Shinde
Goregaon – Shashank Sharad Rao
Warsova – Narendra Varma
Andheri (West) – Alpana Penter
Andheri (East) – Akhilesh Singh
Vile Parle (East) – Yogesh Indulkar
Chandivali – Sharad Shivkumar Pawar
Ghatkopar (West) – Harun Khan
Ghatkopar (East) – Rakhi Jadhav
Mankhurd Shivajinagar – Rajendra Waghmare
Anushakti Nagar – Nawab Malik
Chembur – Ravindra Pawar
Kurla – Milind Kamble
Kalina – Kaptan Abdul Rashid Malik
Bandra (East) – Santosh Dhuwali
Bandra (West) – Asif Bhamla

Mumbai Urban
Dharavi – Govindrao Parmar
Sion-Koliwada – Prasad Lad
Wadala – Pramod Shivaji Patil
Mahim – Ramesh Parab
Worli – Sachin Ahir
Sewree – Nandkumar Katkar
Byculla – Kuldeep Pednekar
Malbar Hill – Narendra Rane
Mumbadevi – Hufeza Electricwala
Colaba – Bashir Musa Patel

Shiv Sena - Mumbai Candidates

151 Mumbai Suburb 152 - Borivali Uttamprakash Agraval
152 Mumbai Suburb 153 - Dahisar Vinod Ghosalakar
153 Mumbai Suburb 154 - Magathane Prakash Surve
154 Mumbai Suburb 155 - Mulund Prabhakar Shinde
155 Mumbai Suburb 156 - Vikhroli Sunil Raut
156 Mumbai Suburb 157 - Bhandup West Ashok Patil
157 Mumbai Suburb 158 - Jogeshwari East Ravindra Waikar
158 Mumbai Suburb 159 - Dindoshi Sunil Prabhu
159 Mumbai Suburb 160 - Kandivali East Amol Kirtikar
160 Mumbai Suburb 161 - Charkop Shubhada Gudekar
161 Mumbai Suburb 162 - Malad West Dr. Vinay Dharamchand Jain
162 Mumbai Suburb 163 - Goregaon Subhash Desai
163 Mumbai Suburb 164 - Versova Rajul Patel
164 Mumbai Suburb 165 - Andheri West Jaywant Parab
165 Mumbai Suburb 166 - Andheri East Ramesh Latake
166 Mumbai Suburb 167 - Vile Parle Shashikant Patkar
167 Mumbai Suburb 168 - Chandivali Santosh Ramnivas Singh
168 Mumbai Suburb 169 - Ghatkopar West Sudhir More
169 Mumbai Suburb 170 - Ghatkopar East Jagadish Chaudhari
170 Mumbai Suburb 171 - Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar Suresh (Bulet) Patil
171 Mumbai Suburb 172 - Anushakti Nagar Tukaram Kate
172 Mumbai Suburb 173 - Chembur Prakash Phatrphekar
173 Mumbai Suburb 174 - Kurla Mangesh Kudalkar
174 Mumbai Suburb 175 - Kalina Sanjay Potanis
175 Mumbai Suburb 176 - Vandre East Prakash Sawant
176 Mumbai Suburb 177 - Vandre West Vilas Chavari

177 Mumbai City 178 - Dharavi (SC) Baburao Mane
178 Mumbai City 179 - Sion Koliwada Mangesh Satamakar
179 Mumbai City 180 - Wadala Hemant Doke
180 Mumbai City 181 - Mahim Sada Saravankar
181 Mumbai City 182 - Worli Sunil Shinde
182 Mumbai City 183 - Shivadi Ajay Chaudhari
183 Mumbai City 185 - Malabar Hill Arun Dudhavadkar
184 Mumbai City 186 - Mumbadevi Yugandhara Salekar
185 Mumbai City 187 - Colaba Pandurang Sakpal

Ud. 22.6.2024
Pub. 15.10.2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Complaints Against PM Narendra Modi's 2024 Election Lok Sabha Speeches


PM Narendra Modi's 2024 Election Lok Sabha Speeches surprised many.  Modi is known as a very good speaker who impresses people with his oratory. But 2024 Lok Sabha election speeches disappointed many. This diappointment is visible in election results. Modi himself received less votes and won with a reduced majority. His election incharges boasted of 6 lakh majority this time.

Complaints mount against PM Modi: Accused of inciting religious divisions at Banswara rally

Complaints against the speech was filed by CJP, ADR’s Jagdeep S. Chhokar and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation

22, Apr 2024 | CJP Team

Monday, June 17, 2024

Kevin OToole on Election Campaigns - Being a Representative of People - Being an Elected Government Official

Successful and Effective Election Campaign Management - Consultants, Books, Articles.


In Politics, They Love You Until They Don’t

By Kevin OToole | October 2, 2019,

The O’Toole Chronicles: Primaries and Pancakes

By Kevin O'Toole, June 03 2024


About Kevin J. O'Toole

Chair of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

American Republican Party politician, New Jersey Senator.  40th Legislative District, which included parts of Bergen, Essex, Morris, and Passaic counties from 2008 to 2017.

2024 Articles

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chikhli - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Bondre Rahul Siddhavinayak INC
Buldhana Dt.

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Suresh Appa Khabutare
INC - Rahul Siddhivinayak Bondre
MNS - Vinod Kharpas
NCP - Dhrupatrao Sawale
Shiv Sena - Dr. Pratapsingh Rajput

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
BONDRE RAHUL SIDDHAVINAYAK Indian National Congress 76,465 - 27916

Chembur - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board
2014 Winner - MLA  Prakash Vaikunth Phaterpekar SHS

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

MNS - Sarika Sawant
NCP - Ravindra Pawar
SS - Prakash Phatapekar

RPI-A Deepak Nikhalje

Information and Candidates of All Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies - 2014 Election

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena


2009 MLA

CHANDRAKANT DAMODHAR HANDORE Indian National Congress 47,431 17966

Parbhani - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Dr. Rahul Vedprakash Patil SHS

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Ajay Gavhane
INC - Khan Irfan-ur-Rehman
MNS - Vinod Dudhgaonkar
NCP - Pratap Bhasakarrao Deshmukh
Shiv Sena - Dr. Rahul Patil

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
JADHAV SANJAY (BANDU) HARIBHAU Shivsena 66,021 20523