Thursday, March 27, 2025

Ashvins - Sooktams on Ashvins in Rigved

 Sooktams on Ashvins in Rigved

Rig Veda: A Digital Version of H. H. Wilson's Translation

By Devajyoti Sarkar

HYMN III. Aśvins

HYMN XXII.  22  Aśvins and Others

HYMN XXXIV.  34 Aśvins.

HYMN CXII.   112 Aśvins.

HYMN CXVI.   116 Aśvins.

HYMN CXVII. 117 Aśvins.

HYMN CXVIII. 118 Aśvins.

HYMN CXIX.   119 Aśvins.

HYMN CXX.   120 Aśvins.

HYMN CLVII.   157 Aśvins.

HYMN CLVIII.  158 Aśvins

HYMN CLXXX.   180 Aśvins.

HYMN CLXXXI.  181  Aśvins

HYMN CLXXXII.   182 Aśvins.

HYMN CLXXXIII.   183 Aśvins.

HYMN CLXXXIV.   184 Aśvins.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Atharva Veda

The Hymns of the Atharvaveda

Book I

tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith


Hymn 1: A prayer to Vāchaspati for divine illumination and help.

Hymn 2: A charm against dysentery

Hymn 3: A charm against constipation and suppression of urine

Hymn 4: To the waters, for the prosperity of cattle

Hymn 5: To the waters, for strength and power

Hymn 6: To the waters, for health and wealth

Hymn 7: To Indra and Agni, for the detection and destruction of evil spirits

Hymn 8: To Indra, Brihaspati, Soma and Agni, for the destruction of sorcerers

Hymn 9: Benediction on a King at his inauguration

Hymn 10: Absolution of a sinner after intercession with Varuna

Hymn 11: A charm to be used at child-birth

Hymn 12: A prayer to Lightning, against fever, headache, and cough

Hymn 13: A prayer to Lightning, for happiness

Hymn 14: A woman's incantation against a rival

Hymn 15: A prayer for the prosperity of an institutor of sacrifice

Hymn 16: A prayer and charm against demons

Hymn 17: A charm to be used at venesection

Hymn 18: A charm to avert evil spirits of misfortune and to secure prosperity

Hymn 19: A prayer for protection from arrows and for the punishment of enemies

Hymn 20: A prayer to Soma, the Maruts, Mitra, and Varuna, for protection

Hymn 21: A prayer to Indra for protection

Hymn 22: A charm against jaundice

Hymn 23: A charm against leprosy

Hymn 24: A charm against leprosy

Hymn 25: A prayer to fever, as a charm against his attacks

Hymn 26: A charm to obtain invisibility

Hymn 27: A prayer for protection, guidance, and prosperity

Hymn 28: A prayer to Agni for the destruction of evil spirits

Hymn 29: A charm to secure the supremacy of a dethroned King

Hymn 30: A benediction on a King at his consecration

Hymn 31: A prayer for protection and general prosperity

Hymn 32: In praise of Heaven and Earth

Hymn 33: To the Waters, for health and happiness

Hymn 34: A young man's love-charm

Hymn 35: A charm to ensure long life and glory to the wearer of an amulet

Ud. 25.3.2025

Pub. 18.8.2022

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sama Ved - Hymns - Meaning

About samaved - Interesting

Text of Samaveda gane - Download


Use this text file to listen the following audio files.

Up to 5/1 in Aranya gaane file

Up to 15/1 in Aranya gaane file

Up to 25/1 in Aranya gaane file

Up to 33/1 in Aranya gaane file

Up to 38/1 in Aranya gaane file

Up to 51/1 in Aranya gaane file

Up to 58/1 in Aranya gaane file  - Conclusion of Arka Parva

Starting of new parva

Up to 60/1 in Aranya gaane file

65 files

Sama Veda Complete - Kautuma Shakha

Example of Sama Veda Singing

Sama ved mein Sangeet

Text Display in Telugu

YouTube Videos

Agneya Kanda - Prathama Kanda

Second Khanda

Third Khanda

8th Khanda

||सामवेद कौथुम शाखा आग्नेय काण्ड प्रपाठक 1-6|| Samveda Kauthum shakha Agneya kandam Prapathak 1-6 ||

Premiered on 28 Oct 2022

Updated 25 Sep 2021  10 June 2016, 8 Sep 2013

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Aitareya Brahmana

Aitareya Brahmana is the Brahmana of Rigved. 

Page 107 of

Panchika 1

The Soma Sacrifice

Adhyaya I

The Consecration of the Sacrifice

i.1. Agni is the lowest of Gods, Vishnu, the highest; between them are all the other deities.

The mantras to be recited are given in footnotes. I checked some of them.

Rigved Mantras - Meanings

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 5

Book 10

Chapter 42 - The Story of Brāhmaṇa Aitareya

Of Skanda Purana

Friday, March 14, 2025

Agni - Rigved Sooktams - Hymns

 Agni - Rigved  Sooktams - Hymns 

Book The First

HYMN I. Agni.



HYMN XIX. Agni, Maruts.

All mantras end with मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ॥








HYMN XCIII. Agni-Sona.


HYMN CVIII. Indra-Agni.




Book 2

Book 10

Friday, March 7, 2025

6-6 Krishna Yajurveda

Kanda 6


The Exposition of the Daksina and other Offerings

vi. 6. 1.

Offering Daksina

to the Agnidh;  to the Brahman priest,    to the Hotr;

The sacrifices with the gifts are offered for the world of heaven. He offers with two (verses) on the Garhapatya; the sacrificer has two feet; (verily it serves) for support. He offers in the Agnidh's altar; verily he ascends the atmosphere. He approaches the Sadas; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. He offers in the Garhapatya with verses addressed to Surya; verily he makes him mount yonder world. He offers in the Agnidh's altar with a verse containing the word 'Lead', for leading to the world of heaven. 'Go to the sky, fly to heaven', (with these words) he takes out the gold after the offering [1]; verily he makes him go to the world of heaven. 'With my form I approach your form', he says; for by his form he approaches their form, in that (he approaches) with gold. 'May Tutha, all knowing, allot to you', he says; Tutha, all knowing, was wont to allot the gifts of the gods; verily thereby he divides them. 'This gift of thine, O Agni [2], cometh, impelled by the Soma', he says, for his gift comes impelled by the Soma. 'Lead it by the path of Mitra', he says, for atonement. 'Go ye on by the path of holy order, of brilliant gifts', he says; holy order is truth; verily with truth, with holy order, he divides them. 'Leading prosperity by the path of the sacrifice', he says, for the gifts go by the path of the sacrifice. 'May I win a Brahman to-day [3], a seer and sprung from seers', he says; the learned man is a Brahman, a seer and sprung from seers; therefore he says thus. 'Gaze on the heaven, gaze on the atmosphere', he says; verily he makes him go to the world of' heaven. 'Join those in the seat', he says, for friendship. 'Given by us, go to the gods, full of sweetness; enter the giver', he says; 'we here are givers; do ye there enter us, full of sweetness' [4], he says in effect. He gives gold; gold is light; verily he places light before, to light up the world of heaven. He gives to the Agnidh; verily he delights the seasons headed by Agni; he gives to the Brahman priest, for instigation; he gives to the Hotr; the Hotr is the self of the sacrifice; verily he unites the self of the sacrifice with the gifts.

vi. 6. 2.


The Samistayajuses are offer  for the completion of the sacrifice to take care of some undesirable aspects performed in the sacrifice so far. 

He offers the Samistayajuses, for the completion of the sacrifice. Whatever is harsh or injured in the sacrifice, what he passes over, what he does not pass over, what he does redundantly, what he does not do, all that he propitiates with them. He offers nine; nine are the breaths in man, the sacrifice is commensurate with man; all the sacrifice he delights thus. He offers six with Rcs; the seasons are six; verily he delights the seasons; he offers three with Yajuses [1]; these worlds are three; verily he delights these worlds. 'O sacrifice, go to the sacrifice; go to the lord of the sacrifice', he says; verily he makes it go to the lord of the sacrifice. 'Go to thine own birthplace', he says; verily be makes it go to his own birthplace. 'This is thy sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice, with its, utterance of hymns and producing noble heroes', he says; verily he confers strength upon the sacrificer. Vasistha Satyahavya asked Devabhaga, 'When thou didst cause to sacrifice the Srñjayas, with many sacrificers, didst thou cause the sacrifice to rest upon the sacrifice [2] or on the lord of the sacrifice? He replied, 'On the lord of the sacrifice.' 'But in truth Srñjayas have been defeated', he said, 'the sacrifice should have been made to rest on the sacrifice, to prevent the defeat of the sacrificer.' 'Ye gods, that find the way, finding the way, go on the way', he says; verily he makes the sacrifice to rest upon the sacrifice, to prevent the defeat of the sacrificer.

vi. 6. 3.


He offers the Avabhrthayajuses; whatever sin he has committed in the year before, verily that thereby he propitiates. 

He goes to the waters for the final bath; Varuna is in the waters; verily straightway he propitiates Varuna. The Raksases, following along by the path, seek to injure the sacrifice; the Prastotr follows along with the Saman, the slayer of Raksases, is the Saman; (verily it serves) for the smiting away of the Raksases. Thrice he performs the finale; these worlds are three; verily from these worlds [1] he smites away the Raksases. 

Each one performs the finale; for each one is infested by the Raksases, for the smiting away of the Raksases. 'King Varuna hath made a broad (path)', he says, for support. 'A hundred remedies are thine, O king, a thousand', he says; verily he makes medicine for him. 'The noose of Varuna is overcome', he says verily he overcomes the noose of Varuna. 

He makes offering over the strew, for the support of the oblations; verily also he offers in what has fire. He offers the fore-offerings omitting that to the strew [2]; the strew is offspring; verily he frees offspring from Varuna's noose. He offers the two portions of butter; verily he does not obstruct the two eyes of the sacrifice. He sacrifices to Varuna; verily he frees him from Varuna's noose. He sacrifices to Agni and Varuna; verily straightway he frees him from Varuna's noose. He offers two after-offerings, omitting that to the strew; the strew is offspring; verily he frees offspring from Varuna's noose. He offers four fore-offerings and two after-offerings; they make up six, the seasons are six [3]; verily he finds support in the seasons. 'O bath, O flood', he says; verily he propitiates by this utterance Varuna. In the sea is thy heart, within the waters', he says, for Varuna is in the sea. 'Let the plants and the waters enter thee" he says; verily he unites him with the waters and the plants. 'Ye divine waters, this is thy foetus', he says; that is according to the text. The Soma is cattle [4]; if he were to partake of the drops, he would be possessed of cattle, but Varuna would seize him; if he were not to partake, he would have no cattle, but Varuna would not seize him; he should touch them only, he becomes possessed of cattle, Varuna seizes him not. 'The noose of Varuna is loosed', he says; verily is he freed from Varuna's noose. They advance without looking round, for concealment from Varuna. 'Thou art fuel may we prosper', he says; verily with the kindling-stick they approach the fire in reverence. 'Thou art brilliance; grant me brilliance', he says; verily he bestows brilliance upon himself.

vi. 6. 4.

11 sacrificial posts

With the wooden sword he digs up the altar, with the axle of a chariot he measures. He sets up the sacrificial post; verily gathering together a threefold bolt he hurls it at his foe, to lay him low. 

If he were to set it up within the altar, he would win the world of the gods; if outside the altar, the world of men; he sets it up in the place where the altar and the edge (outside) meet, for the winning of both worlds. He should set (the set) up with the lower parts alike for one who desires the world of the Pitrs, with the girdle part alike for one who desires the world of men, with the top pieces alike for one who desires power, and all alike for one who desires support; the three in the middle alike for one who desires cattle; for through them [1] cattle attend (on him); verily he becomes possessed of cattle. He should interlock the others; verily he interlocks him with offspring and cattle. If he desire of a man, 'May he be liable to die', he should set it up for him in grave fashion, the northern half the higher, then (the southern) the lower; this is the grave fashion; he for whom he sets it up thus swiftly dies. For him who desires the heaven he should set it up with the southern half the higher, then the (northern) half the lower; verily the sacrificer makes it a ladder and a bridge to attain the world of heaven [2]. In that on one post he twines round two girdles, therefore one man wins two wives; in that he does not wind one girdle round two posts, therefore one wife does not find two husbands. If he desire of a man, 'Be a girl born to him', he should intertwine (the girdles) near the ends; verily a girl is born to him; if he desire of a man, 'Be a son born to him', he should cover it round right up to the end; verily a son is born to him [3]. The Asuras drove the gods to the south, the gods repelled them by the Upaçaya (post); that is why the Upaçaya has its name. In that the Upaçaya lies near (upaçáye) on the south, (it serves) to drive away the foe. All the other posts have victims (attached), the Upaçaya has none, its victim is the sacrificer; if he were not to indicate (a victim), the sacrificer would be ruined. 'N.N. is thy victim', (with these words) he should indicate whomsoever he hates; whom he hates [4], him he indicates as a victim to it. If he hates not, 'The mole is thy victim', he should say; he harms not domestic nor wild animals. Prajapati created offspring; he was destitute of proper food, he saw this set of eleven, and therewith he won proper food. In that there are ten posts, the Viraj has ten syllables, and the Viraj is food, he wins proper food by the Viraj [5]; thereby he milks the eleventh breast of her. In that the set of eleven (is set up), a thunderbolt is set up; it is liable to crush the sacrifice face to face; in that he sets up (the stake) (for Tvastr) with the wives, (it serves) to establish the sacrifice and to bind.

vi. 6. 5.

11 Animals for sacrifice

Prajapati created offspring; he thought himself emptied, he saw this set of eleven (victims), with it he bestowed life, power, and strength upon himself; he who sacrifices creates as it were offspring; then he is as it were emptied; in that this set of eleven is (offered), with it the sacrificer bestows life, power, and strength upon himself. With (the victim) for Agni he scatters, with that for Sarasvati he makes a pairing, with that for Soma he impregnates seed [1], with that for Pusan he propagates. There is one for Brhaspati; Brhaspati is the holy power (Brahman) of the gods; verily with the holy power (Brahman) he produces offspring for him. There is one for the All-gods; offspring are connected with the All-gods; verily he produces offspring, for him. By that for Indra he wins power, by that for the Maruts the people, by that for Indra and Agni force and might. That for Savitr is for instigation, that for Varuna to free oneself from Varuna's (noose). In the middle he offers that for Indra; verily in the middle he bestows power on the sacrificer [2]. In front of that for Indra he offers that for the All-gods; food is connected with the All-gods; verily he puts food in front; therefore food is eaten in front. Having offered that for Indra he offers that for the Maruts; the Maruts are the people; verily he fastens the people to him. If he desire, 'May he who has attained (power) be banished; may he who is banished return (to power)', in the place of that for Indra he should offer that for Varuna, in the place of that for Varuna that for Indra [3]. He who has attained (power) is banished, he who is banished returns (to power). If he desire, 'May the people fall into confusion', he should interchange the animals; verily he causes the people to fall into confusion. If he should offer that to Varuna along the stream of the waters, Varuna would seize his offspring; he offers (the victim) facing north on the south side against the stream of the waters, to prevent Varuna seizing his offspring.

vi. 6. 6.

In telugu meaning, it was written as animal

Paatnivat grah

Indra caused Manu to sacrifice with his wife; after she had been encircled with fire he let her go; therewith Manu prospered; in that he lets go (the victim), (for Tvastr with the wives, the sacrificer prospers with the prosperity with which Manu prospered. From what is unsupported in the sacrifice the sacrifice comes to ruin; as the sacrifice comes to ruin the sacrificer comes to ruin along with it; in that he completes (the offering) (for Tvastr) with the wives with butter, (it serves) to support the sacrifice, and as the sacrifice finds support, the sacrificer finds support along with it. 

The offering of the caul [1] has been performed, the offering of the cow is not yet over, then he performs (the offering) (for Tvastr) with the wives; verily he performs it at the right moment; then indeed comes the conclusion. 

It is for Tvastr; Tvastr of the seed that is spilt moulds forms, him he sets loose as a male among wives; he for him moulds forms.

vi. 6. 7.

Oblation of Soma

They kill the Soma in that they press it; in that there is (an oblation) of Soma, that is as when they slay for the dead a barren cow. If he were to offer in the northern half or the middle, he would cause conflict with the gods; he offers on the southern half; this is the quarter of the Pitrs; verily in their own quarter he propitiates the Pitrs. They give to the Udgatrs, (the oblation) of Soma has the Saman for its deity; whatever of the Saman they do amiss, that is the atonement for it. They look at [1] (the victim) for Soma is a purifier; verily they purify themselves. He who cannot see himself would be dead. Having made it full all round, he should look at (it), for in it he sees himself; verily also he purifies himself. He whose mind is gone should look at (it), (saying), 'That mind of mine which hath gone away, or which hath gone elsewhere, by means of King Soma, we keep within us'; verily he keeps his mind in himself [2], his mind is not gone. At the third pressing the sacrifice departs from him who has sacrificed to him who has not sacrificed; he offers ghee with a verse to Agni and Visnu; all the deities are Agni, the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he supports the deities and the sacrifice. He sacrifices muttering, for pairing. The theologians say, 'Mitra appropriates the well-performed part of the sacrifice, Varuna the ill-performed; where then is the sacrifice, and where the sacrificer?; In that he offers a cow to Mitra and Varuna, by Mitra [3] he propitiates the well-performed part of the sacrifice, by Varuna the ill-performed; the sacrificer is not ruined. Even as men plough the field with the plough, so do the Rc and the Saman plough the sacrifice; in that he offers a cow to Mitra and Varuna, verily he rolls a roller over the ploughed-up sacrifice, for atonement. The metres of him who has sacrificed are worn out, the cow is the sap of the metres; in that he offers the cow to Mitra and Varuna, he again delights the metres, to drive away weariness; verily also he bestows sap upon the metres.

vi. 6. 8.

Atigrahya cups

Atigrahya grah

The gods divided up power and strength; what there was left over became the Atigrahya cups, and that is why the Atigrahyas have their name. 

In that the Atigrahyas are drawn, verily thus the sacrificer bestows. upon himself power and strength, brilliance by that for Agni, power by that for Indra, splendour by that for Surya. 

The Atigrahyas are the support of the sacrifice, the Prsthas are the two wheels, if he were not to. draw them in the Prsthya (rite), the Prsthas would destroy the sacrifice in front; if he were to draw them in the Ukthya [1], the Atigrahyas would destroy the sacrifice behind; but they should be drawn in the Viçvajit with all the Prsthas, so that the sacrifice may have all its strength. 

Prajapati indicated the sacrifices to the gods, he put away their dear forms, they became the Atigrahya; 'Bodiless is his sacrifice', they say, 'for whom the Atigrahyas are not drawn.' 

They should be drawn also in the Agnistoma, so that the sacrifice may have its body. All the deities were alike, and were not discriminated; these gods [2] saw these cups and drew them, Agni that for Agni, Indra that for Indra, Surya that for Surya; then indeed were they discriminated from the other gods; he, for whom knowing thus these cups are drawn, is discriminated from his evil foe. 

'These worlds must be made full of light, with like strength', they say; verily with that for Agni he bestows light on this world, with that for Indra on the atmosphere, for Indra and Vayu are yoke-fellows; with that for Surya on yonder world [3] he bestows light; full of light these worlds become for him; he makes them of like strength. Bamba and Viçvavayasa found these cups, and to them these worlds, the distant and the near, became revealed; to him, for whom knowing thus these cups are drawn, these worlds, the distant and the near, become revealed.

vi. 6. 9.

Adabhya  cup

Whatever the gods did at the sacrifice the Asuras did. The gods caused the metres and the pressings to find support in the Adabhya; then the gods prospered, the Asuras were defeated; he, for whom knowing thus the Adabhya is drawn, prospers himself, his foe is defeated. Because the gods deceived the Asuras with the Adabhya (undeceivable), that is why the Adabhya has its name. He who knows thus deceives his foe; his foe deceives him not [1]. 

The Adabhya is the form of Prajapati, called the freer; he draws from (the Soma) which is tied up, for freedom; he who knows thus is set free from his evil foe. They kill the Soma in that they press it; in the slaying of the Soma the sacrifice is slain, with the sacrifice the sacrificer. The theologians say, 'What is it that the sacrificer does in the sacrifice whereby he goes alive to the world of heaven?' 

The Adabhya is the taking alive; he draws from (the Soma) before pressing; verily he makes him go alive to the world of heaven. Now they break the sacrifice asunder when they make it find support in the Adabhya; he lets go the shoots, for the continuance of the sacrifice.

vi. 6. 10.

Ançu, (Ansu) cup

The gods drew the cups in a line; Prajapati saw this Ançu, drew it, and therewith prospered. Verily he, for whom knowing thus the Ançu is drawn, prospers. 

He draws from (the Soma) when it has been once pressed, for once he prospered thereby. He draws with the mind, for Prajapati is mind as it were; (verily it serves) to obtain Prajapati. He draws with (a vessel) of Udumbara; the Udumbara is strength; verily he wins strength; it has four corners; verily he finds support in the quarters [1]. 

He who knows the foundation of the Ançu becomes possessed of a foundation. The Saman is that called the Vamadevya; singing in his mind that foundation he draws; verily he becomes possessed of a foundation. If the Adhvaryu were not to make a success of drawing the Ançu, for both the Adhvaryu and the sacrificer would it go ill; if he were to make a success, for both would it go well; he draws without breathing; this is its success. He breathes over gold; gold is immortality, breath is life; verily with life he quickens immortality; it is of a hundred (Krsnalas) in weight, man has a hundred (years of) life, a hundred powers; verily in life, in power he finds support.

vi. 6. 11.

Sodaçin -  the Sodaçin  kratu -  the Sodaçin graha

Prajapati assigned the sacrifices to the gods; he thought himself emptied; he pressed over himself the power and strength of the sacrifice in sixteen ways; that became the Sodaçin; there is no sacrifice called Sodaçin; in that there is a sixteenth Stotra and a sixteenth Çastra, therefore is it the Sodaçin, and that is why the Sodaçin has its name. In that the Sodaçin is drawn, so the sacrificer bestows power and strength upon himself. 

To the gods the world of heaven [1] did not become manifest; they saw this Sodaçin, and drew it; then did the world of heaven become manifest to them; in that the Sodaçin is drawn, (it serves) for the conquest of the world of heaven. Indra was the youngest of the gods, he had recourse to Prajapati, he bestowed on him the Sodaçin, he drew it; then indeed did he attain the summit of the gods; he for whom knowing thus the Sodaçin [2] is drawn attains the summit of his equals. He draws at the morning pressing; the Sodaçin is the thunderbolt, the morning pressing is the thunderbolt; verily he draws it from its own birthplace. At each pressing he draws; verily from each pressing he produces it. At the third pressing he should draw (it) for one who desires cattle; the Sodaçin is the thunderbolt, the third pressing is cattle; verily by means of the thunderbolt he wins for him cattle from the third pressing. He should not draw (it) in the Ukthya; the Ukthas are offspring and cattle; if he were to draw (it) in the Ukthya [3], he would consume his offspring and cattle. He should draw (it) for one who desires cattle in the Atiratra; the Sodaçin is the thunderbolt; verily having won cattle for him by the thunderbolt, he calms them later with (the Çastras of) the night. He should also draw (it) in the Agnistoma for a Rajanya, for a Rajanya sacrifices desiring distinction; verily in the day rite he grasps a bolt for him, and the bolt kindles him to prosperity, or it burns him; the twenty-onefold is the Stotra used, for support; what is recited has the word 'bay' in it; he obtains the dear abode of Indra [4]. The smaller metres were among the gods, the larger among the Asuras; the gods recited the larger metre with the smaller on either side; then indeed did they appropriate the world of the Asuras. In that he recites the larger metre with a smaller metre on either side, verily thus he appropriates the world of his foe. They make six syllables redundant; the seasons are six; verily he delights the seasons. They place four in front [5]; verily he wins four-footed cattle; two last; verily he wins two-footed (cattle); they make up an Anustubh; the Anustubh is speech, therefore speech is the highest of the breaths. When the sun is half-set, he sets about the Stotra of the Sodaçin; in this world Indra slew Vrtra; verily straightway be hurls the bolt against his foe. The sacrificial fee is a reddish-brown horse; that is the form of the bolt; (verily it serves) for success.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Top 1000 (251-500) Manufacturing Companies of India - Industrial Engineers - Social Media Information


251 Tata Cummins Pvt. Ltd. 3,484  1993

252 Wellknown Polyesters Ltd.  3,447  1996

253 Emerald Jewel Industry India Ltd.  3,422  2004

Prabhu S

Industrial Engineer | Lean Six Sigma Yellow/Green Belt

Krishnakumar C

 Industrial engineer || Lean six Sigma Green Belt Certified || YB

Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Vignesh G

Professional Experience in Industrial Engineer & Production Engineer

Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India 

venkatesan k 
M.E(Industrial Engineering) || lean tool implementation || six sigma || 6s || layout installation || NPD || tool Maintains || project improvements || line balance || time study || andon

Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited

Anna University
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Anna UniversityAnna University
Master's degree, Industrial Engineering Master's degree, Industrial Engineering
May 2019 - Jul 2021May 2019 - Jul 2021
Grade: 8.82

254 Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd.  3,379   3,008  1991

255 KRBL Ltd. K R B L   3,360   2,080  1993

256 Shree Bankey Behari Exports Ltd. Shree Bankey Behari Exports  3,308  1994

257 Surya Roshni Ltd. Surya Roshni   3,301   3,323  1973

258 Balkrishna Industries Ltd. Balkrishna Industries  3,292  1961

259 B E M L Ltd. BEML   3,287   8,827  1964

260 OCL India Ltd. OCL India  3,287   2,694  1949

261 J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd. J K Lakshmi Cement   3,272   1,456  1938

262 India Glycols Ltd. India Glycols   3,267   1,249  1987

263 S K F India Ltd. SKF India   3,237   2,222  1961

264 A P L Apollo Tubes Ltd. APL Apollo Tubes  3,219   819  1986

265 C P F (India) Pvt. Ltd. CPF  3,203  1997

266 Amba River Coke Ltd. Amba River Coke   3,196  1997

267 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. Ipca Laboratories   3,172   13,303  1949

269 Atlas Copco (India) Ltd. Atlas Copco  3,131   2,462  1960

270 Indian Steel Corpn. Ltd. Indian Steel  3,124  2004

271 Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. [Merged] Nagarjuna Fertilizers  3,089  1976

272 R S W M Ltd. R S W M   3,082   15,914  1960

273 Concast Steel & Power Ltd. Concast Ispat   3,069  1995

274 Tata Global Beverages Ltd. Tata Global Beverages   3,064   2,555  1962

275 Jayaswal Neco Inds. Ltd. Jayaswal Neco  3,060   3,607  1972

276 Olam Enterprises India Pvt. Ltd. Olam Enterprises  3,058  1994

277 Frigerio Conserva Allana Pvt. Ltd. Frigerio Conserva Allana    3,055  1989

278 Bridgestone India Pvt. Ltd. Bridgestone  3,054  1996

279 Akzo Nobel India Ltd. Akzo Nobel India   3,028   1,830  1954

280 Mukand Ltd. Mukand   3,023  1937

281 Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers   3,013   848  1966

282 Syngenta India Ltd. Syngenta India   3,007  1999

283 J B & Brothers Pvt. Ltd. J B & Brothers    3,000  2009

284 Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Alembic Pharmaceuticals   2,986   8,825  2010

285 Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals   2,985   4,697  1924

Mumtaz Hussain 

Demand Planning 

GSK Pharma | McCain Foods | IIM Mumbai (NITIE) | Panjab University


Indian Institute of Management Mumbai

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Master of Business Administration - MBA, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain ManagementMaster of Business Administration - MBA, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management

May 2017 - May 2019

Indian Institute of Management

286 G H C L Ltd. GHCL   2,977   3,555  1983

287 Rosy Blue (India) Pvt. Ltd. Rosy Blue  2,973  1998

288 Aarti Industries Ltd. Aarti Industries   2,953   3,254  1984

289 Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. Balrampur Chini  2,952   3,113  1975

290 Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd. Venkateshwara Hatcheries    2,948  1971

291 Gupta Power Infrastructure Ltd. Gupta Power Infrastructure   2,939  1961

292 Coca Cola India Pvt. Ltd. Coca  2,932  1992

293 Piaggio Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. Piaggio Vehicles    2,928  1998

294 Abbott India Ltd. Abbott India   2,926   6,083  1944

295 Jindal Poly Films Ltd. Jindal Poly Films   2,925   744  1974

296 Indo Gulf Corpn. Ltd. [Merged] Indo Gulf Corpn.    2,920  1983

297 Electrosteel Steels Ltd. Electrosteel  2,889   2,116  2006

298 Laxmi Diamond Pvt. Ltd. Laxmi Diamond    2,874 

299 Sheetal Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sheetal Manufacturing  2,867  2008

300 Colourtex Industries Pvt. Ltd. Colourtex Industries    2,852  1989

301 J K Paper Ltd. J K Paper   2,849   2,602  1960

302 Kei Industries Ltd. Kei Industries   2,835   1,184  1992

303 Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Balmer Lawrie & Co.   2,833   1,248  1924

304 Raymond Ltd.  2,828   7,101  1925

Mohan Hedaoo

IE Executive at Raymond ltd.

Raymond Limited

Madhya Pradesh, India

Manish Raj

Industrial Engineer

Raymond Limited

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore,Visvesvaraya technological University

Bangalore Urban, Karnataka, India 

305 Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd. Tamil Nadu Newsprint  2,820   2,557  1979

306 B R G Iron & Steel Co. Pvt. Ltd. B R G Iron & Steel Co.    2,818 

307 Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd.    2,815   3,241  1962

308 Sundram Fasteners Ltd. Sundram Fasteners  2,814   3,258  1962

309 Finolex Industries Ltd. Finolex Industries   2,814   1,194  1981

Ganesh Shinde

 Executive Industrial engineer at Finolex Industries Ltd. Operation Excellence. (Lean Six Sigma certification black belt from TUV German)

Finolex Industries Ltd

Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology

Maharashtra, India 

2009 - 2012

• A budding B.E. professional with experience in Operations and Industrial Engineering Tools such as Time Study, Method Study, Lean Operation, Layout Planning, automation project, Tpm implementation, Inventory Management, Training & Development and Team Management.

310 E I Dupont India Pvt. Ltd. E I Dupont India    2,809  1994

311 Chettinad Cement Corpn. Pvt. Ltd. Chettinad Cement  2,807   1,483  1962

312 L'Oreal India Pvt. Ltd. L'Oreal  2,800  1991

313 Chemplast Sanmar Ltd. Chemplast Sanmar   2,799  1985

314 Jubilant Life Sciences Ltd. Jubilant Life Sciences   2,791   2,435  1978

315 Shrenuj & Co. Ltd. Shrenuj  2,777   2,000  1982

316 Olam Agro India Pvt. Ltd.  2,757  2006

317 Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Ltd. Indo Rama Synthetics (India)   2,731   816  1986

318 General Motors India Pvt. Ltd. General Motors  2,726  1994

319 Uttam Galva Metallics Ltd. Uttam Galva Metallics   2,722  2007

320 Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd. Dalmia Bharat  2,718   1,617  1996

321 John Distilleries Pvt. Ltd. John Distilleries    2,712  1996

322 Amira Pure Foods Pvt. Ltd. Amira Pure Foods    2,692  1993

323 B M W India Pvt. Ltd. BMW  2,681  1997

324 Kaleesuwari Refinery Pvt. Ltd. Kaleesuwari Refinery    2,666  1984

326 Avanti Feeds Ltd. Avanti Feeds  2,654   815  1993

327 Micro Labs Ltd. Microlabs  2,651  1973

328 Garden Silk Mills Ltd. Garden Silk  2,646   5,044  1979

329 Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. Kirloskar Oil Engines   2,622   2,427  2009

330 Kajaria Ceramics Ltd. Kajaria Ceramics   2,615   2,391  1985

331 Atul Ltd. Atul   2,613   2,768  1975

332 Finolex Cables Ltd. Finolex  2,612   1,694  1967

334 N K Proteins Pvt. Ltd. N K Proteins  2,578  1992

335 Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Luminous Power Technologies    2,573  1988

336 Procter & Gamble Hygiene & Health Care Ltd. Procter & Gamble  2,555   354  1964

337 Asahi India Glass Ltd. Asahi India Glass   2,547   2,093  1984

338 Best Foods Ltd. Best Foods  2,530  2003

339 Sandvik Asia Pvt. Ltd. Sandvik Asia    2,526  1960

340 Gitanjali Exports Corpn. Ltd. [Merged] Gitanjali Exports   2,523  2000

341 N C M L Industries Ltd. NCML Industries   2,519  1996

342 Utkal Alumina Intl. Ltd. Utkal Alumina  2,516  1995

343 Jyoti Structures Ltd. Jyoti Structures   2,513   1,365  1974

344 Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Pvt. Ltd. Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery  2,508  1998

345 Bata India Ltd. Bata India   2,497   4,668  1931

346 Gemini Edibles & Fats India Pvt. Ltd. Gemini Edibles & Fats India    2,496  2008

347 Hubergroup India Pvt. Ltd. Hubergroup India    2,486  1991

348 Venky'S (India) Ltd. Venky  2,474   5,173  1976

349 Hyundai Steel India Pvt. Ltd. Hyundai Steel  2,473  2006

350 Daikin Airconditioning India Pvt. Ltd. Daikin  2,469  1999

351 3M India Ltd. 3M India   2,458   1,373  1987

352 Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Macleods Pharmaceuticals   2,440  1989

353 Emami Ltd. Emami   2,435   2,879  1983

354 Leel Electricals Ltd. Leel Electricals  2,435  1987

355 Mcnally Bharat Engg. Co. Ltd. Mcnally Bharat  2,421   1,117  1961

356 Tetra Pak India Pvt. Ltd. Tetra Pak India    2,421  1998

357 Sanofi India Ltd. Sanofi India   2,420   3,623  1956

358 Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. Jubilant Foodworks   2,411   27,719  1995

359 Sterlite Technologies Ltd. Sterlite Technologies   2,411   2,151  2000

360 Posco - India Pune Processing Center Pvt. Ltd. Posco - India  2,399  2005

361 E I D-Parry (India) Ltd. EID Parry  2,389   2,637  1975

362 P I Industries Ltd. P I Industries   2,383   2,013  1946

364 Asian Star Co. Ltd. Asian Star  2,371   480  1995

365 Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd. Bharatiya Reserve Bank  2,369  1995

366 Biocon Ltd. Biocon   2,357   4,415  1978

367 Huhtamaki P P L Ltd. Huhtamaki  2,357   3,263  1950

368 Supreme Petrochem Ltd. Supreme Petrochem  2,353  1989

369 Wheels India Ltd. Wheels India  2,343   2,303  1960

370 Badve Engineering Ltd. Badve Engineering   2,325  1996

371 Noble Natural Resources India Pvt. Ltd. Noble Natural Resources India    2,321  2011

372 Mando Automotive India Pvt. Ltd. Mando Automotive India    2,315  2006

373 Penna Cement Inds. Ltd. Penna Cement Inds.   2,313  1991

374 Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd. Dhampur Sugar Mills   2,312   2,596  1933

375 Wockhardt Ltd. Wockhardt   2,298   6,768  1979

377 Sutlej Textiles & Inds. Ltd. Sutlej Textiles  2,287   14,217  2005

376 Regen Powertech Pvt. Ltd. Regen Powertech    2,287  2006

378 V S T Industries Ltd. VST Industries  2,286   772  1930

379 Prakash Industries Ltd. Prakash Industries   2,283  1980

380 Rockman Industries Ltd. Rockman Industries   2,283  1981

381 T A F E Motors & Tractors Ltd. TAFE  2,278  2005

382 Heritage Foods Ltd. Heritage Foods   2,276   2,420  1992

383 Jindal Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. [Merged] Jindal Iron  2,266  1972

384 Strides Shasun Ltd. Strides Shasun  2,261   5,500  1990

385 Rungta Mines Ltd. Rungta Mines   2,261  1962

386 Shubhalakshmi Polyesters Ltd. Shubhalakshmi Polyesters   2,254  2005

387 Karp Impex Ltd. Karp Impex   2,232  1996

388 Honeywell Automation India Ltd. Honeywell Automation India   2,221   2,930  1984

389 Balaji Distilleries Ltd. [Merged] Balaji Distilleries    2,203   593  1983

390 Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. Parle Products  2,199  1950

391 Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals   2,186   1,436  1973

392 Hindusthan National Glass & Inds. Ltd. Hindusthan National Glass  2,173   3,436  1946

393 Sanwaria Consumer Ltd. Sanwaria Consumer   2,170  1991

394 B M M Ispat Ltd. B M M Ispat   2,165  2002

396 Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India Ltd. Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India   2,155   1,444  1984

397 Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Emcure Pharmaceuticals   2,154  1981

398 Jindal Aluminium Ltd. Jindal Aluminium   2,150  1970

399 Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Piramal Enterprises   2,138   4,013  1947

400 Phillips Carbon Black Ltd. Phillips Carbon Black   2,135   806  1960

401 Metenere Ltd. Metenere   2,131  1997

402 Usha International Ltd. Usha International   2,131  1935

403 T V S Srichakra Ltd. TVS Srichakra   2,131   2,700  1982

404 A I A Engineering Ltd. A I A Engineering   2,123   1,255  1991

405 Varron Industriies Pvt. Ltd. Varron Industriies    2,116  1998

407 Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt. Ltd. Suzuki Motorcycle  2,100 

408 Pfizer Ltd. Pfizer   2,098   2,889  1950

409 U S V Pvt. Ltd. U S V    2,088  1961

410 Orient Paper & Inds. Ltd. Orient Paper  2,080   2,694  1947

411 Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd. Jewelex India    2,079  2004

412 Diamond Power Infrastructure Ltd. Diamond Power Infrastructure   2,077  1992

413 L T Foods Ltd. L T Foods   2,076  1990

414 H S I L Ltd. HSIL   2,075   3,615  1960

415 D B Corp Ltd. D B Corp   2,051  1995

416 Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd. Nahar Spinning Mills   2,039   12,397  1980

417 Indo Count Inds. Ltd. Indo Count  2,034  1988

418 Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd. Monnet Ispat & Energy   2,027   2,762  1990

419 Jindal (India) Ltd. Jindal (India)   2,024  1991

420 Kkalpana Industries (India) Ltd. Kkalpana Industries (India)   2,017   255  1985

421 Electrosteel Castings Ltd. Electrosteel Castings   2,016   1,601  1955

422 Jabil Circuit India Pvt. Ltd. Jabil Circuit India    2,015 

423 Liberty Oil Mills Ltd. Liberty Oil Mills   2,015  1978

424 Greenstar Fertilizers Ltd. Greenstar Fertilizers   2,015   235  2010

425 Haldiram Snacks Pvt. Ltd. Haldiram India  2,013  1989

426 Patanjali Ayurved Ltd. Patanjali  2,011  2006

427 S E L Manufacturing Co. Ltd. S E L Manufacturing  2,009  2000

428 Wabco India Ltd. Wabco India   2,009   1,515  2004

429 Nilkamal Ltd. Nilkamal   2,004   3,012  1985

431 Cochin Shipyard Ltd. Cochin Shipyard   2,003   1,671  1972

432 Heidelberg Cement India Ltd. Heidelberg Cement India   2,002   1,381  1948

433 Value Industries Ltd. Value Industries   1,999   908  1988

435 Saraiwwalaa Agrr Refineries Ltd. Saraiwwalaa Agrr Refineries   1,999  1999

436 Triveni Engineering & Inds. Ltd. Triveni Engineering  1,997  1932

437 Electrotherm (India) Ltd. Electrotherm (India)   1,991   2,002  1986

438 Linde India Ltd. Linde India   1,981   754  1935

439 K P R Mill Ltd. K P R Mill   1,979  1993

440 Gillette India Ltd. Gillette India   1,979   646  1984

441 Avadh Sugar & Energy Ltd. Avadh Sugar & Energy   1,977   1,927  2015

442 Anchor Electricals Pvt. Ltd. Anchor  1,975  1981

443 P N Gadgil Jewellers Pvt. Ltd. P N Gadgil Jewellers    1,972  2013

444 Jaquar & Co. Pvt. Ltd. Jaquar  1,968  1983

445 Schaeffler India Ltd. Schaeffler India   1,963   1,583  1962

446 Trend Electronics Ltd. Trend Electronics   1,960   333  1989

447 John Deere Equipment Pvt. Ltd. [Merged] John Deere Equipment     1,959  1998

448 Tata Steel Processing & Distribution Ltd. Tata Steel Processing & Distribution   1,940  1997

449 Century Plyboards (India) Ltd. Century Plyboards  1,938   6,807  1982

450 Denso Haryana Pvt. Ltd. Denso Haryana    1,929  1997

451 B L Agro Oils Ltd. B L Agro Oils   1,928  1993

452 Firestar Diamond Intl. Pvt. Ltd. Firestar Diamond  1,927  2006

453 Bombay Dyeing & Mfg. Co. Ltd. Bombay Dyeing  1,921  1879

454 Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers   1,912  1934

455 Gokul Refoils & Solvent Ltd. Gokul Refoils & Solvent   1,909   212  1992

456 Zuari Cement Ltd. Zuari Cement   1,908  2000

457 Shilpi Cable Technologies Ltd. Shilpi Cable  1,906   341  2006

458 I F B Industries Ltd. I F B Industries   1,900   1,646  1974

459 Kribhco Fertilizers Ltd. Kribhco Fertilizers   1,898  2005

460 Neel Metal Products Ltd. Neel Metal Products   1,896  1997

461 S K I Carbon Black (India) Pvt. Ltd. SKI Carbon Black  1,891  2013

462 V V F (India) Ltd. VVF  1,886  2010

463 Goodyear India Ltd. Goodyear India   1,883   880  1961

464 Responsive Industries Ltd. Responsive Industries   1,873   262  1982

465 Sunflag Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Sunflag Iron  1,863   1,349  1985

466 Hero Cycles Ltd. Hero Cycles  1,860  1966

467 V R S Foods Ltd. VRS Foods   1,850  1996

468 Parry Sugars Refinery India Pvt. Ltd. Parry Enterprises  1,841  2006

469 Tata Bluescope Steel Ltd. Tata Bluescope Steel   1,841  2005

470 Thyssenkrupp Industries India Pvt. Ltd. Thyssenkrupp Industries India    1,834  1947

471 Topworth Pipes & Tubes Pvt. Ltd. Topworth  1,825  2005

472 Ajanta Pharma Ltd. Ajanta Pharma   1,823   6,316  1979

473 Greaves Cotton Ltd. Greaves Cotton   1,822   1,778  1922

474 T V S-Suzuki Ltd. [Merged] TVS Motor  1,821   3,853  1982

475 Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd. Ratnamani Metals & Tubes   1,820   2,037  1983

476 Ashirvad Pipes Pvt. Ltd. Ashirvad Pipes    1,818  1997

477 Tirumala Milk Products Pvt. Ltd. Tirumala Milk Products    1,817  1998

478 Skipper Ltd. Skipper   1,816   2,245  1981

479 Gokul Agri International Ltd. Gokul Agri International   1,816  2014

480 Laurus Labs Ltd. Laurus Labs   1,814  2005

481 Orient Cement Ltd. Orient Cement   1,813   816  2011

482 Godavari Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd. [Merged] Godavari Fertilisers & Chemicals    1,805   533  1981

483 Lucas-Tvs Ltd. Lucas-Tvs  1,805  1961

484 West Coast Paper Mills Ltd. West Coast Paper Mills   1,805   2,379  1955

485 Gili India Ltd. Gili India   1,804  2001

486 Ineos Styrolution India Ltd. Ineos Styrolution India   1,802  1973

487 Minda Industries Ltd. Minda Industries   1,801   3,258  1992

488 Nectar Lifesciences Ltd. Nectar Lifesciences   1,793   2,167  1995

489 Alstom Bharat Forge Power Pvt. Ltd. Alstom Bharat Forge Power    1,792  2010

490 S S A International Ltd. SSA International  1,789  1995

491 Nahar Industrial Enterprises Ltd. Nahar Industrial Enterprises   1,783   11,465  1983

492 Fertilisers & Chemicals, Travancore Ltd. Fertilisers & Chemicals, Travancore   1,780   2,400  1943

493 Hospira Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. Hospira Healthcare India    1,773  2009

494 Page Industries Ltd. Page Industries   1,773   19,332  1994

495 Binani Cement Ltd. Binani  1,765  1996

496 Dalmia Bharat Sugar & Inds. Ltd. Dalmia Bharat  1,764   2,370  1951

497 Ferrero India Pvt. Ltd. Ferrero India    1,760  2004

498 Hanon Automotive Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Hanon Automotive Systems India    1,760  1997

499 Indofil Industries Ltd. Indofil Industries   1,756   801  1993

500 National Engineering Inds. Ltd. National Engineering Ind  1,755  1946

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