Sunday, March 3, 2024

Reflections On India - Sean Paul Kelley - March 26, 2009

This article by Sean Paul Kelley is a widely circulated article on internet.

He argues that India has four problems.

Governing elites - Bureaucracy

My response to the article by Mr Sean Paul Kelley A DAMNING ARTICLE ON INDIA
Ravi Ramamurthy
Trustee, Aashwasan Foundation and Chief Innovator, CEO Epiance
February 16, 2020

So true. He has missed many more issues- conservative attitudes, male chauvinism, objectifying our women, pervasive narrow mindedness, prevalent corruption, caste based system etc. Despite all these qualifications, one need not sink into weltschmerz. India can be an intensely edifying experience- diversity, depth of culture and art( which I got to witness first hand during my trip to Rajasthan), melting pot of many diverse ideas, a creaking, chaotic but yet a functioning democracy, a sense of undefinable freedom of the spirit, a feeling of not being burdened, the intense ( sometimes noxious) sense of nationalism, a unique bond that brings together 500+ languages, multiple religions in an intangible but strong concept of Indianness- one can go on.

Ud. 4.3.2024
Pub  21.7.2012

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