Monday, August 3, 2020

Science in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the book is divided into four sections and  consists of 195 sutras. The first two sections give instructions on how to do yoga for control of thought waves; the third section is on physical powers that a yogi obtains by practising yoga and the last section is on yoga helps in getting  liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

In Vibhuti Pada, Patanjali says by concentrating on various subjects like akaash (space) or various parts of the body, a yogi understands the laws of the universe and human body and gains mastery over natural forces.

Anil K. Rajvanshi
The Sacred Tree, November 28, 2016

The Yoga-Sûtra of Pataٌjali
Sanskrit-English Translation (PDF) - The Arlington Center

Nature of Human Thought

In this book, Nature of Human Thought, Anil K. Rajvanshi explores the Nature of Human Thought.  He believes that remarkable phenomena occur due to the interaction of human thought and material surroundings. He argues that since human thought is produced by physical brain, it must be physical in nature. He comes to the  conclusion that human thought is controlled by scientific laws. What are these scientific laws? An ingenious conceptual framework is proposed by the author to show the intimate relation between deep thought, space, time, matter and Universal consciousness.

The author has arranged his essays into three sections, namely: Basic theme, Deep thought and More, and spirituality, Technology and sustainability. The Basic theme contains the philosophy of human thought and its interaction with matter, and also the interrelationship of time, space and universal consciousness.

The second section deals with the fruition of deep thought, while the third with spirituality and technology, which are considered to be effective tools of sustainability.

The author bases his experiments with thoughts on Patanjali's Yoga Darshan, which he considers to be a definitive and scientific writing on the control of human thought.

The author's definition of spirituality. He says: "Spirituality is nothing else but understanding ourselves and the laws of universe through the tools of science and technology". (Pg.59).

The topics of the book are not only interesting, but also contemporary. This book is extremely readable. It is written in simple and straightforward style.  The Sanskrit words and scientific terms are made understandable by giving their meanings in English and simple explanations.  He has a wonderful gift for telling stories.

Anil K.Rajvanshi has a degree in mechanical engineering from IIT, Kanpur and a Ph.D from University of Florida

Huffintonpost articles of Anil K.Rajvanshi

Dr. Anil K. Rajvanshi (BT/MT/ME/1972/1974)

COMMUNITY//June 29, 2020
How Fast Exhalation Exercise May Help Detoxify the Brain and Tone the Body
One of the major Pranayama exercises is called Kapalbhati where one forcefully exhales rapidly and in short bursts. Practitioners claim that it helps in cleaning and strengthening the lungs and in exercising the abdominal muscles. It is therefore recommended for reducing tummy fat and for improving the flexibility of lungs.

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