Monday, October 25, 2021

Sri Aurobindo on Dayananda Saraswati's Veda Bhashyam


DAYANANDA  regarded Vedas as the word of eternal Truth on which man's knowledge of God and his relations with the Divine Being and with his fellows can be rightly and securely founded.  

A nation grows into what it shall be by the force of that which it was in the past and is in the present, and in this growth there come periods of conscious and subconscious stock-taking when the national soul selects, modifies, rejects, keeps out of all that it had or is acquiring whatever it needs as substance and capital for its growth and action in the future.  In such a stock-taking  of Vedas,  Dayananda a  great and formative spirit. But among all the materials of our past the Veda is the most venerable and has been directly and indirectly the most potent. Its sense was no longer understood, even and its traditions were lost behind Pauranic forms, but it was still held in honour, though without knowledge, as authoritative revelation and inspired Book of Knowledge, the source of all sanctions and standard of all truth. 

 In our age  the genius of the race looking through the eyes of Dayananda pierced behind the error of many centuries and received again the intuition of a timeless revelation and a divine truth given to humanity .  

In the action and thought of a great soul or a great personality the vital thing to my mind is not the form he gave to it, but in his action the helpful power he put forth and in his thought the helpful truth he has added or, it may be, restored to the yet all too scanty stock of our human acquisition and divine potentiality. 

An interpretation of Veda must stand or fall by its central conception of the Vedic religion and the amount of support given to it by the intrinsic evidence of the Veda itself. Here Dayananda's view is quite clear, its foundation inexpugnable. 

But if this fundamental point of Dayananda's is granted, if the character given by the Vedic Rishis themselves to their gods is admitted, we are bound, whenever the hymns speak of Agni or another, to see behind that name present always to the thought of the Rishi the one Supreme Deity or else one of His powers with its attendant qualities or workings. Immediately the whole character of the Veda is fixed in the sense We have instead a real Scripture, one of the world's sacred books and the divine word of a lofty and noble religion. 

All the rest of Dayananda's theory arises logically out of this fundamental conception. In Veda,  there must inevitably be  a large part of psychology of the Divine Nature, psychology of the relations of man with God and a constant indication of the law governing man's Godward conduct. Dayananda asserts the presence of such an ethical element, he finds in the Veda the law of life given by God to the human being. And if the Vedic godheads express the powers of a supreme Deity who is Creator, Ruler and Father of the universe, then there must inevitably be in the Veda a large part of cosmology, the law of creation and of cosmos. Dayananda asserts the presence of such a cosmic element, he finds in the Veda the secrets of creation and law of Nature by which the Omniscient governs the world. 

Neither Western scholarship nor ritualistic learning has succeeded in eliminating the psychological and ethical value of the hymns, but they have both tended in different degrees to minimise it. 

The Vedic godheads are constantly hymned as Masters of Wisdom, Power, Purity, purifiers, healers of grief and evil, destroyers of sin and falsehood, warriors for the truth; constantly the Rishis pray to them for healing and purification, to be made seers of knowledge, possessors of the truth, to be upheld in the divine law, to be assisted and armed with strength, manhood and energy. Dayananda has brought this idea of the divine right and truth into the Veda.

The cosmic element is not less conspicuous in the Veda; the Rishis speak always of the worlds, the firm laws that govern them, the divine workings in the cosmos. But Dayananda goes farther; he affirms that the truths of modern physical science are discoverable in the hymns. There is then nothing fantastic in Dayananda's idea that Veda contains truth of science as well as truth of religion. 

Objection has also been made to the philological and etymological method by which he arrived at his results, especially in his dealings with the names of the godheads. But this objection, I feel certain, is an error due to our introduction of modern ideas about language into our study of this ancient tongue. We moderns use words as counters without any memory or appreciation of their original sense; when we speak we think of the object spoken of, not at all of the expressive word which is to us a dead and brute thing, mere coin of verbal currency with no value of its own. In early language the word was on the contrary a living thing with essential powers of signification; its root meanings were remembered because they were still in use, its wealth of force was vividly present to the mind of the speaker.  We say "agni" and think of fire, the word is of no other use to us; to the ancients "agni" means other things besides and only because of one or more of its root meanings was applied to the physical object fire. Our words are carefully limited to one or two senses, theirs were capable of a great number and it was quite easy for them, if they so chose, to use a word like Agni, Varuna or Vayu as a sound index of a great number of connected and complex ideas, a key-word. It cannot be doubted that the Vedic Rishis did take advantage of this greater potentiality of their language, note their dealings with such words as gau and chandra. The Nirukta bears evidence to this capacity and in the Brahmanas and Upanishads we find the memory of this free and symbolic use of words still subsisting. 

Dayananda stands justified by the substance of Veda itself, by logic and reason and by our growing knowledge of the past of mankind. The Veda does  does celebrate the divine Law and man's aspiration to fulfil it; it does purport to give us the law of the cosmos. 

There are always three fundamental entities which we have to admit and whose relations we have to know if we would understand existence at all, God, Nature and the Soul. If, as Dayananda held on strong enough grounds, the Veda reveals to us God, reveals to us the law of Nature, reveals to us the relations of the soul to God and Nature, what is it but a revelation of divine Truth? And if, as Dayananda held, it reveals them to us with a perfect truth, flawlessly, he might well hold it for an infallible Scripture. 

In the matter of Vedic interpretation I am convinced that whatever may be the final complete interpretation, Dayananda will be honoured as the first discoverer of the right clues. He has found the keys of the doors that time had closed and rent asunder the seals of the imprisoned fountains. 

Vedic Magazine, 1916 

Sooktams from Rigveda - Collection

Shukla Yajurveda Hymns - Yajus - Collection

Krishna Yajurveda Hymns - Yajus - Collection

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Shukla Yajurveda Hymns - Yajus - Collection

40 Chapters - Videos Playlist

 ch 1

Ch 2

Chapter 3 Video











to be added


Vedic Chanting | शुक्लयजुर्वेद - माध्यन्दिनी संहिता | चतुर्दश अध्याय

 27 May 2021


॥ अथ पंचदशोध्याय: ॐ श्री वेदपुरुषाय नम: श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेद संहिता ॥


॥ श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेदीय रुद्राध्याय: ॥ shri shukl yajurved rudradhyay: ॥ प्रशांत गुरुजी ।

28 Nov 2018

 अथ सप्तदशोध्याय: ॐ श्री वेदपुरुषाय नम: श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेद संहिता ॥

8 Jul 2020


॥ अथ अष्टादशोध्याय: ॐ श्री वेदपुरुषाय नम: श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेद संहिता ॥

8 Jul 2020

वेदमूर्ती प्रशांत कुलकर्णी गुरुजी


ch. 20

Friday, October 22, 2021

Atla Taddi in Telugu and English - అట్ల తద్ది నోము ఎలా చెయ్యాలి?

అట్లతద్ది నోము
(Atla Taddi Nomu)

పూర్వం ఒకప్పుడు ఒక రాజు కూతురు, మంత్రి కూతురు, సేనాపతి కూతురు, పురోహితుని కూతురు ఎంతో స్నేహంగా కలిసి మెలిసి ఆడుతూ పాడుతూ ఉండేవారు. ఆరోజు అట్లతద్ది. రాత్రి చంద్రుడు ఉదయించాక చేసే పూజ కోసం వారు సన్నాహాలు చేసుకుంటున్నారు. ఇంతలో రాజుగారి కూతురు ఆకలితో సొమ్మసిల్లి పడింది. రాజకుమారుడు తన చెల్లి అవస్థ చూసి ఒక అద్దంలో తెల్లని వస్తువు చూపించి 'అదిగో చంద్రోదయమైంది. అమ్మా!కొంచెం పండ్లు తిని  పూజ చేసుకో' అన్నాడు.

రాజకుమార్తె ఆహారం సేవించి పూజ చేసుకుంది. అయితే ఈ పూజ నియమం చంద్రోదయం చూసి అప్పుడు షోడశోపచారాలతో ఉమాదేవిని పూజించాలి. అందుకే ఈ వ్రతానికి 'చంద్రోదయ ఉమావ్రతం' అని పేరు వచ్చింది.

 రాజకుమార్తె తన స్నేహితురాళ్ళతో అన్నీ యథావిథిగానే చేసింది. కానీ అన్న చెప్పిన మాట నమ్మి చంద్రోదయానికి ముందే భోజనం చేసింది.  ఆమెకు ముసలివాడు భర్తగా లభించాడు. “అయ్యో అట్లతద్ది నోము చేస్తే అందమైన భర్త లభిస్తాడన్నారు కదా! నా స్నేహితురాళ్ళకందరికీ మంచి యౌవనవంతులైన భర్తలు లభించారు. నేనేమి అపచారం చేశాను?” అంటూ దుఃఖించి పార్వతీ పరమేశ్వరులను ప్రార్థించగా వారు ప్రత్యక్షమై" నీ అన్న ప్రేమవల్ల వ్రతభంగం జరిగింది. రేపు ఆశ్వయుజ బహుళ తదియ, నీవు నియమనిష్టలతో చంద్రోదయ ఉమావ్రతం చేస్తే నీ భర్త యౌవనవంతుడవుతాడు" అన్నారు. ఆమె ఆ నోము చేసి కథ చెప్పి అక్షింతలు తీసుకుని భర్తమీద వేసేసరికి అతడు యౌవనవంతుడయ్యాడు .

ప్రతి సంవత్సరం ఆశ్వయుజ బహుళ తదియనాడు స్త్రీలంతా ఆనందోత్సాహాల్తో అట్లతద్ది జరుపుకుంటారు. అట్లతద్దికి ముందురోజును భోగి అంటారు. భోగినాడు స్త్రీలంతా చేతులకు, పాదాలకు, గోరింటాకు పెట్టుకుంటారు.   పండుగనాడు  అట్లు వండి అమ్మవారికి నివేదన చేస్తారు.దాని కోసం ముందు రోజే పిండి కొట్టుకోవడం, మినప్పప్పు రుబ్బి అట్లు తయారుచేయటం ఒక పెద్ద కార్యక్రమం.  ఇంట్లో ఊయల కడతారు. పెరట్లో చెట్లకి కూడా ఉయ్యాల వేస్తారు. ఈ ఉత్సవంలో పిల్లలంతా ఆసక్తిగా పాల్గొంటారు.

అట్లతద్దినాడు తెల్లవారుఝామున లేస్తారు.అన్నం, గోంగూర పచ్చడి, పెరుగుతో కడుపునిండా తింటారు. 'అట్లతద్దోయ్, ఆరట్లోయ్ ముద్దపప్పు మూడట్లోయ్' అంటూ అరుస్తూ ఇరుగు పొగురు స్నేహితులందరితో కలిసి ఆటలు ఆడతారు. ఇందులో పెద్దలు కూడా ఉత్సాహంగా పాల్గొంటారు.  పిల్లలతో బాటు తల్లులు కూడా బాల్య జీవితాల్లోకి వెళ్లి ఆనందం పొందుతారు.

అట్లతద్ది - గౌరీదేవి

త్రిలోక సంచారి అయిన నారదముని ప్రోద్బలంతో గౌరీదేవి శివుని పతిగా పొందగోరీ మొదటిసారిగా చేసిన విశిష్టమైన వ్రతమే ఈ అట్లతద్ది. స్త్రీలు సౌభాగ్యం కోసమై చేసుకునే వ్రతం ఇది.   ఈ పండుగలో అమ్మవారికి అట్లని నైవేద్యంగా పెట్టడంలో  అంతరార్థం.  నవగ్రహాల్లోని కుజుడికి అట్లంటే మహాప్రియం. అట్లను ఆయనకు నైవేద్యంగా పెడితే కుజదోష పరిహారమై సంసార సుఖంలో ఎటువంటి అడ్డంకులూ రావని నమ్మకం. ఋతుచక్రం సరిగా వుండేలా చేసి కాపాడతాడు. అందువల్ల గర్భధారణలో ఎటువంటి సమస్యలూ వుండవు. మినప పిండి, బియ్యపు పిండిని కలిపి అట్లను తయారుచేస్తారు. మినుములు రాహువుకు, బియ్యం చంద్రునికి సంబంధించిన ధాన్యాలు. గర్భదోషాలు తొలిగిపోవాలంటే ఈ అట్లనే వాయనంగా ఇవ్వాలి.

ఈరోజున తెల్లవారు ఝామున మేల్కొని గౌరీదేవి పూజ చేయాలి.చంద్రదర్శనం అనంతరం శుచియై తిరిగి గౌరీపూజ చేసి, ఆమెకు పది అట్లు నైవేద్యంగా పెట్టాలి. తర్వాత ముత్తయిదువులకు అలంకారం చేసి, పది అట్లు, పది ఫలాలు వాయనంగా సమర్పించాలి. అట్లతద్ది నోము కథ చెప్పుకొని, అక్షింతలు వేసుకోవాలి. అనంతరం భోజనం చేయాలి.

పది మంది ముత్తైదువులకు నల్లపూసలు, లక్కకోళ్ళు, రవికెలగుడ్డ, దక్షిణ తాంబూలాలు మరియు పది అట్లు వాయనమిచ్చి, భోజనాలు పెట్టి ఆశీస్సులు తీసుకోవాలి. పదేళ్లు ఈ వ్రతాన్ని నిర్వహించి, ఉద్యాపనం చెప్పుకున్న స్త్రీలకు సంసారంలోని సర్వసుఖాలు లభిస్తాయి.

అట్లతద్ది ప్రాముఖ్యత


అట్ల తద్ది నోము ఎలా చెయ్యాలి 



Atla Taddi or Atla Tadiya

Shukla Yajurved - Hymns - Yajus - Chapter 2 - Collection

Shukla Yajurveda

dr rajbali pandey

Diamond Pocket Books (P) Ltd., 2005 - Hindu hymns, Sanskrit - 160 pages

Google Book Link to be added

The Texts of the White Yajurveda

translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith



Full Book

Devichand's book on archive


Channel आर्य सन्देश


THOU art a black-buck dwelling in the covert. I sprinkle

thee agreeable to Agni.

Thou art the altar. Thee welcome to the sacred grass I


Thou art the sacred covering-grass. I sprinkle thee grateful

to the sacrificial ladles.

2 Thou art what giveth Aditi her moisture. Thou art the

hair-tuft on the head of Vishnu. I spread thee, wool-soft,

good for Gods to sit on.

Hail to the Earth's Lord! To the World's Lord Hail! Hail

to the Lord of Beings!

3 For safety of this all let the Gandharva Visvâvasu lay thee

round as a protection. Thou art the Sacrificer's guard,

thou, Agni, lauded and worthy to receive laudation.

Indra's right arm art thou. For safety . . . . . . laudation.

For safety of This Ail, with firm law, northward let Mitra.

Varuna lay thee round as keeper. Thou art the Sacrificer's

guard . . . . . . laudation.

4 Thee, Sage, who offerest to Gods their banquet, we will

enkindle till thou shinest brightly, thee mighty in the

sacrifice, O Agni.

5 Thou art a kindler. From the east let Sûrya keep thee

secure from every imprecation.

You are the arms of Savitar. I spread thee as soft as wool,

good for the Gods to sit on. On thee sit Vasus, Rudras,

and Âdityas!

6 Thou who art called Juhû art rich in fatness. On this dear

seat, with the dear home, be seated.

Thou, Upabhrit by name, art rich in fatness. On this . . . . . . . .

be seated.

Thou who art called Dhruvâ, art rich in fatness. On this, etc.

In the Law's lap they have sat down in safety

Guard these. Guard thou the Sacrifice, O Vishnu. Keep

thou the Sacrifice's Lord in safety.

7 O Agni, Winner of the Spoil, I cleanse thee, thee who wilt

hasten to the spoil, Spoil-winner.

Obeisance to the Gods! Svadhâ to Fathers! Be both of you

easy for me to handle.

8 May I to-day offer Gods unspilt butter. Let me not with

my foot offend thee, Vishnu.

Agni, may I approach thy shade abounding in store of riches.

Thou art Vishnu's mansion,

Hence Indra wrought his deed of manly vigour. The sacrifice

stood firmly elevated.

9 O Agni, undertake the Hotar's office, take on thyself the

duty of an envoy.

Heaven and Earth guard thee! Guard thou Earth and Heaven.

May Indra be, by this presented butter, maker to Gods of

fair oblation. Svâhâ! Let light combine with light.

10 Indra bestow on me that Indra-power! May wealth in full

abundance gather round us. Let blessings wait on us,

yea, real blessings.

Our Mother, Earth, hath been invited hither. May Earth,

our Mother, in return invite us. I, through my Kindlership,

am Agni. Svâhâ!

11 The Father Heaven hath been invited hither. May Heaven

the Father in return invite us.

By impulse of God Savitar I receive thee with arms of

Asvins, with the hands of Pûshan. I feed upon thee

with the mouth of Agni.

12 God Savitar, this sacrifice of thine have they proclaimed

unto Brihaspati the Brahman Priest.

Therefore protect the sacrifice, protect the sacrifice's lord,

protect thou me.

13 The butter's rapid flow delight his spirit! Brihaspati extend

this act of worship. May he restore the sacrifice uninjured.

Here let all Gods rejoice. OM! Step thou forward.

14 This is the stick for kindling thee, O Agni. By means of

this grow strong and swell to greatness. May we too grow

in strength and swell to greatness.

O Agni, thou who winnest food, I cleanse thee, thee who

hast hastened to the food, Food-winner.

15 After the victory of Agni Soma may I obtain the victory.

By impulse of sacrificial food I speed me onward.

May Agni-Soma drive off him who hates us, drive off the

man whom we detest. By impulse of sacrificial food away

I drive him.

After the victory of Indra-Agni may I obtain the victory.

By impulse of sacrificial food I speed me forward.

May Indra-Agni . . . . . . I drive him.

16 For Vasus thee. For Rudras thee. Thee for Âdityas.

Be, Heaven and Earth, accordant with each other. With

rain may Mitra-Varuna assist thee.

May the birds go, licking what is anointed.

Go to the Maruts’ speckled mares. Go, having become a

speckled cow thyself, to heaven, and from that place bring

the rain for us hither.

Thou art the eye's guard: guard mine eye, O Agni.

I7 The stick which thou, God Agni, laidest round thee, what

time thou wast kept hidden by the Panis, this do I bring

to thee for thine enjoyment. May it remain with thee

and ne’er be fruitless.

Approach, ye two, the place which Agni loveth.

18 The residue ye have to be your portion, mighty by food, ye

Gods, ye who are stationed on the grass-bunch, and to be

laid as fences.

All ye, applauding this my speech, be seated on this grass-bunch

and there be joyful. Svâhâ! Vât!

19 Rich in oil are ye. Guard the two yoke-fellows. Ye two

are full of grace, to grace conduct me.

Glory to thee, O Sacrifice, and increase! Stand firm in my

auspicious, righteous worship.

20 O Agni of unweakened strength, far-reaching, protect me

from the lightning-flash, protect me from bondage. from

defect in sacrificing, from food injurious to health protect


Make thou the food that feeds us free from poison in the

home good to sit in. Svâhâ! Vât!

Hail to the Lord of close embracements, Agni! Hail to Sarasvatî

enriched with glory!

21 Veda art thou, whereby, O godlike Veda, thou hast become

for Deities their Veda: thereby mayst thou become for

me a Veda.

O Deities, ye knowers of the Pathway, walk on the pathway

having known the Pathway.

God, Lord of Spirit, hail! bestow upon the Wind this sacrifice.

22 Blest be the Grass with sacred food and butter. Let Indra

be united with the Âdityas, the Vasus, Maruts, and the

Visvedevas. Let Svâhâ-offerings rise to heavenly ether.

23 Who liberates thee from the yoke? He frees thee. For whom?

For him he looses thee. For plenty.

Thou art the Râkshasas’ allotted portion.

24 We have combined with lustre, vigour, bodies; we have

united with the blessèd spirit. May Tvashtar, bounteous

giver, grant us riches, and clear each fault and blemish

from the body.

25 By Jagatî metre in the sky strode Vishnu. Therefrom excluded

is the man who hates us and whom we detest.

By Trishtup metre in the air strode Vishnu. Therefrom, etc.

By Gâyatrî upon the earth strode Vishnu. Therefrom, etc.

From this food From this resting-place excluded.

We have reached heaven. We have combined with lustre.

26 Thou, noblest ray of light, art Self-existent. Giver art thou

of splendour. Give me splendour.

I move along the path that Sûrya travels.

27 Agni, may I become a good householder, through thee,

Home-master, O Householder Agni. Mayst thou become

an excellent Householder through me the master of the

house, O Agni.

Through hundred winters may our household matters—not

like a one-ox car—be smoothly managed.

I move along the path that Sûrya travels.

28 I have performed the vow, Lord of Vows, Agni! Full power

was mine, and it has proved successful.

Now am I he I truly am, no other.

29 To Agni Hail! who bears gifts due to Sages. To Soma Hail!

accompanied by Fathers.

Expelled are Asuras and fiends who sate upon the covering


30 The Asuras, attracted by oblation, who roam at will assuming

varied figures, from this our world may Agni drive

them, whether they clothe themselves in large or little


31 O Fathers, here enjoy yourselves. Come hither, like bulls,

come each to his allotted portion.

The Fathers have enjoyed themselves, and hither, like bulls,

come each to his allotted portion.

32 Obeisance to your genial sap, O Fathers! Fathers, obeisance

unto you for Ardour! Fathers, obeisance Onto you for

Svadhâ! Obeisance unto you for Life, O Fathers!

Fathers, to you obeisance for the Awful! Fathers, obeisance

unto you for Passion! O Fathers, unto you be adoration.

Bestow upon us houses, O ye Fathers, what is ours, O

Fathers, will we give you. With this your raiment clothe

yourselves, O Fathers.

33 Fathers, bestow on me a babe, a boy enwreathed with

lotuses, so that there may be here a man.

34 Bearers of vigour and immortal fatness, milk and sweet beverage

and foaming liquor, ye are a freshening draught.

Delight my Fathers.

This website has meanings of hymns

ch 1

Ch 2

Chapter 3 Video











to be added


Vedic Chanting | शुक्लयजुर्वेद - माध्यन्दिनी संहिता | चतुर्दश अध्याय

 27 May 2021


॥ अथ पंचदशोध्याय: ॐ श्री वेदपुरुषाय नम: श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेद संहिता ॥


॥ श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेदीय रुद्राध्याय: ॥ shri shukl yajurved rudradhyay: ॥ प्रशांत गुरुजी ।

19,335 views28 Nov 2018

 अथ सप्तदशोध्याय: ॐ श्री वेदपुरुषाय नम: श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेद संहिता ॥

1,407 views8 Jul 2020

Ud 22.10.2021

Pub 17.9.2021

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Vedic Activities Prescribed for Satisfying Human Material Needs - Shukla Yajurveda

Sareeramadyam Khalu Dharma Saadhanam.

The body is the base for observing dharma of human beings. Body needs to be maintained by taking care of its material needs. Some yogis may develop the ability to maintain their body for not taking care of the material needs that are essential for ordinary people to survive. No doubt everybody can try for that state of body. Rationality demands that one has to accept the level that he has reached in the yogic practice.

Vedas have many hymns which are to be used in praise of various divine entities.

Some interesting activities are also prescribed by Vedas for satisfying human needs for living. Being collected from Shri Devichand's book. Sanskrit passages will be added subsequently. The English explanation also will be rewritten subsequently.

Vedas have many passages which are prayers to God. There are many passages which are requests to God as part of prayers. The attempt in this collection is to identify the passages that speak about activities to be performed by men and women to attain purusharthas - dharma, artha, kama and moksha. The activities to be performed for happy life in various ashramas. The difficulties in life are well known to all of us. We are more interested to know what Veda tells us to do to navigate this life in the sea of opportunities and difficulties.

Chapter 1

4. Vedas are the true source of knowledge and their study enables us to enjoy the full span of life. They contain the detailed instructions concerning various duties.

7. 7- May we root out the evil tendencies of the wicked, the unsym-pathetic and uncharitable exploiters of humanity. May we take to task the disturbers of peace, and expose the wicked.

9. O Ye men, increase the store of goods acquired by honest and fair means to be used in the service of humanity. May your life, be constantly dedicated to this principle.

11. I resort to agriculture and craft for removing poverty and ministering happiness to all.

13. With the aid of yajnas purify all substances and human beings. Yajnas will remove all your physical and mental defects.

14. Just as skin protects and beautifies the body, so should our houses beautify the plot on which they are built.

Chapter 2

18. May ye thriving, justice loving, wise, learned persons, preachers of the knowledge of the Vedas, become supreme through knowledge. Let all seekers after truth, devotees of learning and action, attain to
happiness. Preach My noble word, that brings all kinds of joys.

29. Speak reverentially to the learned, the repository of know-ledge. Speak sweetly and gently to your father, mother, teacher and the Brahmchari.

31. In this world, let the wise and the learned enjoy, let them be strong, healthy and pleased, according to their capacity. Let them be happy, hale and hearty according to their resources.

33. Accept thou teacher, in the womb of thy discipleship, the youth, with a garland of flowers in hand, eager for knowledge, so that he (you) may attain to full manhood. (Just as mother keeps the child in her womb, and slowly and gradually develops its body by the use of proper diet and taking necessary precautions, so does a teacher, who accepts a student in his discipleship, acting like a mother, develop the student physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually by his teachings.)

34. Oh sons, please parents and teachers by offering them various juices, sweet waters, disease-dissipating articles, milk, clarified butter, well-cooked food, and juicy fruits. Enjoy your own wealth, and covet not the wealth of others.

Chapter 3

13. The proper application of fire and electricity in industries and machines, and full
knowledge of their attributes lead to the acquisition of wealth, enjoyment, worldly happiness
and greatness.

20. May I enjoy the life-bestowing food through the plants and medicines that contribute to health and vigour. May I utilise the science of air and water for the accomplishment of my deeds. May I get the essence of food from milk, honey and fruits. May I enjoy the abundance of good articles through objects full of manifold qualities.

50. Give me this article and I will give you that in return. Keep this as my deposit, I keep this as your deposit. Give me the cash price for it. I give you the price demanded. Let people thus transact business

60. Just as a cucumber, when ripe, falls, full of sweetness, of its own accord, to the ground, so should we die when we have spent our full age of at least one hundred years. Our death should be easy, and natural, free from the protracted, and excruciating agonies of death, to which several persons are subjected.

Chapter 5

17. O man and woman, having acquired knowledge from the learned, proclaim amongst the wise the fact of your intention of entering the married life. Attain to fame, observing the noble virtue of non-violence,
and uplift your soul. Shun crookedness. Converse together happily. Living in a peaceful home, spoil not your life, spoil not your progeny. In this world, pass your life happily, on this wide earth full of enjoyment.

27. O highly learned man, kindly discriminate for us the light of knowledge from ignorance; preach the noble virtues on Earth, strengthen delights. Strengthen the knowledge of the Vedas, strengthen our kingdom, strengthen our age, aud strengthen our offspring. I consider thee as the source of spiritual knowledge, earthly power, and vast riches.

Chapter 6

2. O king, thou art our leader ; thou putteth upon the path of rectitude, even the leaders of a high order. Know thou this art of government.

God the creator will rule over thee. Just as the state officials anoint thee with sweet juices and flower-laden herbs, so should the subjects do.

Thy first duty is to undertake the spread of knowledge and the administration of justice.

Thy second duty is to propagate religious truths. Thy foremost duty is to strengthen thy rule over the Earth.

6. O king, thou art the repository of knowledge like a sage.

The learned subjects obey thee in all directions. May riches fit for men be secured by this intelligent devotee. Thou art lustrous like the beams of the sun.

May all people on the earth and all beasts of the forest be under thy control.

7. O king, thou art the embodiment of noble qualities, and remover of the miseries of thy subjects. Thou protectest those who take refuge under thy shelter. May thy noble subjects be associated with learned
persons, full of splendour and efficient to undertake the responsibility of government. Feel pleasure, and let thy subjects enjoy thy pleasurable precious riches.

9. O disciple, in this world created by God, full of splendour, and the Revealer of the Vedas, with the attributes of the Sun and moon, and with the retention and gravitation of the Earth, namely its hands I
welcome thee. I lovingly initiate thee endowed with prosperity and peace in the Brahmcharya Ashram sprinkling thee with water and corn.

13. O girls, just as women, endowed with noble qualities, pure, and highly educated are married to their deserving husbands, and serve them faithfully ; and educated husbands are married to worthy wives, so
should ye be married ; and so shall we be joined in wedlock.

18. O warlike hero, may thy mind in battle be filled with know-ledge, and thy breath be united to life's force. O hero, thou art the killer of foes. May the fire of righteous indignation created by battle
mature thee. Facing millions of the army of enemies, let not the heat generated by battle disturb thee.

May thou get refreshing drinks to fight in war with the velocity of wind, and speed of the sun.

19. Oh warriors, drinkers of water, drink refreshing water. O warriors expert in statesmanship, follow the policy of heroic action. O general, thou shouldst stop the foes in the air. With thy martial and commanding voice spread thy soldiers in all regions, by-regions, fore-regions, back-regions, and regions in which the enemy goes, and conquer the foes, by slaying their warriors.

20. O destroyer of the strength of the enemy, O general endowed with beautiful knowledge, shine forth in the battle-field subduing all thy foes, as the in-going breath pertaining to our soul, overcomes all
other breaths in every part of the body.

22. O praiseworthy king, do not destroy canals, wells, tanks, corn fields and forests. Protect us at every place. O Justice-loving king, we take a solemn vow that cows and learned Brahmans whom thou declarest to be unworthy of destruction, will not be killed by us. We will stick to this resolve and so shouldest thou.

26. O noble king, like a father go near thy subjects, and let the subjects like sons come near thee to seek protection. Just as fire is kindled with wood-sticks, so hear my complaint and kindle justice. Let
versatile, learned and noble-minded queens, like mothers, hear the complaints of women, and do justice unto them.

Your magistrates who distinguish justice from injustice, listen to our grievances.

32. O Lord, we appoint thee as a king, as thou possessest the vigour of a Vasu Brahmchari (learning for 24 years), as thou hast got the strength of a Rudra Brahmchari (36 years learning), as thou art full of splendour, full of knowledge like an Aditya Brahmchari (48 years learning), as thou hast the power of killing the proud foes, as thou art full of dignity, and art quick in attacking in the battle-field like a falcon, as thou strergthenest our finances, and advancest the knowledge of science.

(brahmacharyam: learning)

35. O woman, full of physical and spiritual strength, be not afraid of thy husband, shake not with terror, cultivate the strength of your body and soul. O man, thou also shouldst behave similarly towards
thy wife, ye both, like the sun and earth should become strong and re-solute ; whereby the shortcomings of ye both be removed, and ye become happy like the moon.

36- O mother, love thy children, who run unto thee from east, west, north, south and all other directions; and they too should love thee.

Chapter 7

2. Through the grace and instructions of learned persons, one attains to the height of prosperity, truthful speech and true deed.

15. O pupils, just as a learned teacher, the protector of knowledge tries for advancement, so should ye, to be great, resort to truth and virtuous deeds.

18. O' ruler, having loyal subjects, whose maker art thou, fill with profuse wealth him who does noble deeds. Be thou patient like the Sun and Earth. Thou art the support of the just. With the moral
power of thy justice, may the unjust be suppressed.

20. O' ruler, thou art an embodiment of humility and vedic lore, thou art the doer of laudable deeds, and worthy of respect. Protect the administration of justice. May the virtuous, and the learned protect thee. May thou fully protect the learned, and all works that contribute to prosperity.

22. O General, I appoint thee, well versed in knowledge, the doer of valorous deeds, advanced in age, full of dignity, expert in the know-ledge of arms, as Commander-in-chief of the forces. I direct thee to
lead a grand life. I advise thee to be God-fearing. The command of the army is thy foremost duty. I enjoin thee to preserve the interests of the state, to perform praiseworthy vedic acts, cultivate and preserve noble qualities.

23. We elect thee as head of the state, for the betterment of our country's administration, for the protection of the learned, the friendly and noble souls.

We elect thee for the promotion of political conferences, for the encouragement of the learned and lofty souls.

We elect thee, for the promotion of engineering works, for establishing electrical power-houses, and for the advancement of knowledge.

We elect thee for making full use of electricity and water, for promoting industrial works, and spreading their knowledge. We elect thee, the master of the science of yoga, for the spread of literacy, and
encouragement of the sages who preach religious truths.

We elect thee, the gratifier of those who know God, for the promotion of scientific knowledge, lor the spread of theism and vedic lore.

31. O Speaker and members of the Assembly, shining like the sun and fire, assemble together, and add to our immense pleasure through didactic discussions. Protect our welfare with your trained intellect.

You have been initiated in the rules and duties of government. We realise your relation towards us. The art of administration is your she-lter. We explain this to you.

32. The members of the Parliament, well versed in vedic lore, throw light on learning and science ; and overcast the sky uninterruptedly with planes. The President of the Republic is ever young, stout in body,
friendly and imposing. Those brilliant and illustrious members take you as loyal subjects. Justice is your shelter. We teach you the above mentioned arts.

33. O' ye all learned people, the nourishers and preservers of humanity with noble qualities ; the imparters of knowledge, accept this son of a charitably disposed person as your pupil.

O pupil, I accept thee as a seeker after knowledge. I instruct thee to serve all the learned persons, whereby thou mayest enlarge thy store of knowledge. I move the learned to impart good instructions to thee.

34. O ye all learned people, come near us, hear our invocations. Seat yourselves upon this seat. O son, thou hast been accepted as a pupil by the learned, we hand thee over to them for acquiring know-
ledge. Let the attainment of learning be thy aim. We desire thee to receive knowledge from them,

38. Thou, head of the state, the conqueror of enemies, the lord of five classes of subjects under thy sway, and armies, strong in body and soul, take with thy meals, invigorating herbs, for pleasure and conquest. Fill thy belly with the sweet flow of well-cooked meals. Thou art the sovereign of all great deeds and requiring deep thought. Thou hast been initiated in the rules of administration ; we harness thee for battle involv-ing the use of arms and weapons. This battle is the source of thy prosperity ; hence we goad thee to that battle.

Chapter 8

1. O' Brahmchari, who hast observed celibacy upto forty eight years, I who hast led a life of celibacy for twenty-four years, select thee as my husband. Thou knowest the details of religious lore, dost possess
an august personality. This domestic life contributes to thy prosperity. Protect it. May the arrows of Cupid never torment thee.

2. O' glorious husband, thou never keepest anything secret from me, thou befriendest the charitably disposed person. O' laudable wealthy husband thou art learned. May thy gift of knowledge and riches reach me soon. I select thee as my husband, as thou art always a source of comfort for me.

3. O' husband, thou art never neglectful, thou guardest both the present life, and the life to come. Thou shining like the sun, in know-ledge, if thou controllest thy organ of procreation, wilt derive perpetual
pleasure in thy affairs. O' finisher of the fourth Ashrama (stage of life) I select thee as my husband for my perpetual happiness.

4. Marriage of the learned couple is a source of pleasure. O noble persons may your fine intellect, that understands the significance of married life, make you well versed in knowledge after the completion of
student life ; and teach you how to conduct truthful dealings, and tread on the path of virtue. May you conduce to the pleasure of the newly married couple, through the knowledge and teaching you receive from the learned.

5. O' husband, the master of different sciences, may this married life, in which thou drinkest the juices of different medicinal herbs, always give thee pleasure. O entrants into married life, stick to truth, honouring the vows taken at the time of marriage. In a home, where the husband and wife fulfil honestly the duties of married life, is born a son, who fulfils your desires, is sinless, enterprising, earns riches and prospers.

17. O'  householder, thou art the source of happiness to all, the begetter of prosperity, the bringer-up of children, the guardian of the treasure of knowledge, the controller of vices, the extinguisher of the
darkness of ignorance, the enlarger of pleasure, the pervader in all noble qualities and acts, being charitably disposed towards thy offspring, fulfil thou rightly the duties of married life, and grant stores of riches to the society.

42. The jars in which the wife keeps eatables should be smelt and examined by her if they are fit for consumption and have not become rotten and decayed.

51. O' married people, in this domestic life is delight, here is surety, here the accumulation of wealth and the performance of virtuous acts; enjoy yourselves here. Produce the child. Let it suck its mother. Give
us riches and abundance with noble intentions.

Chapter 9

1 O' virtuous and prosperous king, preach through vedas, the art of administration conducive to comfort and wealth. Direct duly the man at the helm of affairs.

May thou, the embodiment of noble qualities, the sustainer of earth, and purifier of our wisdom, the protector of knowledge through the spread of education, improve our intellect, and share our wealth as
directed by the vedas.

17. The state officials, who are advanced in knowledge, listeners of religious books, full of wisdom, masters of their subjects, seekers after different branches of knowledge, lovers of their souls, leaders of social life, and acquirers of mighty wealth in battles, should all, listen to our learned discussions.

18. O' truthful, aged, steadfast and wise officials, protect us in each fray. Enjoy the reward of victory in the battle. Be joyful, be satisfied. Tread on paths, which sages are wont to tread.

Chapter 10

7. A good King should put in charge of educated and respectable nurses the children of women, well bred, ever happy, rich, famous, invio-late, calm like water, well dressed and decorated with ornaments, expert in domestic affairs and advanced in Knowledge.

19. O royal skilled engineer, construct sea-boats, propelled on water by our experts, and aeroplanes, moving and flying up-ward, after the clouds that reside in the mid-region, that fly as the boats move on the sea, that fly high over and below the watery clouds.

26. O Queen, thou art happy, doer of virtuous deeds, and imparter of justice. So be eagerly engaged in delight-giving knowledge. Acquire carefully education that conduces to pleasure. Teach all the females the art of Kingship.

27. O Queen, just as thy excellent husband, wedded to the vow of Brahmcharya, and master of nice wisdom, for universal sway, always sits in a court of law and administers justice, so shouldst thou.
(the vow of Brahmcharya: the pledge made at the time of convocation)

Chapter 11

38. O skilled physician, arrange for the supply of pure and sweet waters, with their help, let medicinal plants with goodly berries spring for the cure of consumption-like diseases of the people.

44. O intelligent son, steady be thou to acquire knowledge, learn statesmanship, be stout in body, be active, learn the use of fiery instru-ments, be diffuser of happiness, and teacher of moral duty of protecting the weak.

Chapter 12

8. O scientist filled with the delight of knowledge; may thy visits be a hundred, and thy returns a thousand. With the increase of strength-giving wealth, give us anew the knowledge unknown before, give us again wealth.

22. Elect him as a ruler who is lustrous like the sun in fore-front of the dawns, the giver of wealth, the master of riches, the bestower of wisdom, the protector of prosperity, the observer of the vow of celibacy, the son of a strong father, and the controller of his senses.

50. All learned persons, endowed with various sorts of knowledge, free from disease and malice, friendly towards all, shrewd in actions should spread education and entertain high aims.

55. The wives of learned persons, with beautiful bodies and energetic limbs, having good cooks and servants to milch the cows, being reborn with knowledge, cook well prepared diet, in this beautiful domestic life. They observing the laws of Brahmcharya, give happiness to their husbands in past, present and future, in all pleasant domestic tasks and give birth to good offspring.

65. O husband, calm like the earth, I fasten on thy neck, the unbreakable binding noose of pure married life. The same do I fasten unto me for thee. I enter this life for longevity. Let none of us disobey the
law of domestic life. Eat thou young man this food, which I eat.

68. O people, use various implements for cultivating the earth. Employ ploughs and yokes. Sow seed in a well prepared field. With the knowledge of the science of agriculture and full consideration, be quick
to sustain and nourish yourselves. May we get the corn fully grown and ripened in the near fields.

69. Happily let the ploughshares turn up the plough land, happily go the hard-working ploughers with the 'oxen.

71. O farmers the keen-sheared plough, the bringer of bliss, the protector of foodstuffs, moves awry. It is the giver of fast, comfortable conveyances. With it dig the solid earth for protection's sake.

72. O cook, the preparer of palatable meals, please with thy vegetarian preparations, thy friends, the learned, the guests, the officials,  the protecting parents, and the children.

74. We all should live together amicably, as the year lives with its parts, the dawn with its ruddy beams, the husband and wife with their wonderful achievements, the sun together with his dappled courser, the
air, the earth with water, and the lightning with its exact thunder.

103. O man, utilise fully this earth, worthy of contact and full of water. Its impelled, internal heat makes thy seed grow.

Chapter 13

7. Supppress through arms the movements of dacoits and plunderers who live in forests ; and lie hidden in unknown paths.

8. Subdue with arms, all these evil-minded persons, who genera-lly remain hidden, and now and then appear in the day time, or walk freely in the light of the sun, or dwell in waters.

17. O learned queen, the King establishes thee, full of knowledge, reverence, and wide fame, on the seat of justice, like a canoe at a suitable place on the waters of the ocean. Thou art comforting like the Earth.
Be famous in doing justice unto females, as thy husband does unto men.

19. O woman, may thy learned husband, protect thee, with pleasure-giving deeds and beautiful peaceful acts, for full longevity, removal of misery, acquisition of various noble performances, vigour, veneration, and religious duties. May thou attain to fame, living permanently with thy husband, as cause and effect are inseparable.

Chapter 14

9. The Brahman is foremost in the society, like head in the body. His force lies in the protection of humanity through knowledge, religion and austerity. The Kshatriya is a class amongst men. His power lies in affording happiness to humanity through justice, humility and strength. The Vaishya is another class, who amasses foodstuffs. His strength lies in becoming the lord of riches. The artisan, Shudra is another class of men, whose strength lies in doing hard work.

Chapter 15

7. O man gain the strength of wealth, through the extended application of wealth.

30. O mighty, enlightened vaishya, having adequate trade relations with others, and worthy of adoration, thou lookest graceful, seated in a desirable position of vantage ; bring us all riches.

Chapter 16

5. O physician, the dispeller of ailments, chief amongst the learned, the teacher of the first class science of medicine, the remover of diseases by diagnosing them, the sure banisher of diseases deadly like
serpents, with efficacious medicines, preach unto us the laws of health, cast away all drugs, that aggravate the disease, and lower our vitality.

10. O masters of the science of archery, let not the bow of this commander with coiled and braided hair, be ever unstrung, let him never be devoid of arrows, and warlike instruments, who always keeps himself
well-armed, be ever empty. May he possess many arrows. Equip him anew with arrows whenever they are destroyed.

18. Let the state-officials give food to the patient who lives in their midst. Let them pay homage to the growers of corn. Let them grant grain for the progress of the world. Let them offer homage to the lord of human beings. Let them give food to the tormentor of the foes, and the fighter from all directions against vast armed foes. Let them give food to the brave warrior, and the queen who injures none. Let
them give food to the Lord of forest.

19. Let the officials and the people give food to the commander of the army, the enhancer of delights. Let them give food to the lord of trees. Let them give food to servants of good character. Let them give food to the physician, the guardian of medicinal herbs. Let them pay homage to the thoughtful minister, and the expert in trade. Let them give food to the protector of the householders. Homage to the shouting lord of justice who makes the wicked weep. Homage to the guardian of different parts of the army.

27. Food to the carpenters. Homage to you the manufacturers of aeroplanes. Food to the potters. Homage to you the manufacturers of arms. Food to the denizens of forest who subdue wild creatures. Homage to the masters of different languages. Food to the trainers of dogs. Homage to you the lovers of deer.

31. Food to the horse swift like air, and to the horse that throws down a novice rider, Food to the hasty and to the rapid mover. Food tothe zealous and to the silent workers. Food to him who dwells in rivers
and on islands.

33. Food to the prosperous and the virtuous. Food to the lovers of justice, and to the protectors. Homage to the scholars of the Vedas, and to the expert in finishing projects. Homage to the great, and to the
skilled in making collection of provisions.

34. Food to those who live in wood, bushes and caves. Homage to the teacher and the taught, and to him who fulfils his vow. Food to him with swift conveyances. Homage to the hero, and to him who rends
asunder the foes.

43. Food to the expert in extracting gold from sand, and to the expert in driving oxen. Food to him who knows the use of stones, and to him who constructs houses for dwelling. Food to him who wears
braided hair, and to him who knows the use of instruments for lifting heavy objects. Homage to him who utilises properly the barren land, and to him who is skilled in treading the noble paths of virtue.

Chapter 18

50. Properly utilised warmth conduces to happiness. Properly utilised fire conduces to happiness. Properly utilised air conduces to happiness. Properly utilised lustre of lightning conduces to happiness.
Properly utilised sun conduces to happiness.

62. Through teaching one acquires vast knowledge. Through study the teacher and the taught acquire the knowledge of the vedas. Let this process of study and teaching be carried unto us for the attainment
of happiness by the learned.

Chapter 19

50. Our elders are masters of different principles of knowledge, preachers of new expositions on problems of learning, devotees of non-violence, highly learned, and deserving of supremacy.

75. A king, who along with one knowing all the four vedas, enjoys his birth in a royal family and the milkwise invigorating essence of a well-cooked food, and with justice coupled with learning and decorum, administers his rule, the giver of glory, a gift from God, pre-eminent in all dealings, the remover of the darkness of injustice, the bestower of valour, and the source of diverse kinds of protection, always derives happiness from this his administration fit for enjoyment, inbued with justice, sweet-ness, and delightfulness.

85. A learned doctor, guarding the body against disease, giving us medical directions, removing sickness, realises through his soul the exact nature of disease, and with prescribed food, does not allow our lungs,
liver, throat-artery, kidney and bile to be affected.

Chapter 20

25. I consider that society or country to be ideal, where the civil and military forces work together harmoniously, where the learned civil administrators cooperate with the commanders of the army.

43. Vidya Sabha, Dharma Sabha and Rajya Sabha, all three bent on speedily solving problems, well-qualified and duly constituted, thriving through knowledge and authority, like wedded dames, taking charge of State's administration, with prowess, skill and affluence, preserve the government like the unbroken thread of progeny.

78. He, who collects, trains and takes useful service from horses, bulls, oxen, barren cows and rams, is the protector of food grains, is imbued with an amiable disposition, and is a wise, brilliant person,
deserves hearty respect.

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

6. Make the best use of fire. Take medicines. Derive joy by drinking water. Enjoy well the warmth and light of the Sun. Have knowledge of air and vital breaths. Perform yajna in fire. Meditate on God, the Guardian of all great objects. Respect and love your friends. Pay homage to noble souls.

25. Purify, utilise, and use ordinary waters, excellent healing waters, waters rising above in vapours through sun's heat ; standing waters, fast flowing waters, slowly moving waters ; well-waters, rain-
waters ; tank-waters, sea-waters, waters in the ocean ; and charming and beautiful waters.

26. Perform yajna for the purification of air ; for the purification of misty air, for purifying fine cloud $ for purifying the cloud j for purify-ing the dense shining cloud } for purifying the thundering lightning ; for purifying the bursting cloud, for purifying the raining cloud, for purifying the pouring cloud ; for purifying the violently raining cloud ; for purifying the high cloud that has held water ; for purifying the sprinkling cloud, for purifying the drizzling cloud ; for purifying the clouds that rain cats and dogs ; for purifying the thundering clouds; and for purifying the hoar-frost.

Chapter 23

23. O harmless King, don't utter untruth before us. Let not thy tongue utter meaningless words like a prattler. A King who has got no control over his tongue will be extirpated like a weak sparrow, and de-
frauded by his subjects.

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

14. May auspicious force of wisdom come to us from every side, continual, unhindered, and as remover of afflictions. May thereby the learned persons, our guardians, advanced in age, attend our assembly day
by day for our gain.

22. O learned persons, may we live in your company for a hundred years. Let not our bodies decay before that period, in which old age our sons become fathers in turn.

37. Useful animals like horses should not be killed, nor their meat cooked for eating. They should be protected against fire.

46. Just as the glorious king and all learned persons hold under control these worlds, so should we speedily gain happiness.

Chapter 26

May I thus obtain true knowledge from these forces.

2. I do hereby address this salutary speech for the benefit of humanity, for the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas, the Shudras, the Vaishas, the kinsfolk and the men of lowest position in society.

Dear may I be the learned and the guardian in this world. Fulfilled be this desire of mine. May I achieve my aim.

4. O learned person, possessing vast wisdom and knowledge of the vedas, come here, and drink the juice of medicines ripened by clouds. Thou hast controlled thy senses through yamas and niyamas. We accept thee as the master of worldly kingship and grand supremacy. This is thy home of knowledge. We accept thee as protector of vedic speech, and as full of glory.

Chapter 27

4. O learned person, amass wealth in this world. Let not the old, exalted, learned persons, ever devoted to action, tolerate thy moral degradation.

O ruler, famous for thy humility, let thy administration be run by just laws. May thy adorers, following non-violence make thee strong. May the State riches make thee happy.

5. O learned person commence thy youth with wealth in this world.

O king, flowing with the knowledge and humility, exert to maintain friendship with the religious, learned friends.

O justice-loving head of the state, act as an umpire in the midst of your coequal virtuous kings. Be renowned as worthy of praise.

6. O king, renouncing untruth, suppress fully the wicked persons, overcome spiritual ignorance, and banish miserliness. O learned person, drive away all sins; vouchsafe us opulence with an army of heroic

7. O king, invincible, full of knowledge, free from misery, reful-gent, and an able administrator, be dear to us in this task of government. Illumine all regions. Chase human ills and griefs with the help of
philanthropic persons. Guard us for prosperity.

16. The learned persons, lording over all, with the splendour of that widely expansive fire, expound the vows of truthfulness, and the bright sources of the knowledge of fire.

37. O King, the protector of the people, we, the scholars and scientists invoke thee alone in war. Just as the Sun is seen after it dispels the clouds, so we see thee in the army active and swift like a horse. We
invoke thee in all directions.

41. O learned person, thou art the protector of our friends and admirers. For affection's sake approach us with hundred aids. Thou art worthy of our reverence

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

3. O active, enterprising educated artisan, as thou, full of enjoyments and kindness, utilisest adorable fire, by mixing it with serviceable material objects, which takes thee to distant places, hence thou art worthy of praise, veneration, swiftness, and companionship.

3. O active, enterprising educated artisan, as thou, full of enjoyments and kindness, utilisest adorable fire, by mixing it with serviceable material objects, which takes thee to distant places, hence thou art worthy of praise, veneration, swiftness, and companionship.

26. O fair-tongued, preserver of various objects, make pleasant for all, the commendable paths of rectitude, with thy sweet sermon and excellent exposition. Develop the society and philosophical subjects with thy holy thoughts, and strengthen our innocuous worship through learned persons.

46. Let our rulers, be partakers of savoury food, long-lived, patient in adversity, powerful, deep-minded, armed wiih wondrous army, strong in arrows, robust, possessors of long legs and broad chests, invincible, and conquerors of numerous hosts.

49. O learned person, drive straight away diseases from our body, so that it may be strong like stone. Give us instructions about efficacious medicine and Earth, and grant us happiness.

57. O commander, drive thither away the troops of the enemy, and bring back ours safe after victory. Let our cavalry march forth, in accompaniment with the beating of war-drums. Let our car-warriors be

Chapter 30

5. O God create a Brahmana, who knows the veda and God, for propagating the knowledge of God and the veda ; a Kshatriya prince for the safety of kingdom ; a vaisha for rearing the cattle ; a Shudra for hard
labour and service. Cast aside the thief, who steals in darkness ; the destroyer of heroes, who passes his days in jail, the eunuch mentally disposed to licentiousness, the dacoit bent on looting and harming people ; the harlot full of lust ; and the bard disposed to abuse.

Ud 21.10.2021
Pub 9.9.2017

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Taittiriya Upanishad

Section I Anuvaka 11

Sathyam vada. Dharmam chara.

Matrudevo bhava. Pitrudevo bhava. Acharyadevo bhava. Athitheedevo bhava.

Friday, October 15, 2021

18 Puranas (Purans) in Brief

Bhagavata Purana

Bhagavata Purana.  Divided into twelve Skandhas this contains eighteen thousand shlokas. Many incarnations of Visnu are described in this. The most interesting Skandha is the tenth Skandha in which the author has described the life and activities of Sri Krishna.   Bhagavata accepts Kapila and Buddha as incarnations of Vishnu. The Bhagavatam has been translated into all Indian languages.

Bhavishya Purana

Bhavishya Purana. This is what is told to Manu by Surya (Sun). This contains statements about future events. The book praises the worship of Surya (Sun), Agni (fire) and Naga (serpent). There is an annexure dealing with the several holy places of Bharata and the rights of pilgrims.
Contains the glories of devotional service.
14,500 verses.

Markandeya Purana

Markandeya Purana. This is one of the ancient Puranas. There are many stories regarding Indra, Surya and Agni in this. This includes a division called Devimahatmya containing praises about the goddess Durga. This contains nine thousand verses.
Stories of Rama and Krishna.
9,000 verses.   EBook - Free

Matsya Purana

Matsya Purana. This Purana was taught to Manu by Matsya, the incarnation of Vishnu, The incarnation of Matsya is dealt in this. Several subjects like Jainamata (religion of Jainism), Buddhamata (Buddhism), Natyasastra (histrionics) and Andhraraja-vamsa (kingdom and Kings of Andhra) are discussed in this book. The book contains thirteen thousand verses.  Temple construction; describes Vamana and Varaha Kalpas.
14,000 verses.

Brahmanda Purana

Brahmanda Purana. This deals with the origin of the universe as told by Brahma. In the beginning there was a golden egg and the prapanca (universe with its activities) was formed out of it. Portions of Adhyatma Ramayana, references to Radha and Krsna and the incarnation of Parasurama are included in this. This book contains twelve thousand verses
Describes the vedangas; describes the Adi Kalpa.
12,000 verses.


(Viii) Brahmavaivarta Purana. This was instructed to Savarnika by Narada. The theme is the story of Rathantara. There are four kandas in this Purana called Brahma-kanda, Prakrtikanda, Ganesa-kanda and Krsnajanma-kanda. This deals with Prapancasrsti (creation of the universe). It says that Prapanca is nothing but the Vaivarta (transformation) of Brahman.
Contains the glories and pastimes of Radha and Krishna.
18,000 verses.

Brahma Purana

Brahma Purana. This is in the form of teachings by Brahma to Daksa. This contains twenty-five thousand verses. This is called Adi Purana also. There is a special treatise in this book on Orissa, an ancient holy region of Bharata. There is in this a special annexure explaining the intimacy between Shiva and Surya which is a deviation from other Puranas. Brahma Purana states about a suryakshetra (sun-temple) situated at a place called Konarka near the holy place of Puri, installed there in the year 1241 A.D.
10,000 verses.

Vamana Purana

Vamana Purana. There is a great similarity between the contents of this Purana and that of Varaha Purana. All the incarnations of Vishnu from Vamana downwards are described in this Purana. The scene of Shiva marrying Parvati is vividly described in this book. This Purana contains ten thousand verses.

Contains the story of Lord Trivikrama.
10,000 verses.

Varaha Purana

Varaha Purana. The mode of narration is in the form of narrating the story by Varaha, the third incarnation of Vishnu. The theme is about holy places and mantras. It states that the goddess of earth prayed to Mahavishnu and that prayer took the form of a goddess. This book contains fourteen thousand verses.
Describes different vratas; Lord Vishnu’s glories.
24,000 verses.   

Vayu Purana

it is believed that this purana was recited by the wind-god Vayu.

Vishnu Purana

Vishnu Purana. This is one of the most important of all the Puranas. This contains the five technical divisions of the Puranas. This is divided into six adisas. This deals with the events of Varahakalpa and contains twenty-three thousand slokas. The theme is the ten incarnations of MahaVishnu. Vishnu Purana is the most ancient of all the Puranas and has got the name Puranaratna (gem of Puranas).

Stories of various devotees; a description of varnasrama; the six angas of the Veda; a description of the age of Kali; description of Sveta-Varaha Kalpa, Vishnu dharmotara.

23,000 verses.


Detailed Explanation of All Purans

Updated 16 Oct 2021, 3 September 2017, 11 April 2015

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Narayana Suktam - Rudra Suktam - Brahma Suktam


Narayana Suktam

7 May 2020

श्री रुद्र सूक्तं (ऋग्वेद) - Sri Rudra Suktam (Rigveda) 

29 Nov 2020

Brahma Suktam (ब्रह्म सूक्तम्) 

11 Jul 2020

Devi Suktam   (With text)

Sri Suktam

Saraswati Suktam