Sunday, June 23, 2024

Plan to Provide Employment to 2 Crore Persons Per Year in Micro Units Using Mudra Finance Scheme

Achievements of Mudra Scheme so far

What is allocation to Mudra Finance in 2022 - 2023?
What is the employment target under Mudra Finance?

Central government has set loans disbursement target under PM Mudra Yojana (PMMY) at Rs 3 trillion for financial year 2021-2022. Rs. 3 trillion = Rs. 3 lakh crores. If distributed equally to 2 crore people it will be 1.5 lakh beneciary. How to many got employment additionally in this year due to Mudra Finance? The government has to ask this question and get right and reasonable answer.
August 3, 2021

Banks sanction over Rs 15 lakh crore under Mudra Yojana
By: PTI,| May 26, 2021 
As of March 26, 2021, loans sanctioned by member lending institutions amounting to Rs 15.10 lakh crore to 28.81 crore beneficiary, the Department of Financial Services under the Finance Ministry said in a tweet.

Use Mudra Scheme for New Self Employment, New Jobs, and for Increase in Income of The Entrepreneurs.

Create three sub-categories in Mudra Scheme - New Self Employment, New Job creation, Expansion of the Units without additional job creation

#PositiveIndia - Employment Potential of Mudra Finance - Employment to 2 Crore Persons per Annum

Presentation of the Plan in National Conference on Inclusive Growth of India



I tell the plan to people of Maharashtra also.



The Plan was posted in this blog on 25 August 2017

The plan was informed to many ministers through twitter messages on their handles.

26 September 2017

Where are the 2 Cr Jobs promised by the BJP? RSSurjewala, Congress
Published in Page 2 of The Economic Times, 26 September 2017, Mumbai Edition
Also published by RSSurjewala in FaceBook post

An answer is available in this post that you are reading
Plan for employment to 2-cr persons
(This plan is posted in the comment on the FaceBook post of RSSurjewala)  I want all parliamentarians to become aware of the plan.

20 September 2017

Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday (10 September 2017) admitted that the UPA government had been "unable" to deliver on the 30,000 jobs it promised to create everyday

The challenge is how to solve the job problem in a democratic environment, and frankly the Congress party was unable to do it," Rahul admitted.
Despite its victory, Rahul believes Modi and the BJP haven't understood how important it is to keep the promise to create jobs.

While Rahul said he appreciates the intention of 'Make in India', he added that its implementation leaves much to be desired. He said it does not mainstream the needs of India's medium and small enterprises, which he believes are the engines of employment and innovation.

First posted on 25 August 2017

The plan is based on the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016) on micro units in India

First understand the data provided by NSS 73rd ROUND (July 2015 - June 2016)

Key Indicators of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) in India

(July 2015 - June 2016)

Sample Size

First stage units (Villages and urban blocks): For rural India, the number of villages ( Census Enumeration Blocks
for Kerala) surveyed in the central sample was 8484 and the number of urban blocks/ Census
Enumeration Blocks surveyed was 7839. In addition to this, a “State Sample” was also
surveyed by the State/UT Governments who participated in this survey. The results presented
in this document are, however, based on central sample alone.

Second Stage Units: The unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises were the
ultimate sampling units in NSS 73rd round survey. At all India level a total of 290113
enterprises were surveyed (143179 enterprises in rural and 146934 enterprises in urban

Estimated number of Enterprises

3.2.1 The survey estimated the number of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in the
country during 2015-16 as 6.34 crore

Out of the total number of enterprises 51.3 % were in rural areas and the remaining 48.7 % were in urban areas. Out of the total estimated number of enterprises at all India level, 31 % were engaged in manufacturing, 36.3 % enterprises were in trading and 32.6 % were in other services.

As per the results obtained from the survey, the Own Account Enterprises (OAEs)
(i.e. enterprises that do not employ any hired worker on a fairly regular basis) had a dominant
share in the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction). At all India
level 84.2 % of the estimated number of enterprises under coverage was OAEs. The share of
OAEs was 91.4 % in the rural areas and 76.6 % in the urban areas.

Estimated number of Workers

The results of the survey reveals that during 2015-16, about 11.13 crore workers were
engaged in unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in the
country. Among the workers, 55 % worked in urban areas and 45 % worked in rural areas.

The Own Account Enterprises (OAEs) accounted for 62 % of the workforce in the
unincorporated non-agricultural sector (excluding construction) in the country. At all India
level, workers in the OAEs outnumbered those engaged by establishments in all the broad
activity categories

Gross Value Added (GVA)

3.9.1 Gross Value Added (GVA) is an important economic indicator that measures the
contribution of a particular sector to the economy. It gives the value of goods and services
produced less the cost of all intermediate consumption that are directly attributable to that

During the year 2015-16, the aggregate annual gross value added by the unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises engaged in market production was estimated as Rs.1152338 crores.

At all-India level, annual GVA per enterprise in the unincorporated nonagricultural
sector was estimated at Rs. 1,81,908.

For rural India, annual GVA per enterprise
for OAEs and establishments were estimated as Rs. 71,217 and Rs. 4,78,319 respectively.
The corresponding estimates for urban areas were Rs. 1,26,529 and Rs. 7,03,848 respectively.

3.11 Gross Value Added (GVA) per Worker
3.11.1 Gross Value Added per Worker (GVAPW) is a very important measure of labour
productivity obtained by dividing the real output (i.e. gross value added) by the total number
of workers employed by the enterprises.

3.11.2 The annual GVA per Worker for enterprises engaged in market production at all India
level was estimated as Rs. 1,03,744.

3.12.2 The average annual emolument per hired worker estimated from the survey was Rs. 87,544

3.13.2 The estimated value of total owned fixed assets per enterprise by broad activity
category for different enterprise types are presented in Statement 25. At all India level, the
market value of owned fixed assets per enterprise was estimated as Rs. 2,31,869.

Averge Annual GVA per enterprise:  Rs. 1,81,908.
Average owned fixed assets: Rs. 2,31,869.

Value added for Rs. 1,00,000 fixed assets: Rs. 1,81,908/Rs. 2,31,869 =  Rs.78.450 (rounded)

Salary that can be paid to hired workers for 1,00,000 fixed assets =  Rs. 87,544 *Rs.78.450/Rs. 1,03,744 = 66,200

India - MUDRA - Finance Scheme for Micro Units

Mudra loan scheme is a success in meeting its targets of credit delivery. The performance of the units and recovery of loans is to be watched.

                                                             14 September 2017

8 crore loan accounts were opened. How many new businesses got loans? How many new jobs were created. Both are not available in documented form. Mudra Finance can be implemented in a better way with authentic record of new businesses created and new jobs created.

Plan for Creating Employment to 2 Crore Persons  per Year in Micro Units Using Mudra Finance 

1. Self employment to one crore persons

Provide rupees one lakh loan to new units

Provide rupees one lakh crores to one crore new micro units at average of one lakh per unit. Self employment to one crore persons each unit generating valued added of Rs, 78,450.

Micro Unit Business Consultants - To Guide Potential Micro Unit Entrepreneurs

For facilitating this new enterprise creation, one lakh, 100,000 micro unit business consultants have to be trained and given the opportunity to prepare business plans and assist 100 persons to start 100 new units. They can charge a fee of Rs. 1000/- per year per unit for the first five years.  MSME training institutes and enterpreneurship development units can train these business consultants. Skill development ministry can conduct special programmes to develop the business consultants.

2. Wage employment to one crore persons

Provide rupees one lakh rupees loan to existing units with plan to employ one more person.

Provide rupees one lakh  loan to one crore enterprises each having a plan to employ one more person giving wages of Rs, 66,200.

The finance required for supporting the two schemes providing a total employment to 2 crore persons is within the resources of Government of India and the Banking system.

Target of Rs. 3.5 lakh crore for the Year 2018-19 for Mudra Finance Scheme

For the year 2018-19 fix a target of Rs. 3.5 lakh crores for Mudra Finance Scheme with three sub targets

1. One lakh crore for one crore new units.
2. One lakh crore for one crore existing units each giving a job to one person.

3. Remaining 1.5 lakh crore under old scheme - 60% loans to Shishu and remaining to Kishore and Tarun.

The above scheme can create employment to minimum 2 crore persons. Unemployment problem in the country can be tackled through micro units.

The job opportunities in small and medium units, large units, government are still there to people to provide higher income job opportunities.

If you feel plan is feasible, mail this blog post to MLAs, MPs and Ministers asking them to implement the plan.

Please sign the petition to the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi

If you have any doubts, please write a comment. Let us develop ways to solve the challenges and provide employment and livelihood to crores of Indians.

I also advocate

Participatory Politics - Introduction

Participatory Budgeting - Innovation in Planning and Budgeting by Government at National, State and Local Levels

Related Articles

Role of Small and Micro Business Units in Various Countries

Job Creation; Recipe for Economic Growth'. 

Dr. Indira Rajaraman, former professor IIM Bangalore & Member of the 13th Finance Commission, Dr. Jahangir Aziz, Head Emerging Market Economics, JP Morgan,
Mr. Niranjan Rajadhyaksha, Executive Editor, Mint &
Mr. Surendra Srivastava, CFO, MUDRA
Moderator: Dr. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Group Chief Economic Advisor, SBI.
6 July 2017



State Bank of India upload

Updated 24.6.2024, 1.2.2022,  2.9.2021,  18 July 2018, 26 September 2017,  21 September 2017,   7 September 2017, 2 September 2017, 25 August 2017

Friday, June 21, 2024

India - Vision 2031 - 2032

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
01-February-2019 13:32 IST
Government Unveils vision for the Next Decade

The Government has unveiled its vision for the next decade, listing thereby ten most important dimensions in 2030. “With this comprehensive ten-dimensional Vision, we will create an India where poverty, malnutrition, littering and illiteracy would be a matter of the past. India would be a modern, technology driven, high growth, equitable and transparent society.” said Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs, Railways & Coal, Shri Piyush Goyal while presenting the Interim Budget 2019-20 in Parliament today.


The Minister further said, “India is poised to become a five trillion dollar economy in the next five years and aspires to become 10 trillion dollar economy thereafter.”


The dimensions of Vision-2030 outlined by Shri Goyal are as follows-  


To create physical and social infrastructure for ten trillion dollar economy and to provide ease of living.
Digital India led by the youths with innumberable start-ups and million of jobs.
To make India pollution free by focusing on Electrical Vehicles and renewables.
Rural industrailisation using modern technologies to generate massive employment.
Clean rivers, with safe drinking water to all Indians and efficient use of water in irrigation using micro-irrigation techniques.
Besides scaling up Sagarmala, India’s coastline and ocean waters will power development
Through our space programme – Gaganyaan, India becoming the launch-pad of satellites for the World
Self sufficiency in food production and producing food in the most organic way.
A healthy India by 2030 and a distress free health care and wellness system for all. Ayushman Bharat and women participation would be an important component in it.
Employees working with elected Government, transforming India into Minimum Government Maximum Governance nation.

Niti Ayog India made a presentation before PM and CMs. The presentation was titled India 2031-32: Vision, Strategy and Action Agenda.

It visualizes a fully literate society with access to healthcare.

The vision statement

"By 2031-32, we must ransform India into a prosperous, healthy, secure, corruption-free, energy abundant, environmentally clean and globally influential nation."

every family will have house with toilets, two-wheeler or car, power, AC and digital connectivity.

India to grow over 3-fold to $7.25 trillion by 2030: NITI Aayog
The Indian economy will see an over three-fold expansion at USD 7.25 trillion by 2030 and clock an average growth rate of 8 per cent over the next 15 years, Niti Aayog vice chairman Arvind Panagariya said today.
By Press Trust of India
APR 24, 2017

NITI Aayog - From Vision 2030 to Planning and Implementation.
74 pages

MARITIME INDIA VISION 2030  (300 pages)

NITI Aayog's three-year action plan for nation's development; here are the highlights
The vice-chairman also invited further inputs and support of the states in taking the vision forward

FP Staff, April 24, 2017

Panagariya said the 15-year vision document pegs the Indian economy's growth from Rs 137 lakh crore in 2015-16 to Rs 469 lakh crore by 2031-32 at 2015-16 prices.

300 action items. Not declared but.

NITI Aayog vision for higher Indian economic growth - Part-I 
Gudipati Rajendera Kumar 3 May 2017 

NITI Ayog Agenda

India’s Economic Resurgence: A Modified Paradigm for a Welfare State

C B Rao
Notion Press, 26-Oct-2018 - Business & Economics - 524 pages

Economics is a social science concerned mainly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Beyond the various theories and models, however, economics has close relationship with day to day life. This book reviews the economic journey of India over the last seventy years, and seeks to stimulate the readers’ thinking on some major issues and potentialities facing the Indian economy.

Five main themes flow through the book – India’s potential to be the World’s third largest economic power by 2030, the challenges of socio-economic equity that India faces, the several opportunities that India has in that journey, the critical role of governance, leadership, management and administration, and the importance of mindset changes to power India’s futureeconomic growth. A special focus is laid on the role of government policies and projects in socio-economic development.
The book sensitises the readers, including college students in general, and students of economics in particular, to the happenings around us which have significant economic import. The book makes all through its seventy chapters several suggestions to power India’s growth as a global economic superpower, on a plank of socioeconomic equity. This book serves as an  expansive thought primer and focussed execution guide for an economically independent and resurgent India.

Plans of Modi Government from 2014

Towards New India

Sunil Vashisht
Prabhat Prakashan, 6 - Political Science - 312 pages

Ever since receiving a historic mandate in May 2014, the NDA Government under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has made a lot of structural changes in governance and is scripting India’s economic turn around and is surely making India a formidable superpower of the world.

‘New India 2022’ is a vision and dream of Shri Modi for transforming India into a Clean India, Poverty Free India, Corruption Free India, Terrorism Free India, Communalism Free India, Casteism Free India

by 2022.

This book focuses on several important aspects having direct or indirect impact on New India movement like economy, banking, social issues, women empowerment, national security etc. wherein subject experts have written on important issues on how to take India forward.

Collection of well researched articles which will pave the path of NEW INDIA. 


NITI Ayog Draft Project report on India Vision 2036-37

Updated 22.6.2024,  29 July 2021
Pub 19 June 2017

Monday, June 17, 2024

Kevin OToole on Election Campaigns - Being a Representative of People - Being an Elected Government Official

Successful and Effective Election Campaign Management - Consultants, Books, Articles.


In Politics, They Love You Until They Don’t

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About Kevin J. O'Toole

Chair of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

American Republican Party politician, New Jersey Senator.  40th Legislative District, which included parts of Bergen, Essex, Morris, and Passaic counties from 2008 to 2017.

2024 Articles

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Nanded South - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Patil Hemant Shriram SHS

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Dilip Kandakurti
INC - Omprakash Pokarna
MNS - Prakash Marawar
NCP - Pandurang Balaji Kakade
Shiv Sena - Hemant Patil

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
OMPRAKASH GANESHLAL POKARNA  Indian National Congress 71,367 17463

Arjuni-morgaon - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner MLA  Engg.Badole Rajkumar Sudam BJP

63 Arjuni-morgaon  SC

2014 Assembly Election Candidates BJP - Rajkumar Badole INC - Rajesh Nandagawali MNS - Mahindra Chandrikapure? Check NCP - Manohar Chandrikapure Shiv sena - Mrs. Kiran Kamble

Ajay Sambhaji Lanjewar Independent
Dahiwale Ratnadeep Sukhdevkumar Independent
Dhanpal Mithu Ramteke Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh
Dilwart Kunjilal Ramteke Independent
Dr.Meshram Bhimrao Karuji Bahujan Samaj Party
Engg.Dilipkumar Laldas Walde Independent
Gadpal Jagan Alias Jayesh Barsuji Independent
Gajbhiye Pramod Hiraman Independent
Shende Mahesh Tarachand Independent

Information and Candidates of All Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies - 2014 Election

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena
2009 MLA

BADOLE RAJKUMAR SUDAM Bharatiya Janata Party 69,856 16307

Anushakti Nagar - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

172 Anushakti Nagar

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

 Winner MLA: Shiv Sena - Tukaram Kate

172 Anushakti Nagar 

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Vithhal Kharatmol INC - Rajan Mahulkar MNS - Veena Ukrande NCP - Nawab Malik Shiv Sena - Tukaram Kate

Akbar Hussain Alias Raju Bhai Peasants And Workers Party Of India Ayyer Ganesh Bahujan Samaj Party Chandrakant Waghu Nirbhavne Independent Lazras Zumbar Thombe Independent Mahendra Tulshiram Bhingardive Hindusthan Janta Party Manojkumar Chandreshwar Mhatre Bahujan Mukti Party Nakhwa Gulabi Hussain Independen R. R.Pandayan Independent Shaikh Rahim Ramzan Independent Suresh Kashinath Kamble Ambedkarite Party Of India

Biodatas of all candidates - AGNI About Current MLA and Some Contestants

Information and Candidates of All Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies - 2014 Election

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA

NAWAB MALIK Nationalist Congress Party 38,928 6825

Tumsar - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

Winner MLA  Waghamare Charan Sovinda BJP


2014 Assembly Election Candidates
BJP - Charan Waghmare
INC - Pramod Narayan Titirmare
MNS - Vijay Ramkrishna Shahare
NCP - Madhukar Kukade
Shiv Sena - Rajendra Patale

Dahat Sharayu Baburao Bahujan Mukti Party
Dhurve Subhash Mansaram Gondwana Gantantra Party
Dr. Pratap(Sonu) Arjun Gondule Independent
Ganesh Gangaram Dhande All India Forward Bloc
Ramteke Umakant Fulchand Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh
Shailesh Chandrakant Thakare Independent
Thakre Namdeo Modku Bahujan Samaj Party
Vinod Tulashiram Babhare Independent

2009 MLA
BAWANKAR ANIL FATTU Indian National Congress 66,557 - 6617

Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates


A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA Abu Asim Azmi SP
2014 Assembly Election Candidates

INC - Yusuf Abrahani
MNS - Sayyad Ashraf
NCP - Rajendra Waghmare
Shiv Sena - Suresh Patil
SP - Abu Asim Azmi

AGNI - Biodatas of All Candidates

Information and Candidates of All Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies - 2014 Election

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
ABU ASIM AZMI Samajwadi Party 38,435 14117

Malegaon central - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Nashik Dt.

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Shaikh Asif Shaikh Rashid INC

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Haji Mohd.
INC - Shaikh Asif Shaikh Rashid
MNS - No MNS Candidate
NCP - Maulana Mufti Mohd Ismail
Shiv Sena - Sajid Akhtar

Information and Candidates of All Maharashtra Assembly Constituencies - 2014 Election

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
MUFTI MOHAMAD ISMAIL A. KHALIQUE Jan Surajya Shakti 71,157  -  17919

Digras - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Yavatmal Dt.

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Rathod Sanjay Dulichand SHS

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Ajay Dube
INC - Devanand Narsinh Pawar
NCP - Vasant Ghuikhedkar
Shiv sena - Sanjay Rathod

About Sanjay Rathod, SS
2009 MLA
RATHOD SANJAY DULICHAND Shivsena 104,134  - 54145

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
RATHOD SANJAY DULICHAND Shivsena 104,134 - 54145

Igatpuri - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

2014 Winner - MLA   Gaveet Nirmala Ramesh INC

127 ST
Nashik Dt.

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

Please Prepare Plan for  Development of Your Constituency.

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Parshuram Waghere
INC - Smt. Nirmala Ramesh Gavit
MNS - Prakash Lachke
NCP - Hiramal Khoskar
Shiv sena - Shivaram Zole

About Smt. Nirmala Ramesh Gavit, INC
2009 MLA
GAVIT NIRMALA RAMESH Indian National Congress 29,155 3722

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
GAVIT NIRMALA RAMESH Indian National Congress 29,155 3722

Sindkhed Raja - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

Please Prepare Plan for  Development of Your Constituency.

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Successful and Effective Election Campaign Management - Consultants, Books, Articles

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner MLA  Dr. Khedekar Shashikant Narsingrao SHS


2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Dr.Ganesh B. Mante
INC - Pradeep Nagare
MNS - Vinod Wagh
NCP - Rekha Khedekar
Shiv Sena - Dr. Shashikant Khedekar

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
DR RAJENDRA BHASKARRAO SHINGNE Nationalist Congress Party 81,808 24150

Osmanabad - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Osmanabad District

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

Please Prepare Plan for  Development of Your Constituency.

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Rana Jagjit Sinha Patil NCP
242 SC

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - Sanjay Patil Dudhgaonkar
INC - Vishwas Jagdeorao Shinde
MNS - Sanjay Yadav
NCP - Rana Jagjitsingh Patil
Shiv Sena - Omraje Rajenimbalkar

BSP Adv Ghule Jayram Baliram
IND Dr. Ramesh Subrao Bansode
IND Anant Jagannath Chonde
IND Ohal Rajabhau Urf Rajendra Annasaheb
IND Tekale Kiran Digambar
IND Balaji Bapurao Tupsundre
IND Bhosale Pandurang Ganpatrao
IND Jadhav Pradip Sidram
IND Prof.Randive Popat Gyanba
IND Hannure Haji Bhai
AIMIM Pathan Akbarkhan Gulabkhan
RBS Hajare Anil Uttamrao
BMP Bhalerao Umesh Bhivaji
HND Dhananjay Murlidhar Tarkase (Patil)
API Gaikwad Madhukar Ramling

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA

Shirol - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kolhapur District

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

Please Prepare Plan for  Development of Your Constituency.

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Patil Ulhas Sambhaji SHS

2014 Assembly Election Candidates

INC - Appasaheb @ S.R. Patil
MNS -Vijay Jaisingh Bhoje
NCP - Rajendra Patil(Yadravkar)
Shiv Sena - Ulhas Patil

BSP Kamble Chandrakant Tukaram
IND Kadale Suresh Mallu
IND Mahesh Bandu Khot
IND Satish Bhagwan Bhandare
BBM Digambar Sudam Sakat
Bhartiya Navjawan Sena (Paksha) Shivaji Vasant Jadhav
SWP Savakar Madnaik

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA
APPASAHEB ALIAS SATGONDA REVGONDA PATIL Indian National Congress 85,941 16446

Maharashtra 2024  Assembly Elections -  Constituencies. 
Kolhapur District

Chandgad - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Hatkanangle - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Ichalkaranji - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kagal - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election

Karvir - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kolhapur North - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kolhapur South - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election - Candidates

Radhanagari - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Shahuwadi - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Shirol - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Maharashtra Assembly - All Constituencies Information

Chandgad - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kolhapur District

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

A Request/Suggestion to All Assembly Candidates.

Your party manifesto will be there for the state. 

Please Prepare Plan for  Development of Your Constituency.

What is your plan and promise to your constituency?

What is the planned GDP in your constituency for the next five years?

What is the plan for capital investment by Central Government in your constituency?

What is the plan for capital investment by State  Government in your constituency?

2018 Article on Constituency Domestic Product - Role of MPs and MLAs in CDP Growth. Hence the current appeal to all candidates to think on the GDP of their constituency (CDP).


Votes each candidate - All Candidates

Are You Planning to Contest for MLA - Maharashtra Assembly?
Buy and Read the Book:  Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections
By Louis Perron

Maharashtra Assembly - Constituencies Information and 2024 Election Information Board

2014 Winner - MLA  Desai - Kupekar Sandhyadevi Krushnarao NCP
2014 Assembly Election Candidates

BJP - NC - Gadyanavar Rajeandra Shamrao (Swabhimani Paksha)
INC - Bharmuanna Subrao Patil
MNS - Divakar Tukaram Patil
NCP -  Sandhyadevi Kupekar
Shiv Sena - Narasing Gurunath Patil

Appi Alias Vinayakrao Virgondarao Patil Independent
Atyalkar Dattatray Gundu Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh
Divakar Tukaram Patil Maharashtra Navnirman Sena
Kashinath Kamble - Tyer Puncturewala Independent
Kori Swati Mahesh Janata Dal (Secular)
Mohan Aappa Kamble Independent
Mohan Prakash Patil Independent
Namadev Basavant Sutar Independent
Nayak Sagar Bhima Bahujan Samaj Party
Nitin Narayan Patil Independent
Pruthviraj Ganapatrao Desai Bhartiya Navjawan Sena (Paksha)
Ravindra Vitthalrao Patil (Ravidada) Peasants And Workers Party Of India
Sangramsingh Bhagyeshrao Desai Alias Sangramsingh Kupekar Jan Surajya Shakti
Vitthalrao Alias Sambhajirao Babasaheb Desai Independent

2014 Election -  All Constituencies - Candidates

Candidates of Political Parties of 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Elections

BJP   - INC  -  MNS  -  NCP -   Shiv Sena

2009 MLA


Maharashtra 2024  Assembly Elections -  Constituencies. 
Kolhapur District

Chandgad - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Hatkanangle - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Ichalkaranji - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kagal - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election

Karvir - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kolhapur North - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Kolhapur South - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election - Candidates

Radhanagari - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Shahuwadi - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Shirol - Maharashtra State Assembly Constituency MLA - 2024 Election Candidates

Maharashtra Assembly - All Constituencies Information