Thursday, October 19, 2017

Raashtra Hitaaya Vedam - Vasudha Hitaaya Vedam - Pura Hitaaya Vedam - Kutumbha Hitaaya Vedam - Vyakti Hitaaya Vedam

Veda for the good of the World, Nation, Town and Individual

Raashtra Hitaaya Vedam - Vasudha Hitaaya Vedam - Pura Hitaaya Vedam - Kutumbha Hitaaya Vedam - Vyakti Hitaaya Vedam

The responsibility of purohits has to be increased and they have to be given additional inputs to promote the good of the country, state, district, town, family and individuals.

Veda schools have to teach the science and theory of social welfare so that they think of applying the knowledge contained in Vedas for upliftment of the society on a continuous basis. Along with the training in recitation of vedas, the meaning of vedas for at least some chapters must be taught to the students so that they develop interest in learning of the meaning of Vedas and continue learning the meaning of whole veda through computer based learning and also through the reading of books.

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