Friday, March 3, 2017

Current Indian Nationalism is Still Nationalism of Resistance Only

Ashutosh Varshney, in the article "Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Rationality" (Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Mar., 2003), pp. 85-99 ) categorized nationalism into nationalism of resistance and nationalism of exclusion. He equated hindu nationalism with Hitler's anti semitism and described it as nationalism of exclusion. Any reader of India's modern history will not agree with it. People practising Sanatana Dharma or Vedic Religion or the present name - Hindu Religion are downgraded to second rate or even third grade people in their native land for centuries. Their places of worship were razed to the ground and places of worship of other religions were built in their place. Taxes were imposed on them for allowing them to maintain their religion. Their language was displaced by the language of the foreigners as the language of law and education for centuries. The native intellectuals were put into all sorts of distress and the education and the knowledge and skill levels of native people were made to deteriorate by the foreigners in power. The modern hindu nationalism started as Hindu Sabha in Lahore in response to a prophecy by a British intellectual that in Punjab there would be no Hindu, if the existing population trends were to continue.

From the time Hindu Sabha was organized to the present day, the grievances of the Hindu community were not redressed. No doubt, India became an independent country, and the rulers changed. Majority of the elected representatives and ministers were Hindus and are Hindus. But the political strategy of the ruling party emphasized the conflict perspective of Marxism and made certain organized religions and castes as their vote banks and allowed the grievances of Hindu community to increase over the years. The left parties are trying to create divisions in the Indian Nation to further their capturing of power with their theories of conflict as the basis of power capturing. The left parties have no problem if the Kashmir problem intensifies. It is ok for them if it provides an opportunity to them to capture power somewhere. Probably even in states, where left is in power, it is only trying to escalate conflict in some form or other in the society. It is more interested in creating chaos that is suitable for capturing of power by them than in the development of the state as a whole.

Hindu society is a society with deep divisions. Multiple geographies, cultures, deities of worship, and languages and then the caste system resulted in distinct divisions despite the uniting thread of Vedas, Puranas and Piligrimate places. Hindu nationalism wanted to bring an organization that increases unity among this society. The job is still incomplete. As yet India does not have a national language that is spoken by all the people. English, a foreign language is still used as a court language and government correspondence language.

Indian nationalism is still trying to resist the foreign interests domination of the country. Global capital is knocking on the frontiers to occupy the best business areas and drive away native entrepreneurs into employed classes. The foreign religion missionaries are still active and maintaining the infrastructure that they built during the years when their religious fellowmen were rulers of India. The foreigners plundered India and made it a poor country. They are transferring small amounts of money today and demanding big concessions to further their interests. The persons who are benefiting from the doles are actively campaigning to further the interests of foreigners.

India has not yet become free from foreign domination. Hindus are yet to emerge from the atrocities committed by foreigners as free people who can exercise their choice freely and develop their own destiny as per their intellectual illumination. Officially India is not a British colony any more. But in practical terms it is still a colony under the influence of foreign interests. Indian nationalism as a resistance movement has to fight many more years and the people involved in the fight have to sacrifice for many more years.

Nationalism should not be equated with Fascism

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Updated 13 March 2017, 3 March 2017

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