Monday, August 8, 2016

Prosper India Movement - 9 August 2016 Resolution

Commit Yourself to India's Prosperity - Param Vaibhav Bharat

$42 trillion GDP by 2050 in PPP terms

$27.937 trillion GDP by 2050 in Market Exchange terms

Quit India Movement was started on 9 August 1942. India is celebrating its 75th occurrence on 9 August 2016.  What is the appropriate movement that has to be launched today. It has to be Prosper India Movement.

There may be many mistakes in the way we did things for the last 69 year. But God is a kind being. He has to bless us despite our shortcomings. He has to respond favourably to the sacrifices of freedom fighters and prayers of many others. The situation seems to be favourable to India to prosper.

The new movement that Indians have to launch on 9 August 2016  is the


All Indians have to do their best for the economic prosperity of the country. But do not forget ethics. Do not become greedy and try to become rich by robbing your fellow beings. Gandhi said on 8 August 1942 that nonviolence is the way to attain freedom.  Morality and ethical economic activity has to be the foundation for the Prosper India Movement. Gandhi said do or die. Either get freedom and die in nonviolently demonstrating for freedom. In the ethical business also the positive side is build an economic activity that flourishes. But if the activity fails, do not resort to unethical practices to make it living longer. Let the activity die but not your commitment to ethics. Be ready to live as a pauper in an ethical society rather than as a rich man in a society full of cheats.

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